Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Thread - "Margate Sands" SEASON FINALE

that line was dope.. but I must say one thing about historical shows is that we know the outcome.. I've been waiting for the capone come-up since he was first introduced.. he's so ruthless..
one thing I did notice was Samuel(the dude who stitched up Eddie) did not have that buck 50 on his face..
this season finale will top the last two.. which concludes my belief that HBO are the best for character depth and balance.. I love how they can go a whole episode without a character but we feel like we know what they are doing..
Gyp: We both got left out in the sun too long. Maybe you a little longer eh?
Chalky: You just ain't done cookin yet friend.
I noticed that too, I find it weird that they didn't have him with it.... Reminds me of Southpark how they killed Kenny every episode but totally ignore the fact he died in the next one....
I was thinking about that also.
It has to come into play pretty soon.
If you're talking about the Commission, that shouldn't happen until they get to '31
Harrow WILL be the one who takes out Gyp. Mark my words.
That would be kind of lame seeing how he and Gyp haven't had real problems. Gyp has the sly comments when they met and his men took over Gillian's, but that's not reason enough. Harrow has beef with Gillian, not Gyp. Chances are he'll take out Gyp's men who are held up there while the rest and Gyp are out fighting Nucky

And what Eddie was reciting was the Poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling, and that's also where the title of the episode came from
If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too:
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or being hated don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream---and not make dreams your master;
If you can think---and not make thoughts your aim,
If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster
And treat those two impostors just the same:.
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build'em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings,
And never breathe a word about your loss:
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with Kings---nor lose the common touch,
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you,
If all men count with you, but none too much:
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run,
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And---which is more---you'll be a Man, my son!
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Absolutely one of the best episodes of the series. Combining action, tons of plot, great scenes, brilliant moments for the characters, and set the stage perfectly for the finale... what more could you want?

I loved Eddie in this episode. His loyalty for Nucky was unmatched. "They are only men you pay, how could you trust them?" And something similar was brought up by Chalky too when asked if he trusts his men.. he can't trust anyone. You can see how much Nucky cared for Eddie, yet he didn't even know he had a family and he's been working for Nucky for years. I really hope he survives.

Chalky and Nucky had great scenes together. Chalky explained that he was too old to make new friends, so while he hasn't gotten everything he wanted from Nucky, he at least knew where he stood with him and since Nucky owed him big.. better to stay with the old friend than this new untrustworthy boss in Gyp. And the show does a great job of keeping the tension even when you know some outcomes. Like Nucky wouldn't die this episode (and highly unlikely next), but the scenes with Chalky's men debating the 25,000 still came across well. 

Charlie should have listened to Meyer, but that was going to happen anyway and it was still done very well.

I think Eli dies next week. Someone close to Nucky will probably get killed. Chalky is too good of a character and they've established he'll have the club next season. Eddie probably won't be a factor since they'll be at war. Owen is already gone. Harrow isn't close to Nucky. Margaret probably won't die since I imagine they'd continue with the baby storyline. I figure it's Eli because he served his time for the betrayal, he worked his way up through the ranks, he saw the ambush coming, he made the deal and came up clutch with Capone, I think he finally redeems himself in his brother's eyes, then dies.

And what else could be said about Capone other than he's awesome? Torrio is looking towards retirement, Capone is eager and willing to make a name for himself and he loves violence. The only big question is what kind of deal was worked out, but I'll assume it was a direct line from the coast to Chicago for booze, along with the respect that would come.
Definitely not Owen. Kinda doubt it's Eli either. I paused to look closely and it's probably just some random dude rolling with Gyp or Nuck's crew that washed up on shore after another altercation, possibly on a boat or other side of the shore.
What scene? The car chase or the shotgun and wrestling with the gun in the Ritz?
I found both believable. It's not like he did anything cunning or something which was a feat. He hid which was plain common sense given he heard gun shots, shot the dude when he came too far in coming from his blind side, shot the other guy, shot through the door when the other two guys came, took the shot gun after dude tried to get his hand gun, then finished off the guy on the ground. So he killed what 3 maybe 4 guys?
I agree it definitely was a believeable scene and it did not seem farfetched considering that Nucky's former profession was the Sheriff before he became treasurer. So even though he does not always come across as a killer. He still has some experience in that field
I agree it definitely was a believeable scene and it did not seem farfetched considering that Nucky's former profession was the Sheriff before he became treasurer. So even though he does not always come across as a killer. He still has some experience in that field
That's very true, I totally forgot he was the Sheriff before Eli so he definitely has experience like you said....
That exchange between Rosetti and Chalky was dope. Chalky is beyond loyal to Nucky.

