Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (November 4, 2014)

:lol: Superb. Still Tryna lie over **** no one even cared about. Why wouldn't you just post a pic of the disc or your gamer tag in game?
Superb. Still Tryna lie over **** no one even cared about. Why wouldn't you just post a pic of the disc or your gamer tag in game?
you know what Im saying .... 

dude looking for some type of NT props because he claimed he had the game 10 days before release ... like no you didnt but if you did, who cares ... hahahahaha
My little sister is a pathological liar like that. Like the issue at hand is not even an issue and completely inconsequential, why you wasting my time with a lie? I didn't even care, but the **** so transparent now I feel I gotta address it.
lmao... Dude why are you stealing peoples picture and passing them as your own? Buahahahaha... Just screen shots and no game play and further more look at the ps4 and xbox one labels and you are looking for xbox 360 players ... Buahahahahahahahaha im dying here man ... You have issues ... Yes yes we know u have the game for all the system and you still play them all and u r beta testing ps5..... Give me a break.

Once again I sold those games for 3 times the amount

I don't have a xbox one just a ps4 and xbox360 modded so yes I used the iso for the xbox

Ps4 I didn't even bother because I'm going to find somebody who want to trade it with a xbox one
In other news, I'm currently upset with the game...

I had to shut it down earlier I got so heated..

How the hell I'ma die while I'm shooting at the person that's in the middle of shooting my teammate standing a few feet from me?

I mean I put holes right thru him while he wasn't even looking at me and I still end up dead..

So yeah, I cut that b____h right off...

Yeah the hit detection on this game is trash. I just shot this fool 6 times and he shoots me 3 times and I'm dead? Don't get me started on the spawns. I like the game, but they need to fix this. 
Yeah the hit detection on this game is trash. I just shot this fool 6 times and he shoots me 3 times and I'm dead? Don't get me started on the spawns. I like the game, but they need to fix this. 
Call of duty spawning is never going to be fixed. The maps are made to be action packed and as long as one team is all facing in one general direction, the spawn will be predictable and "camp-able".
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Cant wait for the first patch. Curious to see what SH is gonna do. They better fix this booty connection and spawns.

Along with buffing up the other guns esp the sub machine.
This game is awesome so far. I don't get why anyone is comparing this to titanfall. They have more differences than similarities. The tech in the game reminds me of Killzone Sahdowfall at times.
Only played online once but if anyone wanna add me my name is jockndeez. I'm down to play with anyone.
I just spent an hour playing this game. I'll probably keep it until the end of the week before I return it. I think they've finally killed Call of Duty.
I think the first time I heard this was in 2009....6 years later.
You'll be buying cod next year.

Yeah because you're clairvoyant and can see me blowing $60 on a first person shooter where people can boost jump 40 feet in the air and shoot with the accuracy of the DC Snipers again.
This game is awesome so far. I don't get why anyone is comparing this to titanfall. They have more differences than similarities. The tech in the game reminds me of Killzone Sahdowfall at times.
this. honestly disliked when people would say that about this game because they feel so different to each other. the core gameplay in this still retains the classic CoD feel while TF has a much more fast paced and agile element to it. i think comparing either of the 2 is unfair to the other
Snipers are pretty useless in this game. I can get to their location in no time, especially after they leave a smoke stream from their shot. Boost jump while their in a window and hit em point blank with a shotgun. First shotgun is basically a repackaged Remington, if I can get a long barrel on it it'll be my secondary.
I'm really enjoying this game. Servers do need to be fixed though, but online multiplayer is mad fun nonetheless. Huge upgrade from ghosts..
Snipers are pretty useless in this game. I can get to their location in no time, especially after they leave a smoke stream from their shot. Boost jump while their in a window and hit em point blank with a shotgun. First shotgun is basically a repackaged Remington, if I can get a long barrel on it it'll be my secondary.
Snipers seem to be better for hardcore. Cut you down before you even can figure out where they are.

And speaking of hardcore I hate that 5-15 sec respawn wait
Had some pretty good runs this morning..

Better than yesterday when I almost broke the controller lol..
Yeah me too.. I upped my sensitivity and that helped alot since you got dudes everywhere but i'm starting to get annoyed trying to adapt to this gameplay. I'm not doing too bad with 1.5 kd but still.. I'm tired of this lag, hit detection and spawning. Just doesn't make the game fun after a while. Copping Halo tomorrow and letting this sit till they patch it. I'm done with this game for now.
I can't get with the boost jumping and hovering. I will never be cool with that. I can return it and get $40 or hold out for a bonus trade in at this point.
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