aepps20 aepps20

I dig your comedy, you's funny mf'er, great timing. Both you and @marikomorose be having me in stitches, but I ain't trusting any of them to help us. What they need to do is to fight against their own people, their own structure, then to leave us alone so that we can fix our own thing. The main problem in the Black community, is white interference, influence. We, need our own thing away from theirs. Our own education system, and many of us have returned back to our own spiritual belief systems already. We need to have our own standards of success again, and they are simply, in the way.

I know that what I am saying isn't popular on here, not expecting any reps at all, but I am huge on do for self, do for family. That way, we do not owe anyone anything. However we are indeed, owed.

I feel you fam. We need to first root out liberalism or libbiesm in our own communities before they can help us do it. #KILLMONGERWASRIGHT

If a white person is physically aggressive toward you, verbally aggressive toward you, you have equal right to defend yourself against such aggression. If physical, beat him/her until they cannot get up anymore, and if needed, finish the job.
You've created your own definition of what racism and sexism is. By definition, racism and sexism are based on how someone views another race or sex, not if they benefit from a system they have no control over. White privilege and make privilege don't by default make every white racist and every male sexist, no matter how much you try to re-write the dictionary.
The definition of "racism" and "sexism" found in Webster's Dictionary, is a generalized lay definition that's not tailored to our society or written by anyone with expertise or direct experience in the matter. It does not match any established sociological definitions.
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If a white person is physically aggressive toward you, verbally aggressive toward you, you have equal right to defend yourself against such aggression. If physical, beat him/her until they cannot get up anymore, and if needed, finish the job.

I also think the same thing applies to Liberals. We must defeat liberal conjecture with our words and if needed, our hands.
You forgot to mention
Black people getting arrested for not social distancing.

Facts. I really think it’s sad that so many Nters turn threads like this one into places where they act nieve, play victim, and antagonize people who may be experiencing trauma from witnessing a lynching of someone who looks like them. It’s extremely offensive and insensitive for someone to come into a thread like this and play the whole “innocent” trying to find more information about race role to antagonize black people. They act like they don’t live race, when they’re entire existence and privilege is based on their race. They antagonize black people by making this thread about them by trolling and shifting the conversation to focus on black people and any possible offensive language used by Black people in this thread, or any past behaviors by black NTers that may be considered “racist. “ For example , many of the MAGAs in here constantly label KHUFU KHUFU as a racist and claim he said racist things in the past. However, Khufu hasn’t been banned, so their claims can’t be true. What they’ve done is attempt to delegitmize Khufu by slandering his reputation because they can’t handle him speaking the truth. The MAGAs here and in real life never play fair, they always stack the cards for their benefit, they delete posts to hide the truth. This thread has been policed and trolled by the MAGAs who have questionable and racist views on race. These dudes come in here to antagonizing black people. They know what they’re doing. What they really want to say is that Black people are racist people who whine and complain about race too much. They don’t have the heart to flat out say that though, so they play dumb and ask so-called innocent questions. To me real allies don’t ask too many questions they listen. People who asked a whole bunch of unnecessary questions aren’t trying to learn they’re trying to interrogate. It’s very Trumpish and narcissistic to make this thread about you, but white supremacy is narcissistic so I’m not surprised. I just wish people could keep it a buck and say what they really feel. Like KHUFU KHUFU , I respect a confederate flag toting MAGA hat wearing racist more than a Jordan wearing, hip hop listening, Kobe Bryant fan, who wears urban clothes but hates Black people.

  • Brian2 days ago
    My office will not be prosecuting social distancing arrests," Queens District Attorney Melinda Katz said. "Nobody wants a health crisis to fuel a criminal justice crisis."

    So why arrest them if your not going to prosecute them?

    ReplyReplies (34)

  • Edward

    Edward2 days ago
    Why are they arresting anyone? If they want issue a ticket and let the appeals courts rule on validity. These are the same people that actually let criminals out of jail.

    ReplyReplies (17)

  • Albert

    Albert2 days ago
    Is it an issue with courtesy? The Police asks for people to separate and some respond with ok, sorry. And others respond aggressively stating you can't tell me what to do, you don't know me!!, then it escalates with the police being uncourteous it goes on from there? (Just a thought)

    ReplyReplies (57)

  • William

    Any chance it could be cultural behavior patterns in regards to following authority?

    ReplyReplies (24)

  • Barlowlkr

    Here we go again. Police the engage those that do not follow the law. Then later it gets defined as color issue.

    ReplyReplies (25)

  • A.C.

    A.C.2 days ago
    Everything is blamed on race except when it comes to crime rates and who is committing most of the crimes.

    ReplyReplies (11)

  • LEX

    LEX2 days ago
    Very first line in the article/

    "This week, 20 residents in Queens, New York, were arrested for social distancing"

    Journalism no longer exists. It is sensationalism for clicks and so bad they don't even check their own copy.
    But Business Insider is pretty much part of the trash media.

    So I guess in Queens, you get arrested for social distancing and not social distancing.

    ReplyReplies (10)

  • Peter S

    Peter S2 days ago
    That's because those arrested don't listen, challenge authority, and basically have a 'make me' attitude. It has nothing to do with skin color but some will never get that.

    ReplyReplies (34)

  • jay

    Follow social distance rules and then there will be no arrests...