Through the whole episode I kept thinking Eli was gonna stab Nucky in the back again.

The Capone scene at the end was just genius.

Harrow loading up his Artillery :wow: :pimp:

Im ready for next week :pimp:
Absolutely one of the best episodes of the series. Combining action, tons of plot, great scenes, brilliant moments for the characters, and set the stage perfectly for the finale... what more could you want?

I loved Eddie in this episode. His loyalty for Nucky was unmatched. "They are only men you pay, how could you trust them?" And something similar was brought up by Chalky too when asked if he trusts his men.. he can't trust anyone. You can see how much Nucky cared for Eddie, yet he didn't even know he had a family and he's been working for Nucky for years. I really hope he survives.

Chalky and Nucky had great scenes together. Chalky explained that he was too old to make new friends, so while he hasn't gotten everything he wanted from Nucky, he at least knew where he stood with him and since Nucky owed him big.. better to stay with the old friend than this new untrustworthy boss in Gyp. And the show does a great job of keeping the tension even when you know some outcomes. Like Nucky wouldn't die this episode (and highly unlikely next), but the scenes with Chalky's men debating the 25,000 still came across well. 

Charlie should have listened to Meyer, but that was going to happen anyway and it was still done very well.

I think Eli dies next week. Someone close to Nucky will probably get killed. Chalky is too good of a character and they've established he'll have the club next season. Eddie probably won't be a factor since they'll be at war. Owen is already gone. Harrow isn't close to Nucky. Margaret probably won't die since I imagine they'd continue with the baby storyline. I figure it's Eli because he served his time for the betrayal, he worked his way up through the ranks, he saw the ambush coming, he made the deal and came up clutch with Capone, I think he finally redeems himself in his brother's eyes, then dies.

And what else could be said about Capone other than he's awesome? Torrio is looking towards retirement, Capone is eager and willing to make a name for himself and he loves violence. The only big question is what kind of deal was worked out, but I'll assume it was a direct line from the coast to Chicago for booze, along with the respect that would come.
Very important point. Never thought Nucky would die but the chance Chalky would betray him was there for me, especially since he just got denied the club and felt he was being disrespected last ep. Similar to Gyp, you don't really know what Chalky is going to do at given moment when he meets someone new and they acting all wild and ****.

I was really nervous thinking they'd had Nuck over and we'd be dealing with a situation where Nucky would need to be saved or if he got shot in the arm or something as the war came to a head. It was amplified by Nuck not being sure about what would go down the way he pulled out the gun in the back of the truck unable to hear a lot or know who was moving where.

The Nucky and Chalky scenes were great and concluded in a great way with that convo.
1 thing I been thinking of that'd be a semi good twist is if Gillian is actually working with Harrow in a way and told him on the side before that scene kicking him out that she'd set up something for him to kill Gyp. Neither of them like the current situation at the mansion so I'm not sure if she thinks she can change it with sex only or if she's just going to cut her losses and off him or have him offed.

Doubt it happens since her or him killing Gyp would be a bit anti-climactic for me.

Can't wait for next week.
1 thing I been thinking of that'd be a semi good twist is if Gillian is actually working with Harrow in a way and told him on the side before that scene kicking him out that she'd set up something for him to kill Gyp. Neither of them like the current situation at the mansion so I'm not sure if she thinks she can change it with sex only or if she's just going to cut her losses and off him or have him offed.

