Breaking News : Bowlen says Broncos will try to trade Cutler

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Answer me this about Cutler....what is it exactly about him that people are so crazy about? His decision making is questionable at times, and for as great of an O-line that he had, he had a ridiculously high INT rate. He does get plenty of yards, but I think there are a ton of negatives about him that that to me, people are turning a blind eye to.

Im in Denver, saw Cutler live at 4 home games last year and watched the rest of the season on hd. ive been the biggest Cutler co-signer since we drafted himand still think he's a big time player. People are crazy about his play-making ability. He can score 5 td's and pass for 450 yards on any given day.big time arm and can throw on the run. but he absolutely has/had spotty decision making last season. Particularly INTERCEPTIONS in the RED ZONE and LATE in KEYGAMES. made me want to vomit on more than one occasion. Im all for taking a stand when you feel like you've been wronged by management but after weeks ofthis back and forth and re-evaluating the situation he's shown no poise or leadership, two qualities you want your starting quarterback to have. thebroncos have arguably one of the best young O lines/receiver corps. in the league.

#!!+ it throw him to the lions. of Detroit.

Im sure he'll have fun gettin sacked 10 times a game there

get draft picks, beef up the d line and get McCoy next year w/ Simms/Garcia/etc. as a stop gap.

thats the reality of the situation.
Originally Posted by 23NoKaOi

Originally Posted by MiKeY iCe 23

McDaniels is a moron for even thinking about trading Cutler for Cassell...Now he ends up in between a rock and a hard place.
McDaniels sucks.

nah Cutler acting like a female about this whole situation.

its a business, its the big boy league

McDaniels has no ties to Cutler he didnt draft him.

and Cutler hasnt done anything in the league to think hes untouchable trade bait

get your winning record over .500 and get your team into the playoff first

before you start walking round like your +%+% dont stink...Cutler a F'n redneck girly man...
Originally Posted by maldonado

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Answer me this about Cutler....what is it exactly about him that people are so crazy about? His decision making is questionable at times, and for as great of an O-line that he had, he had a ridiculously high INT rate. He does get plenty of yards, but I think there are a ton of negatives about him that that to me, people are turning a blind eye to.

#!!+ it throw him to the lions. of Detroit.

Im sure he'll have fun gettin sacked 10 times a game there

get draft picks, beef up the d line and get McCoy next year w/ Simms/Garcia/etc. as a stop gap.

thats the reality of the situation.

please dont tell me your talking about Colt in Austin?
The problem I have with this situation is that everyone in Denver and around the country know that the Broncos D was the biggest problem. I was all for theteam trading Cutler when McDaniels arrived so long as the trade would get us some draft picks and some help for the D-line.
Originally Posted by aepps20

The problem I have with this situation is that everyone in Denver and around the country know that the Broncos D was the biggest problem. I was all for the team trading Cutler when McDaniels arrived so long as the trade would get us some draft picks and some help for the D-line.

I was shocked when I read the stat when this first started that he's 13-1 when the opposing team scores 21 or fewer. I think too much weight is beingput on his record being under .500 saying he needs to prove himself and get his team into the playoffs.
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

As much as some of yall are questioning the Broncos, a lot of fault here falls solely on the shoulders of Cutler and Bus Cook. They have esentially forced the trade, and Cutlers supposed departure out of Denver. If he weren't so damn sensitive, then a lot of this could have been swept under the rug.
The Broncos tried to trade a legit NFL QB for an unproven one, no sympathy from me.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

As much as some of yall are questioning the Broncos, a lot of fault here falls solely on the shoulders of Cutler and Bus Cook. They have esentially forced the trade, and Cutlers supposed departure out of Denver. If he weren't so damn sensitive, then a lot of this could have been swept under the rug.
The Broncos tried to trade a legit NFL QB for an unproven one, no sympathy from me.

Unproven = someone who hasn't done jack in the NFL...

Cassel put up some good numbers....skewed or not due to BB's system, but there is no denying the job he did last year.

