Bulls offseason Thread

I have to find my shirt now...

As an outside observer, I think Bulls have to consider sacrificing Taj to get Melo.

Best you guys can get is a $16mil offer first year, $6mil short on 1st year. But that comes with letting Brewer, James & Amundsen go, amnestying Boozer, and salary dumps of Greg Smith, Dunlevy & Snell.

If you tried to keep Taj, Dunlevy, Snell + picks, you have about $12mil to offer in cap space.

Bulls have a tight window, and very little flexibility when you consider that Butler will probably make 4x what he is now after this upcoming season, and Noah will be a free agent in 2016. I don't see them getting there, and you'll basically be maxed out potential team for the next few years. In 2017 when Rose is a free agent is when you'll have flexibility again.

Maybe it means getting a few picks in the future for Butler, or getting a cheap role player & picks to get as close to that $22mil mark that you can. Doesn't mean you have to do it without reassurance that Melo is coming. You can always negotiate with him, and say this is the number we have to offer, if he says yes then you go forward. If he wants to stay in NY, then you keep Taj.

But I don't think Taj gives you enough to ever get to the next level. He's a very good player, but Melo makes the team so much more dangerous if Rose can play at a high level in a way Taj never will be able to.
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As an outside observer, I think Bulls have to consider sacrificing Taj to get Melo.

Best you guys can get is a $16mil offer first year, $6mil short on 1st year. But that comes with letting Brewer, James & Amundsen go, amnestying Boozer, and salary dumps of Greg Smith, Dunlevy & Snell.

If you tried to keep Taj, Dunlevy, Snell + picks, you have about $12mil to offer in cap space.

Bulls have a tight window, and very little flexibility when you consider that Butler will probably make 4x what he is now after this upcoming season, and Noah will be a free agent in 2016. I don't see them getting there, and you'll basically be maxed out potential team for the next few years. In 2017 when Rose is a free agent is when you'll have flexibility again.

Maybe it means getting a few picks in the future for Butler, or getting a cheap role player & picks to get as close to that $22mil mark that you can. Doesn't mean you have to do it without reassurance that Melo is coming. You can always negotiate with him, and say this is the number we have to offer, if he says yes then you go forward. If he wants to stay in NY, then you keep Taj.

But I don't think Taj gives you enough to ever get to the next level. He's a very good player, but Melo makes the team so much more dangerous if Rose can play at a high level in a way Taj never will be able to.

I wouldn't mind giving up Taj only if we have a guarantee that Mitotic comes over otherwise we lack a starting PF.

Ideally you want to keep Taj and Butler - a lineup of Rose/Butler/Anthony/Gibson/Noah is well rounded. If Rose is healthy (a big IF) then you have two elite options on offense who are decent at defense, two great post defenders who are more than adequate on offense, and a great perimeter defender who isn't a liability on offense.
I wouldn't mind giving up Taj only if we have a guarantee that Mitotic comes over otherwise we lack a starting PF.

Ideally you want to keep Taj and Butler - a lineup of Rose/Butler/Anthony/Gibson/Noah is well rounded. If Rose is healthy (a big IF) then you have two elite options on offense who are decent at defense, two great post defenders who are more than adequate on offense, and a great perimeter defender who isn't a liability on offense.

Not sure what Mirotic's contract would be..

It's possible to keep Taj, but you'd have to give up Butler, Dunlevy, Snell & Smith. Also Mirotic would need To wait another year. And hope Melo leaves $4mil on the table per year.

My only thing about it is you guys have a good coach, decent team (definitely perennial playoffs) but Taj and Butler would have to make huge growth to get to next level of winning the East, let alone a title. Seems like you guys are somewhat at a ceiling.
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i wouldn't give up Taj ... i need Thibs to just be more open minded on offense ... he's too overconfident in the defense
Am I the only one who thinks we should bring over Mirotic and draft for now and the future ? I don't think we should gut out the team for 1 player.
Am I the only one who thinks we should bring over Mirotic and draft for now and the future ? I don't think we should gut out the team for 1 player.
Thatll be a last resort, and worst case scenario.

The Heat window is closing you got to figure they will take a step back for a year or 2, and then you have the pacers. other then that the East is wide open. you go all out to get melo or Love and build around that and go for broke the next 2-3 years with one of them on the roster.

I love what jimmy and Gibson bring to this team, but if T'Wolves want them for love how could you say no? if you have to move Gibson to open up $$ to get melo you wouldn't? this front office has failed to get creative with trades or working the cap space the last few years, the 1st time they did that was when they traded deng. and if we don't make any major moves this offseason that was a wasted trade.

only adding cheap roster spots, cutting boozer, keeping the draft picks and bringing over mirotic should be the last resort
Keep in mind that since it's been three years since Mirotic has been drafted, he is not subject to the rookie slot salary.

For instance, Faried was drafted one spot ahead of Mirotic in 2011 and obviously played the next season. He made $1.2M that season. Since Mirotic has waited three years, he could technically demand as much as he wants. Scola and Splitter have done this and when they came to the NBA they earned around $3M their first year. I believe Mirotic is making a littlle over $3M in U.S. dollars in Europe right now.

Just a FYI for you guys.
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