Bulls offseason Thread

I know I'm not the only one just saw Pooh dunking off stride WITH 2!!!

I don't see him missing the whole season, regardless of whats going on behind doors.

He was going left so he jumped off his right leg... I would've rathered they showed him doing drills driving right so it would give us an opportunity to see him go off that left leg.
I agree with you, but its just the signs of D Rose withdrawal. That literally is his only highlight this season.

No hope for this week but I expect him back this year.
I know he a super athlete and all but that video impresses me because I could never dunk off stride. I always needed two to get up there
i think he will take the full season off ... he has to be mentally ready ... the way he plays and drives ... keep recovering d rose ...
Dav0 I can see him coming back for a few games just to see where he's at. If he doesnt play a game this season then his mental state couldn't be much better in that he still wouldn't know what he can or can't do in a game.

If he wants to play it safe, come back for a few games and see where ya at. Whether he good or not just announce there was a setback and gear up for next season.

When did mike come back from his foot injury? Was it April? I really feel he should just get back for the feel of the game. If he wants to sit back down so be it.
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I think Mike broke his foot at the beginning of the year and came back in time for playoffs the same season. But it's comparing apples and oranges. Two different injuries.
Is it me or did anyone notice when Rose dunked he was very protective of that left leg by the he landed?
Lynch, he definitely landed on the same leg as the one he took off on. I will be grateful once he clears that mental hurdle. Its scary to see him with all that talent and abiltity being handcuffed with fear.

Amel,I understand they are two different injuries. I'm just trying to see how muh sense it actually makes for him to return in April. How long would it take him to get back in game-shape?
When I read about Rose's injury and recovery, I can't help but remember Baron Davis. Before Rosé, I thought I'd never see a PG as explosive and athletic ever again. Tore his ACL in his freshman year at UCLA, I think? Took him a while but gained his explosiveness back. Remember his dunk on AK47??
I don't get it, how in sam hell does one even contemplate the thought?

I pray they get it together. I do not want to see the Decision Part Deux
He needs a little over a month before the playoffs start to get into shape, so I estimate his window of opportunity to return at 2-2.5 weeks. I'm getting sad, guys. If he can't make the window, I'd rather shut him down.

To answer your question Antbanks, it doesn't make sense for him to return in April.
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I would have a deadline of the middle of March for him to come back. If hes not ready by then i say we just sit him. Like Amel said i would like to see him with a month of prep time
heavy minutes starting to show and missing drose. i mean i cant be mad it took till feb to show it. but damn we need him back
Tough loss, you can see guys are just starting to hit the wall out there. With Taj out its going to be a rough 2 weeks.

Just a tired team and minutes are catching up with Jo and Lu. Sucks
man losses like this hurt, and sadly they make me realize rose just shouldn't come back this year. This team is breaking down, and I think rose coming back would only make them depend on him more than he can handle right now
That's cool as hell he took the time to sign the jerseys. I can only imagine how much he has on his mind right now.
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