What is a more serious topic, this topic or the Last Dance thread?

I think that you can see what I am getting at.

I hear you 1000% and agree. It's like asking what's a more egregious racial slur? "Karen" or the n word? The answer is obvious. "karen" for sure. Reliving MJ's final season is the most important thing right now. Way more important than racial justice. Racists wear sneakers too.
To some of our counterparts, views of race in America haven’t change none. This is a wonderful interview on institutionalized racism that was given back in the 90’s; listen to the arrogance that comes from other race.

I agree with 90% of what the minister is expressing...

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I hear you 1000% and agree. It's like asking what's a more egregious racial slur? "Karen" or the n word? The answer is obvious. "karen" for sure. Reliving MJ's final season is the most important thing right now. Way more important than racial justice. Racists wear sneakers too.

addressing the plight of Karens is of the upmost importance in the movement towards justice
I'd gladly, GLADLY, trade my right to pull the race card to enjoy the same privileges that comes with being white.
Please take it, I'd rather not have to:
- Change my name to sound more English when I immigrated as a 5 year old
- Not be made fun of day in and day out throughout childhood, when the only thing you cared about was what other kids thought of you
- Not see my parents be restricted to certain jobs because they had an accent, even if they were more competent
- Not have harmful stereotypes work against me that are so ingrained in society there's literally no way of changing it

The list goes on. Oh, and black people had/has it WAY WORSE than me.

I'm sick of white people trying to educate ANYONE of color about race. You've never had to think about how your race plays a practical difference in your life. You're an academic, you can know all the theory but know nothing practical about it.

99% of white people are good people. Doesn't mean you know a god damn thing about racism.
I'd gladly, GLADLY, trade my right to pull the race card to enjoy the same privileges that comes with being white.
Please take it, I'd rather not have to:
- Change my name to sound more English when I immigrated as a 5 year old
- Not be made fun of day in and day out throughout childhood, when the only thing you cared about was what other kids thought of you
- Not see my parents be restricted to certain jobs because they had an accent, even if they were more competent
- Not have harmful stereotypes work against me that are so ingrained in society there's literally no way of changing it

The list goes on. Oh, and black people had/has it WAY WORSE than me.

I'm sick of white people trying to educate ANYONE of color about race. You've never had to think about how your race plays a practical difference in your life. You're an academic, you can know all the theory but know nothing practical about it.

99% of white people are good people. Doesn't mean you know a god damn thing about racism.
99% is a lil high.
To some of our counterparts, views of race in America haven’t change none. This is a wonderful interview on institutionalized racism that was given back in the 90’s; listen to the arrogance that comes from other race.

I agree with 90% of what the minister is expressing...

smdh at donahue being hella patronizing with his tone, his facial expressions, his hand gestures.. but can't say i'm surprised this **** is like watching anything on fox news. when he tried to compare israel's occupation of palestine to farrakhan demanding a separate black nation :smh:

white folk clapping when donahue insinuated eddie murphy was a "clown"/"buffon" like he made some type of mic drop statement :lol: **** was a room of pre-karen karens. i knew it was gonna get stupid and dismissive when they went to the white audience ..
On a thread about a Black man being killed by racists, why are so many of the white people here trying to convince Black people to like them? Shouldn't they be trying to teach their white friends to not be such racists, then learning to fight against white privilege?

This and your post about trusting white people are straight from

Blackness is associated to guilt in American consciousness, and this association is so engrained in this culture that when egregious acts of aggression happen towards black people, we get folks unironically asking questions like:

Was he wearing jogging attire? Cant really tell from video

I'm a black dude in America, but my background (not descendant of enslaved Africans) precluded me from having any need to distrust anyone in this country.

Yet, the sum of all my experience in this country puts me in a position where I have to teach my children to be cautious about the very people they should be trusting (those who represent all facets of authority) because too many among them subscribe to white supremacy and not being careful could cost them their lives. I have to teach them that they will be afforded a very tiny margin of error compared to their peers because of how their black skin is perceived in their country.

That's a ****** up way to live.
smdh at donahue being hella patronizing with his tone, his facial expressions, his hand gestures.. but can't say i'm surprised this **** is like watching anything on fox news. when he tried to compare israel's occupation of palestine to farrakhan demanding a separate black nation :smh:

white folk clapping when donahue insinuated eddie murphy was a "clown"/"buffon" like he made some type of mic drop statement :lol: **** was a room of pre-karen karens. i knew it was gonna get stupid and dismissive when they went to the white audience ..

They are both still alive. They should do a follow up.

What a special that would be for Prime Time TV...but we know it will never happen.
I know it wasn’t their house but I myself have spazzed on folks who enter into my gated community behind me knowing they’re not supposed to be there.

It was another brown dude. Albeit a different ethnicity.

Regardless of what he looked like I recognized the way he was moving. The way he was circling the block. He wasn’t know delivery driver and it turned out I was right.

I don’t carry so my *** could’ve been shot but I’m just protective like that. If I sense you up to no good around my way you gon’ have to deal with me. To whatever end may come.

Dude wanted no smoke after I hopped out the whip. Just a lot of lip.

It would’ve been interesting if one of these times the situation is flipped and it’s dudes trying to intervene who get shot.

Idk why those two dudes chased Arbery down with guns, but then again it could’ve been Arbery who was packing.

Fact that theyre white optically doesn’t look good.
I think people do not realize that Black people are taught to participate in their own oppression. Posters like slaughterx do not realize that their own thought process not only encourages white supremacy, but also stunts one’s ability to be free of oppression. However if people like he were free? They’d probably want to find a way to return under the thumb of oppression, due to the fear of freedom and self responsibility.
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