Black Jesus Vs White Jesus Vol. What Did Your House Have

May 31, 2011
Coming from a black family my portraits of jesus were black in our houses what about you nt? any non-black nters have black jesus in their homes?


for giggles asian jesus:
OP, why do you use the Greek name?

Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:
im black, sooo black Jesus and a black angel on the christmas tree

it's how i like it, come at me
why would he be fair skinned coming from the region he came from? it only makes sense that he was olive skinned.
This should turn out good.

But growing up we didn't have a picture of him in our house at all. My grandparents had the middle eastern looking dude though.
Originally Posted by 4318MichaelJohnson4318

for giggles asian jesus:
Damn Asian Jesus couldn't even grow a decent beard.  I'm Asian but we had images of the white, European Jesus.
Both. Black Jesus while hes carrying the cross (Jesus Nazarene) and White for everything else.
Originally Posted by firmePORvida

Considering Jesus was Jewish, we had a light-skinned Jesus.

oh so jews are always white?
you're ignorant.

i'm white btw and had the middle eastern looking jesus in my house.
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