Bulls offseason Thread

my personal belief is you amnesty boozer and you target either tyreke evans or oj mayo, try to plug in Milsap obviously as a cheaper better version of boozer
You're out of your mind if you honestly believe that. We're worst than we were when we met them in the ECF and they're better than they were. So how can you honestly justify that belief outside of just being a homer? Besides you're just saying what exactly?

You want him to go out and recruit players when the Brass hadn't previously asked him to do that. At what point are they actually held accountable for their ineptitude? For their inability to lure players? When Harden didn't sign that extension Gar/Pax should've IMMEDIATELY BEEN ON THE PHONE TRYING... JUST ******G TRY. Instead they gave Kirk 4 million a year, he couldn't have gotten that figure ANYWHERE ELSE IN THIS LEAGUE. But it's Pooh's job to court the talent and bring it in, not the people who get paid to do it. if they prefer hearing from Pooh more than Gar than maybe... JUST MAYBE... the organization needs to change who has those capabilities. Maybe bring in someone who can actually get the job their paid to do done on some level.

I mean its not like this became accepted practice until it became public knowledge that Wade had been doing it all along. But now all of a sudden had Pooh made a couple of phone calls here and there who knows where this team could be. I remember y'all calling Wade all types of names for doing that ****, but now its cool and Pooh is wrong for the fact that he didn't do it off rip. Y'all can miss me with that ****. I said this was going to happen. I said that sooner or later the city was going to turn on him and start looking at him sideways or some type of way regardless of everything he gives in between those 4 lines. It happned a little sooner than I expected but sure as **** its here. This is exactly why the team is ran the way it is. I don't blame him if he leaves. Real rap.

Like I said y'all got it.

Yeh I have heard that a few times. but my opinion is just as good as yours or anyone else.

The Bulls are more offensively capable than they were with that team. Marco better than Korver all around. Nate better than Watson and Lucas. butler is a younger brewer without the broken arm J. We still got Taj. when healthy hinrich is a good backup PG. Bulls real downgrade from that team is at backup center and frontcourt depth. Bulls coach has more seasoning than he did first year. and noah and booz got that chemistry they didn't have that year. and booz isn't fighting turf toe.

Heat are same team. small inside with no real big man. they added ray ray and birdman. Lewis doesn't even play. They're not better BRON BRON is though.

Do you KNOW that Pax didn't make a call, send a text or email re Harden? What would the Bulls have to give up to get that?I don't know why this team can't land the big name FAs Cake. I don't think anyone does. They certainly don't. Maybe the fear of Mikes shadow is real afterall. I agree that this team needs someone that can make it happen in free agency, trades and the draft. Does anyone on this board REALLY KNOW what calls Pax is or isn't making.:smh:

None of us know how long this has been going on. Just all the social media and the lack of locker room secrecy has changed the game. IS IT THAT MUCH TO ASK FOR THE FRANCHISE TO REACH OUT TO PEOPLE THOUGH? Like a phone call is that serious? SO no one ever does anything outside of their scope of work in any field?

What did I say about Wade? If I can remember, everyone was pissed at Wade for talking down about Bulls and then wasting their time with interviews knowing he wasn't coming here. I remember you being the bandleader on the PLUCK WADE Group. You'll have to pull some quotes because I don't remember anyone being pissed for recruiting the better player in Bron.

And what exactly are WE to miss YOU with? If I hadn't met you, I'd think your last name was Rose. I haven't read or heard anyone "turning" on Rose, especially not on this thread. SO what are you talking bout man?

So what do we got besides a team waiting on its leader?

You say we're better while the heat are the same, with the same weaknesses its just Bron is tough... The thing about that is the Heat were better than us when it mattered and nothing about them has changed (besides LeBron playing the best basketball of his career, even better than he did the last two years) but several things about us have. We lost a lot with losing Omer, size, defense, rebounding all of the things that hurt the Heat. Him leaving hurt Taj's production all around as well. So our defense isn't what it was when we lost to the Heat 4-1. Hell even the team we lost 4-2 to Philly

You say that we're more offensively capable than last years team but we're ranked 28th in total offense. While Nate scores more & is more exciting than CJ was, CJ was a better PG (better at running the team & playing defense). Considering that we weren't nearly that bad with last years team even with Pooh being out for long stretches, and lost in the 1st round, I find it hard to believe that we could win with this years team.

As far as people turning on Derrick, maybe you don't listen to the ESPN 1000 but that Article that ColdCity posted... There were countless calls from fans doing everything from questiong his loyalty, healthy, worth, to echoing those sentiments written there.

