Boardwalk Empire Season 3 Thread - "Margate Sands" SEASON FINALE

Such an awesome episode, great setup for next weeks finale. Hell, the first five minutes with Nucky offing guys had me hyped.

Countless times did I feel that there was even the slightest chance that Nucky would be killed, and just wasn't by Gyp. Plenty of teases where Chalky would do him in, or even the very end with Eli came saying "I cut a deal....". But then when Capone hopped out, it had me hyped.

Very curious what happens to Harrow next week, really hoping he makes it out alive. I've said it before, he's my dude, and I'll be devastated if he is killed more so than I was when Jimmy was offed.
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Dude, I seriously Tiger Woods fist pumped when Capone said "And then me and you sit down and talk about who dies".

Had me all like
:lol: .
"We been on the road for 18 hours, I need a bat, some chow and then you and me sit down...and we talk about who dies..." One of the best sentences ever uttered to close out an episode of television.

i was hyped like a little kid
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best episode of the show, maybe ever. this season picked up in a big way these last few episodes
"We been on the road for 18 hours, I need a bat, some chow and then you and me sit down...and we talk about who dies..." One of the best sentences ever uttered to close out an episode of television.

That had me hyped! I turned to my girlfriend and explained to her how real things were about to get.

-The first scene of the episode was awesome, Nucky puttin' in work. :smokin
-I'm glad to see more of Chalky, that's what a lot of us have been clamoring for.
-I hate Gillian, I'm glad Gyp has set up shop in her house and making things uncomfortable for her.
-I can't wait to see Harrow do some damage next week
-Next week's trailer showed a scene where Nucky tells Al, " What's a handshake with you supposed to be worth?", I wonder what Al does to Nucky.
That had me hyped! I turned to my girlfriend and explained to her how real things were about to get.
-The first scene of the episode was awesome, Nucky puttin' in work. :smokin
-I'm glad to see more of Chalky, that's what a lot of us have been clamoring for.
-I hate Gillian, I'm glad Gyp has set up shop in her house and making things uncomfortable for her.
-I can't wait to see Harrow do some damage next week
-Next week's trailer showed a scene where Nucky tells Al, " What's a handshake with you supposed to be worth?", I wonder what Al does to Nucky.

Trying to watch this show with my girl is close to impossible.....she is always falling asleep during episodes and even with the Season 1 & 2 DVDs (and Season 3 all on HBO On Demand) to catch up on things and get familiar, she can't keep things in order. :smh:
Hell of an episode, any predictions for the finale? To me it looks like Rossetti is going down, I think he will be offed in the finale. I don't know about Harrow, this series has no qualms about killing major characters but to off Harrow would be a HUGE mistake. I hope he goes into the ***** house and takes Jimmy's kid out of there. I can't see Joe "the boss" going out yet history says he dies from a NY family dispute and Luciano is the one who takes him out. Luciano is having problems with the cops right now so I don't think that will happen. I think AC gets reclaimed by Nucky but he will have a high price to pay when he gets it back.
"We been on the road for 18 hours, I need a bat, some chow and then you and me sit down...and we talk about who dies..." One of the best sentences ever uttered to close out an episode of television.
This may be the best line of the season. Can't wait to see who Richard goes in on next week
Pretty good, not as good as last week but set everything up nice.

The memorable ending raises it up a notch or two
Watching Harrow clean his arsenal reminded me of when he was discussing firearms with Jimmy and he kept listing all his tools.

Something tragic will happen though......someone beloved will go down.

*to whoever posted about the body on the beach shore.....I don't think it was Owen, it resembled Eli maybe? Not too sure.
what an episode, this show gets better everyweek! i think a major character or two will get killed next episode for sure!
"We been on the road for 18 hours, I need a bat, some chow and then you and me sit down...and we talk about who dies..." One of the best sentences ever uttered to close out an episode of television.


Had me like


Also loved seeing Nucky gooning it up at the beginning of the episode :pimp:. Yea Eli coming through when needed :pimp: :pimp: :pimp:

Gyps's pretty much a goner at this point. Now's just the matter of who 's gonna kill him. Gillian? Nucky/Al/Chalky? Harrow? Tonino?

Can't wait to see Harrow drop some bodies. Really Hoping that he ends up taking Gillian out and taking Tommy to go live happily ever after with his Girl but we all know that he's too much of a tragic character for that type of ending.

I think that Rothstein was probably talking to Masseria on the phone and telling him that he could probably get him out of the potential war with Capone/Chalky/Nucky by letting them take Gyp out.

Can't wait for the finale :smokin

similar to Jerome's niece

oh her way home from Jones beach :lol: :smokin
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