Can I have a racial discussion with you guys? My wealthy hometown is being devestated by thugs.

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I was just at the mall last weekend and I personally witnessed 3 "grab and goes" where people grab an expensive item and just book for the door and there was also a fight. The arrested were African American youth and all from Detroit or Southfield which is like 10 minutes south. This is one of the most exclusive "tony" malls in the midwest with a Louis, Gucci, Burberry, Tiffany, Saks, Neiman stores. One of the items stolen was a $45,000(!!!) watch. My Mom's friends won't even go there anymore on the weekends because it's getting so out of hand. Further, there are three bars in town that are having issues with violence and one had to shut down because of two separate incidents involving gunfire. :stoneface: Those arrested are never from the town, or any of the affluent neighboring cities. This is literally one of the safest and most affluent towns in America.

Is there anything my hometown can do? I say this is a racial discussion because the perps are usually African Americans from or around the nearest city. I know Detroit has a lot of problems but damn, now that crime is literally choosing to drive to our doorstep and cause problems here. Like to drive to that specific mall the perps pass like 3 or 4 malls. And to come out to those bars they're driving at least 20 minutes from home. Why?

I take it op is talking about somerset mall. yea in port huron north of you detroit thugs are taking over
This has little to do with race and more so to do with the social structure.

I believe your under the impression the poor and sometimes reckless people should remain in their area, and should
Kept away from the. Rich and well off
It's telling how this becomes an "issue" when as you put it, "crime is literally choosing to drive to [your] doorstep...." Was crime, as it relates to the thread, a concern of yours when it was mainly an inner-city problem? Fact is, you're just as much responsible for the upsurge in criminality, within your neighborhood, as these so called thugs. You can thank your former passivity. The same goes for your "wealthy" neighbors as well.
And lastly, this is NOT a racial issue. Don't deceive yourself.
Pretty sure families here pay a million bucks for a crib to keep the riff raff out. If these idiots want to shoot up crowds and rob people for some jeans or glasses than we prefer to be as far away from them as possible.
Ok I was wrong but only because the way you described the situation. You made it seem as if a bunch of young black teens were in the store grabbing **** at once. This was a one man incident
That happens too. That flash theft stuff or whatever. Do I really need to deluge the thread with 100 examples? I'm sure you guys get the point.
In 10 years when this white underclass really starts to explode , threads like this will be more interesting.

What is that supposed to mean?
Crime really doesnt have racial boundaries. No matter the race, people commit crime. You happen to see some African Americans commit a crime, doesnt mean that every crime in your area is committed by an African American. So the discussion you should be having instead is why is there so much crime in the area? What has changed in the area? Get down to the root cause of why the crime rate is rising in your area, instead of pointing a finger at a group of people.

I'm asking you guys why people from Detroit are literally driving to my doorstep to commit crimes. I don't know. Seems like it would be more efficient to commit the crimes where you actually live. It's not like those arrested live in this town. People that have a million dollar crib aren't stealing Tru religion jeans or firing Glocks into crowds.

I'll use a different example:

If I am a criminal living in Southside, Richmond where the stores we have are like Shoe City and Citi Trends....would I try to commit a theft from those stores where the most expensive item might be around $200 or would I drive 15 minutes up the road to the higher class Stony Point Mall where the Saks and LV store is and I can make a come up? Simple mathematics my dude.
I'll use a different example:
If I am a criminal living in Southside, Richmond where the stores we have are like Shoe City and Citi Trends....would I try to commit a theft from those stores where the most expensive item might be around $200 or would I drive 15 minutes up the road to the higher class Stony Point Mall where the Saks and LV store is and I can make a come up? Simple mathematics my dude.
What about the bars? Why are they choosing to drive to the bars? Like bars are usually a neighborhood thing, which is why there are soooo many, literally everywhere. But the shooters are driving 20+ miles to go drink and cause problems. It's not a racial thing, nobody cares who visits a town if they're respectful. But when SHOOTINGS start occurring it's insane.
People are broke and hungry everywhere. There aren't jobs for these young guys so they resort to crime. Plain and simple. The real issue is that my black people would rather pick up a pistol and a glass pot than a book to find a way out..
People are broke and hungry everywhere. There aren't jobs for these young guys so they resort to crime. Plain and simple. The real issue is that my black people would rather pick up a pistol and a glass pot than a book to find a way out..
Robbing someone for Cartier glasses, shooting up a bar in an exclusive town, fighting at the mall you don't live near, intimidating pedestrians that actually live in the town, grab and goes for denim jeans helps "broke and hungry" people?
It's telling how this becomes an "issue" when as you put it, "crime is literally choosing to drive to [your] doorstep...." Was crime, as it relates to the thread, a concern of yours when it was mainly an inner-city problem? Fact is, you're just as much responsible for the upsurge in criminality, within your neighborhood, as these so called thugs. You can thank your former passivity. The same goes for your "wealthy" neighbors as well.