But hey it is what it is. I'll just leave this discussion be. You Got It. We're Just Different. You're more pro the organization, me not so much. We see things through different eyes.
We arent amnestying Booz this year. Our cheap owner isnt going to pay him two years to go somewhere and the FO is saving their money on the summer of 14, when Deng comes off the books and then amnesty Booz.

Like i said before next years team will look the same. We just gave Taj a big extension that kicks in next year. That gives us 5 players making over 8 million, and a bunch of guys with 1 year deals. Theres no point in amnestying Booz this summer unless you just want to give Taj that time or want him off the team that bad.

We were built to win the past two seasons. One year we go out to Miami conf finals and the next Derrick gets hurt. Sometimes **** just happens.
reveal yourself NOW!


no idea why its upside down

I heard a caller on Waddle and Silvy say the same thing. Trade Rose for Love and Rubio...
I heard a caller on Waddle and Silvy say the same thing. Trade Rose for Love and Rubio...

Dude was trying to point out that you can't build around a player like Rose. What a fool. I wish Silvy was there to put him in place
Every move the bulls had done since the end of last season has been to cut cost. Every trade rumor about the bulls this yr had to do with cutting cost as well. Sure, we don't know what Paxson does behind the scenes and if he's been on the phones nonstop but what we do know doesn't paint the front office in the best light. You have to remember, this is the same front office who took forever to lock up thibs for a contract extension. This is a business first and foremost for them for sure.
no matter how you look at it, we are screwed until d rose comes back. and even then, the kid needs help.

yes, management blows but d rose should definitely reach out to other big name players if the opportunity presents itself. and yes, it is his job because he's part of the team.
i respect the fact that he wants to do it himself, but it's time to be realistic because history has proven that no 1 player can do it himself.

we'll never truly know what went down behind the scenes between miami and lbj, but on the outside it looks like d wade reached out and he's been to the finals every year since then.

in addition, if d rose's bro is saying what he said in public, what kind of conversations are him and derrick having behind closed doors?
guaranteed, he does not play his entire career with the bulls. he might retire a bull as pippen did, but he'll leave...........
if he were to leave, I don't see the ceremonial return like Pip. Pip won six. It would be a mess if Rose ever left. I couldn't see myself ever buying another Bulls anything if they blew this.

Any talks to trade Rose are stupid unless he morphs into D Howard, C Anthony or Bron towards end of contract. I understand his loyalty to the city and I hope like hell Reisendorf doesn't blow it.

This is bad because it won't change. The reisendorf family is like the mccaskeys with the bears. They will likely own them forever and they recognize their teams as cash cows.

Unfortunately, fans will never unite to send a message to ownership/management. Cubs fans show that best.
we own it but....

That pick is protected through the top 12 in 2013, top 10 in 2014 and top 8 in 2015. If the Bulls don’t get the pick by then, it’s unprotected in 2016. So if the Bobcats stay bad, the Bulls could see a windfall around the time Derrick Rose turns 28
we own it but....

That pick is protected through the top 12 in 2013, top 10 in 2014 and top 8 in 2015. If the Bulls don’t get the pick by then, it’s unprotected in 2016. So if the Bobcats stay bad, the Bulls could see a windfall around the time Derrick Rose turns 28

Definitely dont see them being much better next year, but i dont think it will last until 2016, if it did that would be great
I don't see them getting any better in the near future. I just don't see them cracking that top 8 in the east.
I know I'm not the only one just saw Pooh dunking off stride WITH 2!!!

I don't see him missing the whole season, regardless of whats going on behind doors.
Yup i saw it too, looked pretty easy. I think he's been doing it when he made that comment, which is understandable if he wants more time. I have no problem with him getting right mentally and physically. We are getting close to 10 months post surgery. I think he will be back in the next few weeks
He said himself after the Boston game that he would be playing if he were dunking off stride....THE RETURN....will they play Rakim- Guess Who's Back whenhe hits the court??
He probably wants to be able to dunk off stride with one leg. Any video of the Rose dunk?

*Edit* Saw the dunk. He didn't dunk with two legs but with one, and it was off his good leg. Didn't land on his bad leg either. Hoping to see similar videos surface soon.
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Watching games like today's game and vs. the Heat kills me...we could've been able to beat them if we had Derrick. Wish he gets back ASAP.
Yeh it's a problem losing to these teams, but it's about the bigger picture. We all know, including them , what would happen if he were playing. I'm so geeked for this. Will be like Christmas in March/April.
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