Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare (November 4, 2014)

Lol I mean I guess, but if you're a killer on the sticks then you'll have no problem ranking up..

Besides, u get to pick a weapon to unlock forever to start with..
dont you start with the BAL though? thats the best gun in the game 

Ever since i put on stock on that BAL I been untouchable bruh. Getting a hang of this game a lot quicker.

Cant wait to see what competitive is gonna be like.
I did a lot better tonight than the first night. I still don't know if I'm gonna keep it though. It looks like all of my friends passed on this release.
dont you start with the BAL though? thats the best gun in the game :lol:

Ever since i put on stock on that BAL I been untouchable bruh. Getting a hang of this game a lot quicker.

Cant wait to see what competitive is gonna be like.

The BAL is sumthin serious

But I didnt start with that gun

I started with the Day Zero guns, the AK12-G and the EM1 Quantum

I started messing the BAL only a couple days ago, after someone mentioned it in here, had no idea it was that lethal

Sir, please explain..

What's dumb is the respawn .. What's dumb is how I have hit markers on dudes and they don't die.. What's dumb is the out of bounds perimeters..

To prestige=dumb? Yes, I need to hear(read) this..

All of this, the respawn with exo juice and you can typically get the revenge kill especially in Detroit. Maybe put a
time limit on when exo's can be used after a death?

Not sure but I went HAM yesterday with MK14 once I got silencer, red dot and grip. First shotgun gives more
hit markers than I would like but it's good, wish it had a damage attachment of some type.
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Anyone down to play on ps4???

I just started playing online after campaign. Add me

Psn: kellypitts69

I feel u bruh, just takes some getting used to

I hate dying btw

Seems like I'm always the one on my team who's died the most thru out the session smh

Happens to me sometimes too.
Sometimes I'll have a good K/D, sometimes know.
In a face off gun fight it all depends who fires first or who has the stonger/faster gun.

Start off with Domination or Kill Confirmed. Then when you get better go to TDM
The servers are trash... Always crashing and always seem to be on a lag. That's the most frustrating thing.
I never had crashing issues but my connection is randomly dropping to 1 bar during games and that seems to be the times I get murked. I'll give it some time to stabilize.
Happens to me sometimes too.
Sometimes I'll have a good K/D, sometimes know.
In a face off gun fight it all depends who fires first or who has the stonger/faster gun.

Start off with Domination or Kill Confirmed. Then when you get better go to TDM

Nah im not a newbie bruh

I'm prestige lvl 13

All I run is HC TDM

I was just stating about how often my deaths are sometimes accumulated faster than teammates at times, maybe bcuz I'm all over the map and they're just chillin in the cut
K/D steadily hovering at 1.2. I'm either really on or really off most the time. So inconsistent. SMH. Game is fun though...I'll give it that. I just really need hit detection to be fixed....I'm unloading entire clips into dudes and they just fly off like nothing happened.
Same. Connections still dropping, I cut the game off last night because on 5 separate occasions I point blank shot guys from behind with the rail handgun and they took no damage turned around and killed me.
Same. Connections still dropping, I cut the game off last night because on 5 separate occasions I point blank shot guys from behind with the rail handgun and they took no damage turned around and killed me.

I would have done the same thing. I have no tolerance for lame @#%@ like that. Connection issues happen for me during game
and it just makes me rage. The spawns are just issues with the exo and being able to jump all over screwing up the system. Not
sure how they can fix that, but they need to add way more damage to the MK. Getting 4 hit markers with that gun makes no sense.

I went back to the BAL after using it day one and my K/D sky rocketed. I was trolling and just enjoying the game using shotguns..etcand getting melted. Nothing but sweaty lobbies with try hard's after 7pm I swear.
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