Brett Favre to retire

Wait, wait, wait.....your whole reasoning behind hating Favre is because of his fans?
Hate the fans not the players! There are plenty of delusional fans everywhere (you should hear how people in Akron/Canton/Cleveland talk about LeBron) but that doesn't mean you can't appreciate or at the least respect his game....real talk you hate him....because you're a hater.
Did you read my post?
The guy was a good football player, I can't deny it. No one can. Other than the more-or-less abysmal playoff record he's had in recent years, he will certainly go down in history as one of the best quarterbacks to ever play the game.
Nolan, you took your time to draw up that post for no reason.

Why did you post in this thread in the first place?

If you had ANY common sense, you know this post would be about remembering his feats and accomplishments.

Yet, you have to come through being an annoyance.

Good job wasting your time buddy.
Just because I spent a bit more time on my reply than saying "Its about time".

You WANT this post to be about remembering his feats and accomplishments. That doesn't mean that's what it needs to be. It's not all #*@#+*!sunshine, rainbows and lollipops when someone retires. Inevitably, there will be a discussion of non-"he was incredible" subjects.
nolan, get the hell out of this thread with your anti-Brett Favre BS...why is it on NT there has to be at least ONE person who starts spewing his crap when itsunnecessary?
who cares if everyone around Green Bay thought he was perfect...HANDS DOWN, he's one of the 5 best QB's ever to play the gameand he's calling it quits...last of the old guard like someone else said here (montana, elway, marino, young, aikman, etc.) and he's not going to acting like dude banged your girl or something...

some interesting quotes from this thread:

Agent says Favre wanted to play another year but felt Packers didn't want him
[email protected]

Quarterback Brett Favre told Green Bay Packers coach Mike McCarthy Monday night that he was going to retire.

But his agent, James (Bus) Cook, told the Journal Sentinel this morning that he believes Favre wants to play another year and didn't get the sense that the Packers wanted him back all that badly.

"It's my opinion," Cook said of the Packers' lack of interest. "I know he wants to play one more year. I do not know much conversation there was (between Favre and the Packers) and I don't think anyone forced him to make that decision. But I don't know that anyone tried to talk him out of it."

Cook said that Favre feels physically and mentally capable of playing at least one more year.

"I think he wanted to play," Cook said. " I think he's still got it. He knows he's still got it. I think he felt he could play one more year. I don't know if they told him they really wanted him to play. That's just the feeling I got."

Cook was asked whether he thought Favre could be talked into returning: "I don't know," he said.

McCarthy said recently that he and general manager Ted Thompson sat down during the bye week of the playoffs and evaluated tape of Favre to determine whether he could still play. McCarthy said that they came to the conclusion that he was still able to play the game at a high level.

During the off-season, there were reports that Thompson had not done much to encourage Favre to return and that Favre's feeling was that the Packers weren't fired up about bringing him back. After reports surfaced of Favre's uneasiness about Thompson's lack of communication, Thompson told reporters at the combine that he called Favre to talk about the future.

^did anyone else read that?
if its true...that's terrible on GB's part

I'll always remember him as a gunslinger who took shots because he was just a kid playing his favorite game trying to have fun out there.


I don't agree that he's one of the best QBs to have ever played. He was a really good QB with the only team that could've given him the opportunity to succeed in the way he did.

now, i usually agree with most of your posts and you know what the hell you're talking about 95% of the time but seriously:


that has to be one of the dumbest posts i've ever seen on S & T

to say he's NOT one of the best QB's to ever play is ludicrous (and i'm not a statistics nerd but HELLO!...he's basically #1 at every importantone there is at QB...that says a lot about his endurance + level of play)

@ Favre just being a "really good" QB

alright, man

But if you're going to hate just because a guy is so appreciated that it makes you sick, you suck at life.

Look at Ska going in...

that's so true though...and great post Ska
Originally Posted by Nolan3001

Nolan, you took your time to draw up that post for no reason.

Why did you post in this thread in the first place?

If you had ANY common sense, you know this post would be about remembering his feats and accomplishments.

Yet, you have to come through being an annoyance.

Good job wasting your time buddy.
Just because I spent a bit more time on my reply than saying "Its about time".

You WANT this post to be about remembering his feats and accomplishments. That doesn't mean that's what it needs to be. It's not all #*@#+*! sunshine, rainbows and lollipops when someone retires. Inevitably, there will be a discussion of non-"he was incredible" subjects.

Then save that for another day. Someone who's been in the game for 17 years just called it quits.

You will have plenty of time to dissect him and his career unmercifully for the next couple of years.

But for today, let the man breathe.
I am glad to see him retire by choice and not by injury.

I am also happy to know that GB has a good backup and that they can now go after (what's left of) free agents knowing that Farve won't be taking snaps.
I go to school at the University of Green Bay and right now people are just walking around like they just lost there best friend, everyones in shock, Idon't know of the packers without Brett Farve. He was a legend and will always be remembered, can't wait to see him in Canton, Ohio in 5 years.
Originally Posted by Nolan3001

Wait, wait, wait.....your whole reasoning behind hating Favre is because of his fans?
Hate the fans not the players! There are plenty of delusional fans everywhere (you should hear how people in Akron/Canton/Cleveland talk about LeBron) but that doesn't mean you can't appreciate or at the least respect his game....real talk you hate him....because you're a hater.
Did you read my post?
The guy was a good football player, I can't deny it. No one can. Other than the more-or-less abysmal playoff record he's had in recent years, he will certainly go down in history as one of the best quarterbacks to ever play the game.