And lastly, this is NOT a racial issue. Don't deceive yourself.


Pretty sure families here pay a million bucks for a crib to keep the riff raff out. If these idiots want to shoot up crowds and rob people for some jeans or glasses than we prefer to be as far away from them as possible.

Once again, you obviously care nothing about deterring crime and/or inhibiting criminal behavior itself. So why are you complaining now? Ohh yeah that's right--because you now occupy the role of the victim, and that's why there is an issue.

You don't care when others--those who are obviously less fortunate and cannot afford to just pack up and move away from criminality--are victims. Why should anyone care when selfish folks like you are then victimized?

Invest in the well being of others and your quality of life will only get better. It's unfortunate that too many in this country are oblivious to this.

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op, you and the other wealthy people of your hometown should just build a wall to keep all these ruffians out of your malls and bars and such. maybe a moat as well
I'll use a different example:

If I am a criminal living in Southside, Richmond where the stores we have are like Shoe City and Citi Trends....would I try to commit a theft from those stores where the most expensive item might be around $200 or would I drive 15 minutes up the road to the higher class Stony Point Mall where the Saks and LV store is and I can make a come up? Simple mathematics my dude.

What about the bars? Why are they choosing to drive to the bars? Like bars are usually a neighborhood thing, which is why there are soooo many, literally everywhere. But the shooters are driving 20+ miles to go drink and cause problems. It's not a racial thing, nobody cares who visits a town if they're respectful. But when SHOOTINGS start occurring it's insane.

Some people like diversity, so if my area only has one type of girl that goes to the local bar/club, but the wealthy area bars have a mixture of women a few minutes up the road....that is where I am going. Some places and guys might not like guys from another town frequenting their places and taking their women....they cause a conflict, fights break out, shootings, etc. etc.
Crime isnt a race issue, its a poverty issue. Most ppl who feel they have no chance or help decide that crime is the fastest and only chance out.
Some people like diversity, so if my area only has one type of girl that goes to the local bar/club, but the wealthy area bars have a mixture of women a few minutes up the road....that is where I am going. Some places and guys might not like guys from another town frequenting their places and taking their women....they cause a conflict, fights break out, shootings, etc. etc.
Are you REALLY suggesting that people from my hometown get jealous that people from Detroit are taking their girls?
Here's the reality: people from my hometown stopped going to those places as soon as the crime started happening. All of the crime there is out of town people vs. out of town people, period. It's almost like they want an elegant affluent backdrop for their crimes. Or maybe it's easier to pretend to be a rich person at a bar twice a week than it is to work hard and actually become a rich person that can afford to live and party there, you know?
It's telling how this becomes an "issue" when as you put it, "crime is literally choosing to drive to [your] doorstep...." Was crime, as it relates to the thread, a concern of yours when it was mainly an inner-city problem? Fact is, you're just as much responsible for the upsurge in criminality, within your neighborhood, as these so called thugs. You can thank your former passivity. The same goes for your "wealthy" neighbors as well.
And lastly, this is NOT a racial issue. Don't deceive yourself.
You know Detroit receives more in federal and state school funding than like any district in the nation, yet is one of the most under performing? You know Detroit is like ground zero for political corruption?
@ trying to blame me. We'd love for Detroit to be safe and lots of "wealthy" people try to help it. You think we like that we can't even really stop for gas in that city without the risk of a stickup? Stop.
:rofl: This guy trollin.

