Black Infrared VI's returning in 2014. NO GM TALK!

nt is corny with that pizza party crap


#Pizzaboys hold each other down, look out for each other when it comes to finding pairs even after release for decent prices.

You a hater cuz.

I'ma remember you too. If I see you out here struggling to cop a pair, you'll get no help.

You can't even get a cold slice.

kid was a straight ***** hitting some old man for worldstar, would have wreaked his *** if i saw that.
Is it weird that I prefer cold pizza than hot pizza? :lol: and hitting him was extra smh Lmao
Y'all #pizzaboys need to get y'all own thread. Get outta here with that ish. It's od corny and it's hard for me to believe y'all are full grown adult males.

either that or lock it up until we get more images
Agreed. Was funny for a page or two, but no offense guys but I don't want to come in here reading useless info when we don't even have any official info and 1 lousy picture  
The hostility in here cant let no one have fun...y'all feeling left or

It doesn't matter "we ain't going nowheres hey"
Y'all #pizzaboys need to get y'all own thread. Get outta here with that ish. It's od corny and it's hard for me to believe y'all are full grown adult males.

either that or lock it up until we get more images

You mad?

Dawg the shoes don't come out for another 6 months. The hell are we supposed to talk about in here? Debate durabuck vs nubuck, 3m vs no 3m, and a bunch of other nonsense all year?

If it bothers you so bad, come back in Novemer.

Nobody forced you to enter this thread.

All ya'll mad cause you think the #pizzaboy stuff is corny, but I don't see ya'll posting any new images or making convo in here to help the next half year pass.

Is it corny? Sure, whatever. But we had more fun in the bred 1 thread last year than any other thread in the JB section. We're trying to help the year pass by in here. No arguments, no stupid debates, just funny gifs until the shoes dropped.

I really don't see whats so wrong with that
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You mad?

Dawg the shoes don't come out for another 6 months. The hell are we supposed to talk about in here? Debate durabuck vs nubuck, 3m vs no 3m, and a bunch of other nonsense all year?

If it bothers you so bad, come back in Novemer.

Nobody forced you to enter this thread.

All ya'll mad cause you think the #pizzaboy stuff is corny, but I don't see ya'll posting any new images or making convo in here to help the next half year pass.

Is it corny? Sure, whatever. But we had more fun in the bred 1 thread last year than any other thread in the JB section. We're trying to help the year pass by in here. No arguments, no stupid debates, just funny gifs until the shoes dropped.

I really don't see whats so wrong with that
It's just annoying that's all. To see the thread get updated and come in and see nothing but gifs about pizza....
Not gonna lie, it was somewhat entertaining the first page or so but now it's just annoying.

And who says we HAVE to make convo? We don't HAVE to talk about anything, really. All I want out of a JB/shoe thread is info on the damn shoe. If I wanted the #pizzaboy type ish I would go to TAN.

I wouldn't want any of the stupid durabuck vs suede, pink vs varsity red, type arguments in the thread anyways.

Y'all should just make a pizza thread if y'all like pizza THAT much. I'm just sayin. Not trying to take shots at anyone
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Idk see why this is new to you! It's just like you don't like it don't cop thing. You don't like the pizza talk don't partake on it or just don't go to the thread! We're not harming anyone and technically still talking about the shoes. If we get more information I'm sure it won't take long to spot pictures of a shoe in pages full of gifs. If it's not what you're looking for keep scrolling! Like they said we are months ahead of us and all yall going talk about is infrared vs infra"pink" bs, how do 6s fit, Kanye west, tlo, how much is resale going be, how much production numbers etc

This pair of shoes this year is what me mean by pizza why make another thread about the same thing!
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You mad?

Dawg the shoes don't come out for another 6 months. The hell are we supposed to talk about in here? Debate durabuck vs nubuck, 3m vs no 3m, and a bunch of other nonsense all year?

If it bothers you so bad, come back in Novemer.

Nobody forced you to enter this thread.

All ya'll mad cause you think the #pizzaboy stuff is corny, but I don't see ya'll posting any new images or making convo in here to help the next half year pass.

Is it corny? Sure, whatever. But we had more fun in the bred 1 thread last year than any other thread in the JB section. We're trying to help the year pass by in here. No arguments, no stupid debates, just funny gifs until the shoes dropped.

I really don't see whats so wrong with that
It's just annoying that's all. To see the thread get updated and come in and see nothing but gifs about pizza....0] Not gonna lie, it was somewhat entertaining the first page or so but now it's just annoying.

And who says we HAVE to make convo? We don't HAVE to talk about anything, really. All I want out of a JB/shoe thread is info on the damn shoe. If I wanted the #pizzaboy type ish I would go to TAN.

I wouldn't want any of the stupid durabuck vs suede, pink vs varsity red, type arguments in the thread anyways.

Y'all should just make a pizza thread if y'all like pizza THAT much. I'm just sayin. Not trying to take shots at anyone

I think you're missing the pizza reference/metaphor that we've been using.

I really think thats why you're annoyed by the pizza talk. The pizza is merely a metaphor for the shoes.

And despite us joking about pizza, info on the shoes will still be posted and chances are the OP will be edited to have the latest news on the first page, just like many other threads. Once late october/early november gets here the Pizza talk will be flooded out by actual sneaker info.

We literally do this because theres NOTHING else to talk about in here until some info actually drops. Pizza references were low once the breds actually dropped last year. The thread turned back into a regular sneaker thread.

We can't make a Pizzaboys thread because then we'd just be talking about every shoe that drops. It'll literally be us talking about these shoes in another thread outside of this one. We can't have duplicate threads.

We're just having fun, geez. Debbie downer...

But in any case, it looks like we've got ourselves an old fashioned mexican standoff...


#Pizzaboys vs da world, b.
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No ones being a debbie downer lmao. Its just annoying that the passed two days I get notified from this thread and its a gif of spongebob holding a pizza. Cool, I get it, its funny. So if you're saying you guys are going to keep posting pizza gifs for the next six months, might as well make a new thread or go on People come in here for Infrared news/discussions, whether theres news or not. Not hating, but like I said, I personally don't want to read pizza gifs for 6 months  
Of course not because all those questions and debates will resurface. When the slightest of information or pics come out it's back to the etcs I listed. When they die down guess what we're going be taking about...

If you gotta a problem **** outta here, Nobody is telling you to be here. What else we suppose to talk about for six months? Information will be posted nonetheless.
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