Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

Some of you fools taking the "snitches get stitches" mentality too far in this show.

Jesse deserved to live.

seriously. that snitch mentality is beyond idiotic. Never understood peoples adamant stance on that. Jesse had been through so much and was the one that deserved a break the most.

Buncha Todds in here.

the finale tied up all the loose ends but i am sad that the story is over.

when badger and skinny pete appeared i was rollin lol

walt jr won
Someone said Aaron Paul looked like a PG13 Ryan Gosling, but Jesse really did look like him in the finale.
15 years from now, Jesse is a woodshop teacher at the local high school, and ends up with a girl in his class named Holly. :pimp:

I could dig it.
That's disgusting :rofl: :x
No I think u don't get it. the way the story was told, it pushed heavy for jesse to be the sympathetic character. Right down to being chained as a slave and watching andrea die.

Save the principles talk bc everyone "did dirt." IMO no one is blameless here. Not snitching or snitching doesn't make u any less or more bad than anyone else.

its just weird to me how most of the people wanting jesse to die say: "jesse snitch *** needs to die." To me that sounds like u missed the whole point on what the show is about.
I get that the story pushed for Jesse to be sympathetic, it doesn't mean ppl sympathized with him though. I began to pity him as things went on since he just couldn't get right. Nor does it mean that he now has a happy ending the way thing ended up.

You're a bit confused by me mentioning having principles and the concept of it in this context. Everybody doing dirt doesn't mean it's ok to have no principles at all. I mean hell you're basically a scumbag at that point. Everybody on the show had limits. Gus had his own, Mike wouldn't give up his guys, Walt never wanted to cross the line in to hurting his family, Jesse on the other hand had no principles that he stood by in this criminal underworld and showed another thing he just didn't give a **** about when he snitched on Walt. He was basically a emotion fueled unstable person that honestly should've stepped away from the whole thing instead letting Walt manipulate him every time but even that is one of his many flaws that I'm guess you sympathize with.

Reason why ppl will add in the snitching thing with Jesse is cuz for many that was the line for them. This whole show is about ppl breaking bad and at what point they do it and what causes them to do so. We got betrayals around almost every corner, manipulators, schemes and stratagems to rise to the top all in this world where everybody can admit they're in the morally gray and even black but still aren't outright evil ppl.

Almost all the characters had their own strength they could rely on except Jesse. So basically ppl just have great disdain for the weakness he's displayed over and over and over.

So yeah realistically speaking, you can call it him getting a break but to me I say why not put dude out of his misery and kill him. Nothing about this final ep gives me hope everything is going to work out for Jesse AT ALL.
Goodbye, good luck.

Jesse was just glad to be free. It's been like a year. If it wasn't for Walt, he'd still be a prisoner until he got offed.

i think he final realized that he actually did have somebody that cared about him. walt and jesse always had a sort of father son relationship moreso than walt jr or jesse actual dad. so many times walt could have killed him. and jesse could have done the same.

so the laugh cry yell imo was due to the end of a crazy twisted relationship in which the only person that ever cared about him saved him once more but was also the man who caused all of the darkness finally passes away and now he is truly free yet alone and left with all these demons.
Aaron Paul didn't look right being the lead in the Need For Speed trailer. The last scene of him speeding off in the show was appropriate though.
It wasn't what I expected initially, but it was just about perfect.

As a single episode of the show, it had everything you wanted. Suspense.. Walt creeping around like a hipster Batman in people's house. The action where we finally see the M60 put to good use after soem clever hacking. Great acting performances, Walt's goodbye to Skyler and Holly.. laying down the law with Gretchen and Elliott, the Badger and Skinny Pete appearance :lol: . We had closure on all angles. Money will finally get to his kids, Hank and Gomez will get the respect they deserve when they find their bodies, Jesse was saved, Walt admits he did it for himself, he put a stop to the blue meth out there so no one will profit off his formula, everything but poor Huell was wrapped up :lol:

The cinematography was incredible as usual, the music, everything.. The quality never dipped at all.

I even found myself with a smile on my face at the end, just because it hit every mark I wanted and it was all you could ask for. One of the best shows of all-time.

Walt Jr. gotta live with the fact that the last words he had with his pops was about him wishing he would die on some Peter Parker / Uncle Ben stuff

Courtesy of reddit



For the Jesse haters




Best part was Walt killing Lydia by tea-bagging her. :pimp:

Ran back the finale. Great send off to a great show :pimp:

Late pass, but never noticed that they really killed off "Walt Jr", every scene since Hank passed he's been acknowledged as Flynn.

Walt standing there watching Jesse strangle Todd brought us back to Walt's first kill when he did the same thing to Krazy-8 from behind

can anyone explain why he killed lydia with the ricin? i don't really remember her ever wronging walt

seriously. that snitch mentality is beyond idiotic. Never understood peoples adamant stance on that. Jesse had been through so much and was the one that deserved a break the most.
You guys simply don't get it. Jesse did dirt with Walt from the start. It don't matter that he regretted some of it or felt bad after. He snitched on Walt and that basically led to the death of Hank.