Tell us again how affluent you're home town is OP. :lol: Not sure youll find anyone to give you the magic trick that keeps black folk out of your town.

Maybe you could put your town on wheels and move it the $$*% away from Detroit.
So then you're talking about "PERPS", not African Americans.
If they were all white Cheddar Bobs from the the 313 coming and causing trouble then this discussion wouldn't be racial, would it?
My concerns would be no more or less valid.

I mentioned African Americans because of the racial makeup of Detroit, instead of dancing around the racial makeup, and before somebody said "Oh so your issue is with BLACK PEOPLE." I disclosed that yes, these perps are generally African American. My issue is with criminals. Why are they driving to my town and causing problems?
You know...avoiding still kinda racist... I'm not sure if you've comprehended that.

So in thinking that you could just "put it out there" in the beginning makes it seem like you really want to talk about black people, even though you claim its not the crux of your argument.

Start over, but this time just focus on whats high-lighted in yellow.
I'll use a different example:
If I am a criminal living in Southside, Richmond where the stores we have are like Shoe City and Citi Trends....would I try to commit a theft from those stores where the most expensive item might be around $200 or would I drive 15 minutes up the road to the higher class Stony Point Mall where the Saks and LV store is and I can make a come up? Simple mathematics my dude.
What about the bars? Why are they choosing to drive to the bars? Like bars are usually a neighborhood thing, which is why there are soooo many, literally everywhere. But the shooters are driving 20+ miles to go drink and cause problems. It's not a racial thing, nobody cares who visits a town if they're respectful. But when SHOOTINGS start occurring it's insane.
My parents live 30 minutes outside of a major city. When I visit them, should only stay on their side of town when I go out?

Just say what you want to say already. If you're going to be PC, be that. If you're going to start a race riot, do that.

You just don't want them in your neighborhood...thats understandable if they're causing problems, I guess, but then for you to assert that they can go elsewhere MERELY because you want them to? I hope you see the problem with that. 

But since you want to have a "racial discussion" lets play by your terms and say what you really want to say: You don't want black people going to your nice bars and restaurants because they're liable to cause problems.

Let me ask you something. Have you ever seen a bar fight at a non-minority bar? 
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You know...avoiding still kinda racist... I'm not sure if you've comprehended that.

So in thinking that you could just "put it out there" in the beginning makes it seem like you really want to talk about black people, even though you claim its not the crux of your argument.

Start over, but this time just focus on whats high-lighted in yellow.
If I said criminals from the D it would immediately turn into blacks. I'm just being transparent. Stop diverting attention to how I phrased something and tell me why these crooks are driving so far to party and commit crimes? Is this the instagram effect where you get to post photos of you in "MAKING MOVES *in insert affluent town*" even though you don't have a job and you're scheming to hit a lick?

Do gangs in LA hit up and cause problems on Rodeo Drive?
This guy trollin.
Tell us again how affluent you're home town is OP.
Not sure youll find anyone to give you the magic trick that keeps black folk out of your town.
Maybe you could put your town on wheels and move it the $$*% away from Detroit.
It's 20 minutes away from Detroit.

UES of NYC is closer to the the worst part of the bronx and queens

Beverly Hills is less than 20 away from ground zero of west coast gangs

Gold Coast in the Chi is 10 min train from the wild 100s
In 10 years when this white underclass really starts to explode , threads like this will be more interesting.
What is that supposed to mean?
It means the demographics of the country are radically changing and you're going to start seeing the remnants of white privilege get more obvious and blatant.

This year there were more non-white births in the US than "white" births... i.e. the chants to "Take our country back!"

Since Obama got elected there was a spike in the number of militia groups and gun purchases (some say they thought it was because Obama would restrict gun sales...and he hasn't).

I argue that Obama's election made it ok to be a little more openly racist.

Couple that with the use of more "Dog-Whistle Politics and Phrases" used against the president than we've ever seen then you'll see where I'm going with this... 
This Thread Would Have Been So Much Better If You Excluded Race, A Specific City, And 'Perps.'

If You Really Have An Issue Run For Office Or Complain To Your Officials/Police.

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