Yet you are still spewing hate towards him. So not only are you aren't even consistent in your hate. If you are gonna hate, hate and be aloser. If you are gonna respect him, do that but don't hate. And I don't wanna hear how you aren't hating you are just being critical or pointingout his said as plain as day in your own post "You have no idea what it's like up here, man. Peopledon't dislike the guy because everyone else likes him. Well, maybe for the folks around the rest of the country, that may be the case. But up here, peopledislike him because of how much they dislike his fans. Is that fair to him? No." 100% hate.
I'm convinced that the hate for him has nothing to do with him. I'm convinced that the hate for him has to do with how much and how many people like him.
On the second point, if you're going to hate because the guy isn't perfect and you think that everyone thinks that he is, realize this: no one said he was perfect.
No one said he was perfect, the definition of 'NFL quarterback', or anything like that.
You're 100% wrong. Do you speak with Packers fans on a daily basis? Have you consistently gone to Packers games in Green Bay? Are you around the people that have worshipped this guy for the past 17 years? Your Yuku profile says you live in Kentucky. So I'd hazard a guess that you would probably need to answer "No" to all those questions.

I can answer "Yes" to all those questions. And there are a very large amount of those people that believe the man is a physical embodiment of perfection. I have been SPECIFICALLY told those exact words by Packers fans. He can do no wrong in their eyes. You talk about how you can't think of anyone who has more fun on the field than him? I can't think of a single player who is as consistently REVERED as him. People's lives REVOLVE around this guy, so much so that it is damn near unhealthy. He's a great player, but does he have faults? Yeah, he does.

You have no idea what it's like up here, man. People don't dislike the guy because everyone else likes him. Well, maybe for the folks around the rest of the country, that may be the case. But up here, people dislike him because of how much they dislike his fans. Is that fair to him? No. Does it matter in the whole scheme of things? Not really.

#1- O.K., so there are people that say he's perfect. And they're in Wisconsin.
I'm sure there were (and probably still are) Jordan fans in Chicago thatare fairly convinced that we all exist because Jordan allows us to continue existing. And I'm sure there are Bird fans in Boston that are fairly certainthat Bird has no less than 42 PhDs, in various things ranging from Geological Sciences to Ancient Philosophy.

And that makes Favre, Jordan, and Bird worse... how?

Oh, that's right; it doesn't make them worse at all.

#2- After your whole response, you ended with "Does it really mater in the grand scheme of things? Not really." Excellent point! But the way you usedit is NOT the only way it can be used.

How about this one? "So some think that Favre is the personification of the word 'quarterback'; does that really matter in the grand scheme ofthings? Not really.
So don't hold against him something thatdoesn't really matter.
Truly one of the greats. I'm going to miss watching him play. What a great career.
Originally Posted by DTruth07

Truly one of the greats. I'm going to miss watching him play. What a great career.

Thanks for the memories Favre.
I'll always remember him as a gunslinger who took shots because he was just a kid playing his favorite game trying to have fun out there.

sarcasm much?

they were talking about this (as you can imagine) on the radio when I was driving home. A couple of things...maybe they have been brought up, Idunno...anyways:

1. Did Favre play this year JUST to break the records?
2. Shouldn't he have been at the press conference w. Thompson and McCarthy? Did he owe it to the Packers fans/organization to actually be there in person?
3. He placed a call to Randy Moss saying he would play another couple of years if #81 came to GB. GB didn't pursue Moss, and now Favre isretired....coincidence?
4. Packers knew they had to move on at some point and see if Rodgers can indeed play....could Favre have been forced out?
Good riddance...I was tired of him pummelling my Seahawks in the playoffs.
now, i usually agree with most of your posts and you know what the hell you're talking about 95% of the time but seriously:


that has to be one of the dumbest posts i've ever seen on S & T

to say he's NOT one of the best QB's to ever play is ludicrous (and i'm not a statistics nerd but HELLO!...he's basically #1 at every important one there is at QB...that says a lot about his endurance + level of play)

@ Favre just being a "really good" QB

alright, man
That's cool, I'm not one for statistics either, but when I think of "greatest QB" names like Joe Montana, John Elway, TerryBradshaw, Tom Brady and others like them come to mind a lot more readily than Brett Favre's name. To me he's been a really good quarterback who'sbeen treated with kid gloves for most of his career playing for the same team while racking up numbers that have benefited his career more than his team.Calling Brett Favre a really good quarterback is hardly heresy. When I wrote that he played for a team that allowed him to become successful, I meant that Ididn't think he would've had the room to operate the way he did (on the fly, improvising, and at many times, just being erratic and reckless) under adifferent system/organization. The Packers are an anomaly when it comes to the rest of the NFL. It's a very different system. The Packers possess adifferent set of rules, which govern the team. His tenure with the Packers has allowed both his passion & ability to transform himself into an icon toshine brighter than his actual successes with/for the team. I think most other organizations would have traded him considering his last five years of less thanoptimal decision-making and increased disappointment. This doesn't mean I think he sucks. It just means I don't see him in the same light as the truegreat QBs to have played the game.
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