Doubt it happens since her or him killing Gyp would be a bit anti-climactic for me.

Can't wait for next week.

I am against this but only because I want Gillian to die very very badly.
I am against this but only because I want Gillian to die very very badly.
I agree they should've killed her instead of Jimmy since her and the Commodore were basically masterminding Nucky's betrayal and Jimmy was their puppet.... Her time has passed in the show, she doesn't bring anything new IMO she is relegated to running a cat-house and she has no real power or anybody to do her bidding especially since she just alienated Harrow...
:lol: Funny thought came to mind was what if Van Alden is with Al's crew? That'd be hilarious to see when Nucky sees him. Doubt it though but we're gonna need some resolution to George Mueller in the finale as well. Maybe a side scene where he sabotages O'bannon.
I am against this but only because I want Gillian to die very very badly.
Oh I forgot to add that. I think she has to die regardless of how anything goes down. What it comes down to is Tommy staying with her or going with Richard. With Richard something would be worked out so Tommy inherits the house and w/e money but the story for next season would focus on Harrow trying to have a family and protect it. I feel he can fill what Eli's role was suppose to be way better. Really would like to see him link back with Nuck as his go to assassin cuz right now for next season there's nobody filling that role so they'd have to bring in a new character if it isn't harrow. I'd hate if Harrow had to die but I really can't see another season of Gillian running a ***** house and mentally scarring Tommy as she tried to raise him.

I'll miss seeing her get banged though. The actress has played her role very well and made the character very memorable. A credit to how smart, clever, and entertaining female characters should be written and developed on tv.
Gillian seemed real concerned when Gyp told her Nucky was gone. Nucky def tapped that back in her showgirls, ala Lucy and new chick from this season. Wonder who she'll side with. I predict Gyp gets killed while smashing her.
i think gillian would rather have nucky run AC, because at least nuck allows her to operate her cat house as she wants
One question I have is, was Masseria ever mentioned as a boss in previous seasons? It felt like he was just added this season as a plot device so that Gyp could flex at Nucky but I might be mistaken.
One question I have is, was Masseria ever mentioned as a boss in previous seasons? It felt like he was just added this season as a plot device so that Gyp could flex at Nucky but I might be mistaken.
He is a real person, They probably feel like they don't have to go in detail about historical figures like him and bugsy
i think gillian would rather have nucky run AC, because at least nuck allows her to operate her cat house as she wants
And despite their obvious issues since Nucky killed Jimmy, she knows where she stands with Nuck and he's not known to be impulsive or dangerous. Gillian might hate Nucky for killing Jimmy, but Jimmy knew it was coming and made peace with it. Nucky didn't go on a rampage and kill random people, and he's let her run the house and keep their peace.

Gyp is too unpredictable. She would rather hate Nucky but know her business or herself were free from hassle... whereas Gyp was in control for less than a day and he already invaded her business and life.
One question I have is, was Masseria ever mentioned as a boss in previous seasons? It felt like he was just added this season as a plot device so that Gyp could flex at Nucky but I might be mistaken.
He was in season 2.
He sends his nephews Incrocci  and Scarpelli  to pressure Charley Luciano  and Meyer Lansky  to pay tribute to him for operating a card game in his territory. While at the game his nephews decide to rob Jimmy Darmody  of his winnings. They are murdered by Darmody but Masseria blames Luciano and Lansky.

Masseria arranges mediation through Arnold Rothstein  and Luciano and Lansky are forced to give Masseria a lump sum and a cut of the card games profits. Masseria tries to pressure Luciano into joining his organization at the meeting.
He's a big historical figure in this world, so they could bring him up whenever it fit best

And something that hasn't really been addressed because I haven't seen too many complaints, but I figure we should use the spoiler tags for any reference to future historical events. Obviously the show uses fictional characters and they're not forced to respect the actual events 100%, but just in case some people don't want things ruined it's easy enough to use a spoiler if we're talking about something in the future.

Like I said, I haven't seen any complaints but just to be safe we should probably put that in spoilers. Unless people don't care at all then ignore what I just typed.
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