  • B72R

    B72R2 days ago
    Is the percentage of cases reflect the percentage of non compliance?

People, many of whom are unmasked, enjoy the warm weather at Central Park in New York City amid the coronavirus pandemic on May 4, 2020.

People, many of whom are unmasked, enjoy the warm weather at Central Park in New York City amid the coronavirus pandemic on May 4, 2020.



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    59.1 KB · Views: 18
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The definition of "racism" and "sexism" found in Webster's Dictionary, is a generalized lay definition that's not tailored to our society or written by anyone with expertise or direct experience in the matter. It does not match any established sociological definitions.
So you made up your own. Glad we agree.
So you made up your own. Glad we agree.
No, we don't.
Do you understand the meaning of sociological definitions, and why that will trump that of a dictionary?

This is the reason why Law and the language of law are different.

  • 38671_(1)_16714565152998.jpg

    Aepps20 .2 days ago
    Everything is blamed on race instead of liberal conjecture and innuendo. Liberals or Libbies are scum and cause problems. Not hard to keep me 6 feet away from libs when you put them down on their back with a left hook to da jaw.
You're just making **** up so you can cast labels on people. It's weird and sad but you do you.


I guess the DICTIONARY is making **** up too huh?

Definition of racism

1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2a: a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
b: a political or social system founded on racism
3: racial prejudice or discrimination

The History and Dictionary Meaning of Racism
Racism appears to be a word of recent origin, with no citations currently known that would suggest the word was in use prior to the early 20th century. But the fact that the word is fairly new does not prove that the concept of racism did not exist in the distant past. Things may have words to describe them before they exist (spaceship, for instance, has been in use since the 19th century, well before the rocket-fired vessels were invented), and things may exist for a considerable time before they are given names (t-shirt does not appear in print until the 20th century, although the article of clothing existed prior to 1900).

"Dictionaries are often treated as the final arbiter in arguments over a word’s meaning, but they are not always well suited for settling disputes. The lexicographer’s role is to explain how words are (or have been) actually used, not how some may feel that they should be used, and they say nothing about the intrinsic nature of the thing named by a word, much less the significance it may have for individuals. When discussing concepts like racism, therefore, it is prudent to recognize that quoting from a dictionary is unlikely to either mollify or persuade the person with whom one is arguing."


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I guess the DICTIONARY is making **** up too huh?

Definition of racism

1: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2a: a doctrine or political program based on the assumption of racism and designed to execute its principles
b: a political or social system founded on racism
3: racial prejudice or discrimination

The History and Dictionary Meaning of Racism
Racism appears to be a word of recent origin, with no citations currently known that would suggest the word was in use prior to the early 20th century. But the fact that the word is fairly new does not prove that the concept of racism did not exist in the distant past. Things may have words to describe them before they exist (spaceship, for instance, has been in use since the 19th century, well before the rocket-fired vessels were invented), and things may exist for a considerable time before they are given names (t-shirt does not appear in print until the 20th century, although the article of clothing existed prior to 1900).

Dictionaries are often treated as the final arbiter in arguments over a word’s meaning, but they are not always well suited for settling disputes. The lexicographer’s role is to explain how words are (or have been) actually used, not how some may feel that they should be used, and they say nothing about the intrinsic nature of the thing named by a word, much less the significance it may have for individuals. When discussing concepts like racism, therefore, it is prudent to recognize that quoting from a dictionary is unlikely to either mollify or persuade the person with whom one is arguing.


We not dealing with someone who'll take into account their own limitations. He is still holding upon to the hope that he is right about Black people.
Raxist and racism are two different things. Stop moving the goalposts.
Both racism and sexism speak to privilege, and then who'll benefit from it.

In both cases, a group is being oppressed.

If a case to prove racism or sexism is brought to court, there is a clear distinction that a literal definition between that of a dictionary, and then legal language, will be vastly different due to sociological definitions. Due to how racism has been both created and then practiced in this country, sexism as well, only one group of people possess the power to oppress.

Therefore I am indeed a sexist.
You, are both a racist and sexist.

This is so incredibly ugly.

I’m glad nobody got hurt.

If a mob brandishing weapons comes up to a family’s door like that demanding entry on the strength of nothing they should all be charged.

Imagine if this woman and her son hadn’t factored race into the equation...

But back to Arbery-

What I’m most interested in finding out is that if the prosecutor will be replaced. He literally has a speech impediment and it sounds like nearly everyone that has seen the video of him speaking can’t understand what he’s saying.
On a thread about a Black man being killed by racists, why are so many of the white people here trying to convince Black people to like them? Shouldn't they be trying to teach their white friends to not be such racists, then learning to fight against white privilege?

This doubling down on being white seems to be more of a mental illness, more than one of rights if we are to take the example shown here.
I'm sure there are other white people viewing the thread, feeling hurt by this event like the rest of us are, but if you are truly genuine in believing in the right thing, and don't just do it for accolades you don't come into the thread trying to derail, making this about you for your own selfish reasons. Sad it had to come to being enforced, but their ego wouldn't just let them stop.
I’ve been watching this thread for a few days now. And I’m definitely starting to see it.

I hope you've been track all da liberal conjecture and innuendo that has gone on. Very proud that StevenStevenUniverise is our Vice Morderator Elect. WEEEEEE ARE DA CRYSTAL GEMS.
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