Breaking Bad Thread - "El Camino" - A Breaking Bad Movie on Netflix 10/11

No, remember they just wanted out from Gus. They had enough money, but not their freedom. They ended it making it look like they were out, and could go back to "normal" lives.

That's not a definite ending, which is what Gilligan said he was always gonna give us. Now if season 4 had been about Walt getting the money he needed and attempting to leave cooking behind completely, then I would've been cool with it ending like it did in season 4
Yes, Gilligan produced season 4 without knowing for sure that a Season 5 would be made. So the story was written so that if AMC decided to cancel the show after Season 4, the finale could act as a series finale(this happens for a lot of shows that don't get ultra high ratings). But that was never intended to be the true endgame for the show and Gilligan always wanted to tell a fifth and sixth season i think and then negotiations with AMC made it a 16 episode season 5 instead IIRC.
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Can't lie. I originally thought when Jesse booked it.....that he was so overwhelmed and full of so much emotion........he was going to crash and end his life. I don't know.
4 was going to be the end, they had no idea if AMC would pay for a season 5. Vince filmed that thinking it was over.

That's not what I read. From what I read, the issue was with how they were going to approach season 5, and that Gilligan always had 5 seasons in mind.

He probably did, but AMC did not.

Don't you guys remember the season 4 thread? None of us knew if a 5 was even gonna happen. I don't remember the exact timing, but I think the ending of 4 convinced AMC to cough up the money for one more year.

At the time, it "looked" like Face Off might be the ending, intended or not.
Either way, it would've been disappointing because that's not a definite ending. There would've been too many questions to answer.
4 was going to be the end, they had no idea if AMC would pay for a season 5. Vince filmed that thinking it was over.

That's not what I read. From what I read, the issue was with how they were going to approach season 5, and that Gilligan always had 5 seasons in mind.

He probably did, but AMC did not.

Don't you guys remember the season 4 thread? None of us knew if a 5 was even gonna happen. I don't remember the exact timing, but I think the ending of 4 convinced AMC to cough up the money for one more year.

At the time, it "looked" like Face Off might be the ending, intended or not.
I mean, one could definitely see how that could've been an ending. Walt did keep saying, "It's over".
The plot wrapup was planned by the series' production team since the beginning of the season, partly because they were not certain at the time whether the series was going to renew for another season.

That's from wiki. I'll try to find more material on my CPU tomorrow.
Either way, it would've been disappointing because that's not a definite ending. There would've been too many questions to answer.
I don't think that having a "definite" ending is that important. 

Sometimes the ride is more enjoyable than the destination.

ie lost, the wire, oz, etc
The plot wrapup was planned by the series' production team since the beginning of the season, partly because they were not certain at the time whether the series was going to renew for another season.

That's from wiki. I'll try to find more material on my CPU tomorrow.

This is what is written on wiki

Although the writing staff knew the fourth season would focus primarily on the ongoing feud between Walter White and Gus Fring, they did not specifically plan out the entire season before production began, but rather developed the story as the episodes progressed. This followed a pattern similar to that from the third season, and differed distinctly from the second season, where the entire storyline of the season was planned out in advance.

Also, Breaking Bad was renewed for a fourth season the day after the season 3 finale aired. and season 3 was renewed during the middle of the airing of the second season, etc. This is what happens for every show, its a season by season order. The creators of the show worked through most of the series without knowing if they were gonna get canceled or not.
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Don't know if posted, but:
However, the true meaning of the Felina title appears to have been the Marty Robbins’ song El Paso. When Walter White is rummaging through the glove compartment of a stolen car, a Marty Robbins’ cassette tape falls out. When he finds the keys and drives off in the car, the song El Paso starts playing.

The lyrics of El Paso are about a gunfighter who falls in love with a Mexican girl named Felina. Near the end of the song, the gunfighter gets in shootout, where he gets struck in the side by a bullet. At the end of the song, the gunfighter lays dying, while Felina kneels by his side.
Felina was the meth lab. Walt died in her arms. Perfect ending.
Where can I find more info like this?
lol I remember how I got laughed at a week or so ago for thinking that Walt was gonna save Jesse.
Walt saves Jesse. :lol:
I was satisfied by the finale. Gave me good closure to the series. I was kind of expecting some type of twist that would catch everyone off guard, but overall I'm happy. Really going to miss the show.
Salute to Walter "Heisenburg" White. One of the coldest dudes to grace the television screen. 

I have full closure. Walt accomplished everything he set out to do. The dude wanted to raise money for his family before he died of cancer. He left them more than enough. He finally became a boss, instead of working at the carwash. He used his knowledge of chemistry to make millions, like he should have at Grey Matter. The dude was gonna die of cancer, and instead ended up going out on his own terms. Not in a jail cell, or getting killed by Nazis, or Jesse. He killed himself, around the thing he loved most. And to top it off he puts both the m60 and ricin to deadly use? My dude went out on top. I dont give a damn his family hates him. I dont give a damn Hank died in the process. I watch the show for Walt, and only Walt. As far as I'm concerned, when I saw him sprawled out on the floor of the meth lab, it felt right. He died next to the only thing he can actually be proud of in his life. Jesse finally choked that punk Todd out like a boss as well, and that final head nod with Walt gave me closure for that too. Only thing better would have been Marie slipping and falling on a banana peel, but you cant have everything.

So Walt, I salute you. Rest in peace Heisenburg. You deserve this 
Salute to Walter "Heisenburg" White. One of the coldest dudes to grace the television screen. 

I have full closure. Walt accomplished everything he set out to do. The dude wanted to raise money for his family before he died of cancer. He left them more than enough. He finally became a boss, instead of working at the carwash. He used his knowledge of chemistry to make millions, like he should have at Grey Matter. The dude was gonna die of cancer, and instead ended up going out on his own terms. Not in a jail cell, or getting killed by Nazis, or Jesse. He killed himself, around the thing he loved most. And to top it off he puts both the m60 and ricin to deadly use? My dude went out on top. I dont give a damn his family hates him. I dont give a damn Hank died in the process. I watch the show for Walt, and only Walt. As far as I'm concerned, when I saw him sprawled out on the floor of the meth lab, it felt right. He died next to the only thing he can actually be proud of in his life. Jesse finally choked that punk Todd out like a boss as well, and that final head nod with Walt gave me closure for that too. Only thing better would have been Marie slipping and falling on a banana peel, but you cant have everything.

So Walt, I salute you. Rest in peace Heisenburg. You deserve this 
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