Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

In my humble opinion, a pre order is not necessary for this release unless u just don't know how to cop shoes today. Y'all are bugging.

QFT... Listen I'm not saying that these will be an easy cop for everyone, but IMO no one on NT (or anyone who knows how **** works nowadays) should preorder a general release period unless you can't even attempt to cop the day they release. If you attempt all of your nearby raffles and try online as well, you should be able to score a pair. Hell, you could even pay one of those ATC websites to secure you a pair for less if you really feel like youre gonna miss out. Worst case scenario if you do happen to strike out, resale value will be around what you paid for the preorder or even less... That's just me tho
Trying on every site excluding Shady Palace. Their server is cheeks and I feel they will be 195-200 on SP
Legitameitaly gonna hit up a total of around 12-16 stores and enter my name in a raffle. Ima go with like 3 friends also so i should have good odds

If somehow this doesnt work ima take my L 

No way you finna catch me spendin anything more than retail on this GR
Legitameitaly gonna hit up a total of around 12-16 stores and enter my name in a raffle. Ima go with like 3 friends also so i should have good odds
If somehow this doesnt work ima take my L 
No way you finna catch me spendin anything more than retail on this GR

Thats going overboard. If you factor the gas and time it takes to hit up that many stores, you're better off paying resell price
Thats going overboard. If you factor the gas and time it takes to hit up that many stores, you're better off paying resell price
There's a mall 5 minutes from me that has a Champs, FTL, FNL, HOH

Then in my city there's a FTL, boutique that will carry it, 

5 miles after that, (10 miles from me) there's a mall with those same stores

Thats already 10 stores within 10 miles of me in one direction

I commute to the OC quite a bit also so i'd hit another 2 malls on my way so i could just stop by lol

It does seem overboard but within a 15-20 mile radius i have 4 malls next to me each with a champs fnl and ftl 

Most of my friends arent in to Jordans so they'd probably put my name down if they go to the mall or if they go with me just put my size

Ima do my best to get a pair though

edit: If i win multiple raffles (size 10.5) I'll hook up a fellow NTer for retail + shipping
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Aren't you the one always crying about your area and not winning raffles :lol:
Lol dude I aint never even entered into a raffle before. Got the wrong guy. Come to think of it, I haven't even missed out on a shoe I've tried for this entire year yet on release day. :lol:
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Some people call that putting in work.

Better to be safe than sorry.

If running around the mall collecting tickets like a little kid at the carnival is what you call putting in work, then be my guest. Where I'm from we work smart, not hard. I don't do raffles. Never have and never will.

I'd call that a waste of time

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It just feels good to have preordered these. Yea I payed a little extra, buts it's for piece of mind.

I don't have to worry about winning raffles/standing in line.

On release day, (or soon after) they'll be delivered to me doorstep without the hassle/anxiety.

Heck, I might even enter a few raffles just to see if I'll actually win
Qft. Repped. I know that's right. #teammanual #teamboxprice
You and only a few others on here seem to understand that we live in the age of technology. The concept of e-commerce has eluded the rest. People with real jobs and actual lives don't have the time nor patience to go around collecting raffle tickets, sit around hoping and waiting for a call, and then going back to the mall to purchase the actual shoe. I take care of all that in 5-10 minutes behind the computer courtesy of Google Fiber
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Qft. Repped. I know that's right. #teammanual #teamboxprice
You and only a few others on here seem to understand that we live in the age of technology. The concept of e-commerce has eluded the rest. People with real jobs and actual lives don't have the time nor patience to go around collecting raffle tickets, sit around hoping and waiting for a call, and then going back to the mall to purchase the actual shoe. I take care of all that in 5-10 minutes behind the computer courtesy of Google Fiber
I couldn't have said that better...Right on point and exactly how I feel. 
If running around the mall collecting tickets like a little kid at the carnival is what you call putting in work, then be my guest. Where I'm from we work smart, not hard. I don't do raffles. Never have and never will.

It's THEIR time, not yours

Why are some of you so concerned with what people do with their time and money?
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