Can We Have A Serious, Mature Discussion on Abortion?

I think the man should have as much say as a women. If we're gonna be honest and mature, lets keep it real.

If a women doesn't want to get pregnant/ have kids.. she wont. Women have like 9 forms of BC and dudes only have 1. So if she ends up pregnant off of an accident, she shouldn't be the only one dictating all 3 lives.
Do you recognize the irony in light of your views in the gun control thread?

You mean the one where I explicitly state I'm in favor of women's reproductive rights? I don't consider the fetus to be living and more than that I think the actual answer to unwanted pregnancy is prevention and proper education and a complete overhaul in our culture but barring that I don't feel people's bodies should be used as political battlegrounds. What exactly is the conflict in not wanting people who are living and breathing to be killed by things people don't need to own but recognizing that something that is not yet born could ultimately be terminated if the person who is carrying decides that's the course they want to take because ultimately it's their body and I don't deserve a say.

Do you recognize the irony that most of the people who stand outside abortion clinics with anti-abortion slogans are also in favor of the death penalty?

Do you recognize the irony that most of the people who fight to keep lax gun laws in place under the guise of civil rights are the same people to turn around and tell gay people they don't deserve to get married?
I should've elaborated before you pulled out the soapbox. I apologize. My point was that outlawing something that people want badly enough does not end it, but leaves us with 'unforeseen' consequences.
What makes you or me more "alive" than a fetus? Is there a point where a human being suddenly becomes alive? Could you elaborate on that point and your reasoning behind it? It would depend on your definition of life (and by extension, human life), which is essentially what the abortion debate boils down to.
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A man should certianly have a say. But the women has more say because its her body.
I should've elaborated before you pulled out the soapbox. I apologize. My point was that outlawing something that people want badly enough does not end it, but leaves us with 'unforeseen' consequences.

You're comparing access to proper medical care and facilities to being allowed to own a weapon designed to kill.

Secondly, guns are legal and we have a huge problem with gun violence. Abortion used to illegal and we had a huge problem with women having to go to shady places to get abortions. If the way you're doing things is giving you problems you need to change the way you do things.

What makes you or me more "alive" than a fetus? Is there a point where a human being suddenly becomes alive? Could you elaborate on that point and your reasoning behind it? It would depend on your definition of life (and by extension, human life), which is essentially what the abortion debate boils down to.

Read this or any of the millions of articles debating the same thing. How about we boil it down to brain activity or consciousness both of which occur after the time when you're legally able to receive abortions in most cases.
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Read this or any of the millions of articles debating the same thing. How about we boil it down to brain activity or consciousness both of which occur after the time when you're legally able to receive abortions in most cases.

So a human is "alive" when it has brain activity and is conscious? How about a person in a coma? Are they "alive"? What is your definition of human life? How about your definition of life? What makes human life different than that of life in general?
Boys and girls wanna hear a true story?
Saturday night was at this real wild party
They had the liquor overflowin' the cup, about
5 or 6 strippers tryin to work for a buck
and I-took one girl outside wit me, her name
was Mya, she went to Junior High wit me,
I said, Why you up in there dancin for cash?,
I guess a whole lots changed since I seen you last
She said..

What would you do? If your son was at home
crying all alone on the bedroom floor, cuz he's hungry
and the only way to feed him is ta sleep wit a man
for a little bit of money, and his daddy's gone
somewhere smokin' rock now, in and out of lock down,
I aint gotta job now, so for you this is just a good time
but for me this is what I call life...

This song would never have happened if she just got an abortion.

I used to ask teachers this in high school when they would ask if we had any questions :lol:
wait wut?
edited my post cause i was just spouting nonsense because abortion topics really grind my gears.

the point was we say we claim it's just a fetus and its not a life and doesn't mean ****.
but I'm sure folks would be outraged if a restaurant opened and served fetus soup.

the only difference between killing a fetus because its left handed, or has a certain characteristic vs. having an abortion, is we have abortions because we decide the fetus is an inconvenience for us.

honestly to me its like me taking a kids xbox 360 straight out oft he box brand new... and smashing it into pieces. and saying it wasn't an xbox 360 yet because we never turned the power on
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I'm 100% all for abortions. Why bring a innocent child in this world when a couple can't give it anything or raise it properly?

Luckily I won't ever be in a situation to force a woman to have an abortion.
I'm 100% all for abortions. Why bring a innocent child in this world when a couple can't give it anything or raise it properly?
Luckily I won't ever be in a situation to force a woman to have an abortion.
There's a thing called adoption. If a couple is dumb enough to have a baby knowing they cant take care or provide for one. They should grow up and realize that he/she is still a human life that shouldnt be ended because of two idiots' mistake of not strapping up.

Just saying though.
There's a thing called adoption. If a couple is dumb enough to have a baby knowing they cant take care or provide for one. They should grow up and realize that he/she is still a human life that shouldnt be ended because of two idiots' mistake of not strapping up.

Just saying though.
Adoption has a lot of grey areas though. Those orphanages are rough places to live and many kids never end up getting placed with families. People often go for white infants, leaving many kids to actually grow up those places. Lots of orphanages are underfunded. Foster families are often a hit a miss. Many of them are just in it for the check. Lots of kids coming from orphanages end up with issues as well.

I agree that abortion is not something to be used lightly but adoption doesn't always guarantee a peachy life. My mother has two adopted kids and you can tell the toll that living in an orphanage has had on one. Somethings she will probably never get over, even though she has a family now.  
White shirt kept looking to her crew for backup. :lol:

(4) Pro-Choicer Defeated By Simple Logic - Kristan Hawkins - YouTube

I've been seeing this a lot lately.
Young adults wanting chant & hold signs.
But when it's time for a serious dialogue, they look stumbled it sometimes fall into a learning session.
^ Them doing EVERYTHING in their power to find ways to NOT call an aborted baby a LIVING being is hilarious.

This comment from one of the videos stood out

"YouTube has been showing me a lot of videos of this woman and it’s a completely different environment when there is a woman (specially a mom as she is) answering questions regarding this theme. I totally respect the way she does, the respect she have for this girls and the truly concerns she shows to have about their future. And I have to say, totally respect for the girls who genuinely debate because they believe they’re in the right side. Sad thing that nowadays much of the people defend things they don’t even believe but they just want to be part of a cause."

A lot of the students run to the same arguments. :lol:

"A Clump of Cells"
"Not self sufficient"

She is cooking those folks man.

Villanova looked sad LOL -

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