And I wouldn't exactly call Cutler "legit" either....he still has A LOT to prove
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

As much as some of yall are questioning the Broncos, a lot of fault here falls solely on the shoulders of Cutler and Bus Cook. They have esentially forced the trade, and Cutlers supposed departure out of Denver. If he weren't so damn sensitive, then a lot of this could have been swept under the rug.
The Broncos tried to trade a legit NFL QB for an unproven one, no sympathy from me.

Unproven = someone who hasn't done jack in the NFL...

Cassel put up some good numbers....skewed or not due to BB's system, but there is no denying the job he did last year.

And I wouldn't exactly call Cutler "legit" either....he still has A LOT to prove
It's not like Cutler has a bad contract, in fact it's pretty good. You would have not only had to give up stuff to Cassel thenpay him a pretty good chunk of change for what?? Not to mention the PR ramifications and the @*%! storm that wouldoccur after you lie to Cutler. Then having to trade Cutler for like 10 cents on the dollar to get rid of the @*%! storm.

How much better is than Cutler is Cassel? Worth going though all that trouble?

Huge risk, very little reward. No matter which way you look at it the Bronco's made a really silly decision and they deserve what ever happens to them.

Like I said before, morons, the lot of them.
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by aepps20

The problem I have with this situation is that everyone in Denver and around the country know that the Broncos D was the biggest problem. I was all for the team trading Cutler when McDaniels arrived so long as the trade would get us some draft picks and some help for the D-line.

I was shocked when I read the stat when this first started that he's 13-1 when the opposing team scores 21 or fewer. I think too much weight is being put on his record being under .500 saying he needs to prove himself and get his team into the playoffs.
I saw that too. Looks like people dont want to pay attention to that.
The problem I have with this situation is that everyone in Denver and around the country know that the Broncos D was the biggest problem.
Everyone doesn't know that.

Prime example:
get your winning record over .500 and get your team into the playoff first

before you start walking round like your +%+% dont stink...
Jay Cutler was the biggest reason why Denver was one game away from making the playoffs. A great deal of credit goes to the offensive line andreceivers, but Cutler helped make them look even better at times. Not every quarterback would have looked as good as he did behind that line; he's verymobile and elusive. For those of you who didn't see the Broncos play very often this past season (which is a large majority based on some of thesereplies), the offensive line wasn't just manhandling the pass rush on every play; Jay made a lot of throws on the run because he got chased out of thepocket. Not every quarterback would have connected on the big plays like Cutler often did, because there aren't many quarterbacks who have the arm strengththat he does.

From merely a scouting point-of-view, Cutler possesses every physical tool that a quarterback can possess. Does he make bad decisions? Sure. Most quarterbacksdo.

And something else that seems to get lost in the shuffle, he's played two full seasons. He hasn't accomplished anything? Well, he's not a ten-yearveteran who has failed to win a playoff game or something; he's 25. He made a Pro Bowl in one of those two full seasons, and has been a large part of thereason why Denver has won the games that they've won since he's been there.

He's also diabetic. If you know anybody with diabetes, you know that that temperamental attitude comes with the territory. If you don't know somebodypersonally, see Adam Morrison.

I, for one, appreciate a professional athlete having a sack and not being a puppet on a string. He wants to be in Denver, and he's fighting for that, asopposed to saying, "Oh, you want to trade me for Matt Cassel? Sure thing, boss!" People spew this "it's a business" nonsense becausethat's how most athletes portray it, but that doesn't mean it's right. To me, that screams "I don't really care what happens; I'llplay wherever as long as I'm making money." It is a business, but that doesn't mean every professional athlete should be a slave to his franchiseand have zero say.
Would be hot if my Jets can pull a deal for him, but they don't enough ammo to swing a deal. I say Detroit, Washington or Tampa gets him.
Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Originally Posted by Osh Kosh Bosh

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

As much as some of yall are questioning the Broncos, a lot of fault here falls solely on the shoulders of Cutler and Bus Cook. They have esentially forced the trade, and Cutlers supposed departure out of Denver. If he weren't so damn sensitive, then a lot of this could have been swept under the rug.
The Broncos tried to trade a legit NFL QB for an unproven one, no sympathy from me.