Don't get the stop snitching mentality confused with what an actual snitch is. People talking about don't talk to the cops when they got info on a crime in their neighborhood or w/e are idiotic. A partner in a meth cooking business ratting you out cuz he didn't like how he was manipulated by his partner is not an excuse to snitch. What kind of man is that? No principles. Mind you he did it all for petty revenge. He should've went through with burning down the house or trying to kill Walt if he wanted to get Walt back for what he did to him.

Besides all that, it's not like Jesse got a break anyway. Yeah you can be hopeful seeing him yell as he drives away but we all know once that car runs out of gas he's gonna break down in tears and cozy up in the fetal position to a glass penis once he realizes everything he's been through; cook slave for a year, it's his fault Andrea's dead, no money, no house, no family, and he basically has nothing in life anymore unless you're counting Badger and Skinny Pete arguing about a Doctor Who episode or what the next Star Wars trilogy should be about. He's pretty much worse off than he's ever been (more so than after Jane and the plane crash). I mean really, yall think Jesse will be better off because of all this? He's more damaged and depressed than any other character. I don't see any recovery.

ending was decent... after a rewatch ill prbly love it

todd is an idiot how did he not know what was going on.... they were just gonna pop him & jesse
Why does everyone keep saying certain people won?..Nobody won..That's the point of the show and finale..

-Walt lost because he destroyed his family and his life..
-Skyler lost because she allowed her husband to wreck her family because she was too much of a coward to leave..
-Hank lost cuz he didn't tread lightly and died for it
-Marie lost cause her husband's dead, her relationship with her sister is ruined, and her house is filled with purple..
-Jesse lost because his weakness allowed Jane and Andrea to be killed, and Brock is now a bastard, and he'll live the rest of his life knowing he was a punk and could have saved their lives if he would have just stood up to Mr. White..
-Gomie lost because he allowed his racist partner to treat him like a "Jesse's punchline" and he died for it..
-Walt Jr. lost because he'll forever be known as the cripple kid with a meth kingpin for a dad, his ride is gone, and his mom is too poor to afford delicious breakfast meats..
-Holly lost because she never got to know her father so she's left with the devastation he caused as her only image of her dad..
-Todd lost cause he got choked out like a dummy and never even got any of dat wood chipper..
-Aryan's lost because they got gunned down like dogs..
-Saul lost because he's no longer doing what he loved to do and that's be the south west's best scumbag, strip mall lawyer..
-Huell lost because he's stuck in an apartment with no food and nobody's coming to get him..
-Lydia lost because she's an uppity B that was too stupid to change her routine and it cost her her life..

So pretty much nobody wins..'Cept maybe Skinny Pete and Badger..
The more I think about it, the funnier Todd's death is. How simple can a stone cold mf'er be? 
loved the finale but anyone else dissapointed by that last scene with Lydia??

I thought she was GORGEOUS the entire series, when I seen that last scene of her sick and bed ridden it killed all attraction for me. 
loved the finale but anyone else dissapointed by that last scene with Lydia??

I thought she was GORGEOUS the entire series, when I seen that last scene of her sick and bed ridden it killed all attraction for me. :rofl:

that was the point IMO
Why does everyone keep saying certain people won?..Nobody won..That's the point of the show and finale..

-Walt lost because he destroyed his family and his life..
-Skyler lost because she allowed her husband to wreck her family because she was too much of a coward to leave..
-Hank lost cuz he didn't tread lightly and died for it
-Marie lost cause her husband's dead, her relationship with her sister is ruined, and her house is filled with purple..
-Jesse lost because his weakness allowed Jane and Andrea to be killed, and Brock is now a bastard, and he'll live the rest of his life knowing he was a punk and could have saved their lives if he would have just stood up to Mr. White..
-Gomie lost because he allowed his racist partner to treat him like a "Jesse's punchline" and he died for it..
-Walt Jr. lost because he'll forever be known as the cripple kid with a meth kingpin for a dad, his ride is gone, and his mom is too poor to afford delicious breakfast meats..
-Holly lost because she never got to know her father so she's left with the devastation he caused as her only image of her dad..
-Todd lost cause he got choked out like a dummy and never even got any of dat wood chipper..
-Aryan's lost because they got gunned down like dogs..
-Saul lost because he's no longer doing what he loved to do and that's be the south west's best scumbag, strip mall lawyer..
-Huell lost because he's stuck in an apartment with no food and nobody's coming to get him..
-Lydia lost because she's an uppity B that was too stupid to change her routine and it cost her her life..

So pretty much nobody wins..'Cept maybe Skinny Pete and Badger..

yep came up on them quick stacks that prbly went straight to buying more blue
The song in the beginning

"maybe tomorrow a bullet may find me, tonight nothings worse than this pain in my heart"

Like everybody has been saying, Walt won. Why does anybody even have to win BTW?

The goal from the rip was to leave behind money for his fam, which he did. He was most likely gonna die anyway. Jesse on the other hand only has Skinny Pete and Badger.
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loved the finale but anyone else dissapointed by that last scene with Lydia??

I thought she was GORGEOUS the entire series, when I seen that last scene of her sick and bed ridden it killed all attraction for me. :rofl:
Looking like the picture of Katy Perry without the makeup.
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