Unproven = someone who hasn't done jack in the NFL...

Cassel put up some good numbers....skewed or not due to BB's system, but there is no denying the job he did last year.

And I wouldn't exactly call Cutler "legit" either....he still has A LOT to prove
It's not like Cutler has a bad contract, in fact it's pretty good. You would have not only had to give up stuff to Cassel then pay him a pretty good chunk of change for what?? Not to mention the PR ramifications and the @*%! storm that would occur after you lie to Cutler. Then having to trade Cutler for like 10 cents on the dollar to get rid of the @*%! storm.

How much better is than Cutler is Cassel? Worth going though all that trouble?

Huge risk, very little reward. No matter which way you look at it the Bronco's made a really silly decision and they deserve what ever happens to them.

Like I said before, morons, the lot of them.

I agree with your 100%....but what does McDaniels or the Broncos owe Cutler? Obviously they saw something in Cassel to make an inquiry. Don't get ittwisted...I DO think that Cutler is better than Cassel, but there is a lot to be desired with Cutler. If he was that much of a franchise QB, the dudewouldn't be mentioned in trade talks. At all. Obviously the Broncos think that they can either do better with out him, or he can be easily replaced(Cassel). However, if your young stud is expendable to the point where they would be willing to trade him for an essential "one year wonder," whatdoes that say about what they feel about Cutler's skill set in the first place?
Originally Posted by Proshares

Originally Posted by aepps20

The problem I have with this situation is that everyone in Denver and around the country know that the Broncos D was the biggest problem. I was all for the team trading Cutler when McDaniels arrived so long as the trade would get us some draft picks and some help for the D-line.

I was shocked when I read the stat when this first started that he's 13-1 when the opposing team scores 21 or fewer. I think too much weight is being put on his record being under .500 saying he needs to prove himself and get his team into the playoffs.

Broncos fans are really angry at all parties involved.

The only thing that actually didn't need much fixing was the offense. The defense was terrible and unless you're trading Cutler for some defensivehelp then this entire situation is ridiculous. How would trading for Matt Cassel help the D?
Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Answer me this about Cutler....what is it exactly about him that people are so crazy about? His decision making is questionable at times, and for as great of an O-line that he had, he had a ridiculously high INT rate. He does get plenty of yards, but I think there are a ton of negatives about him that that to me, people are turning a blind eye to. Yeah, he'd be an upgrade over a lot of starting QB's in the NFL, but by how much? People need to stop making this guy out to be the 2nd coming of Johnny Unitas.

He's a 25 year old Pro Bowl quarterback with every physical tools you'd want in quarterback. Guys like this almost never come on the market.
Originally Posted by Mister Friendly

Originally Posted by DoubleJs07

Answer me this about Cutler....what is it exactly about him that people are so crazy about? His decision making is questionable at times, and for as great of an O-line that he had, he had a ridiculously high INT rate. He does get plenty of yards, but I think there are a ton of negatives about him that that to me, people are turning a blind eye to. Yeah, he'd be an upgrade over a lot of starting QB's in the NFL, but by how much? People need to stop making this guy out to be the 2nd coming of Johnny Unitas.

He's a 25 year old Pro Bowl quarterback with every physical tools you'd want in quarterback. Guys like this almost never come on the market.

yup. like I said.. He can throw 5 td's and 400 yards on any given day. perfect size, strength and mobility. Monster arm and probably the best on-the-runpasser in the league. but he had suspect decision making late last season. Particularly INTERCEPTIONS in the RED ZONE and LATE in KEY GAMES. that mixed withhis unwillingness to step up and swallow his pride for the sake of his team...

lets get those draft picks.

McDaniels is officially in the hot seat now too.
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