Black Culture Discussion Thread

everything other than agreement, is trolling to these cats...
You're trolling because all of your posts are rambling to throw people off of the Sambo points you suggestion, since everyone here is a close-minded paranoid jerkoff with no intent to hear other sides, is for you and the trolls you're dapping it up with to make your own thread for free discussion of gays and everything else. 

We'll hold down this primitive thread, and you and your fam can start up a thread for free, intelligent discussion of troll business. 
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wasn't it truth serum that started derailing the thread over tight clothes and effeminate men?

this post is for him right?
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those are all your word bro, i never called names or said people were close minded just that the conversation was narrowly defined, but if the shoe fits....and obviously there is not much appetite here for even pointing out the hypocrisy in comments, much less any dissension; so your condescension falls flat my dude...not sure why the gay thing keeps coming up, that's not my issue; it is strange that it is so problematic for people here though...

i just attempted to add some context, it may not be the most succinct but it is at least an attempt at critical thought, however crude...those that can't defend/explain their thinking resort to name calling & dismissal; the short of it is that a picture is being painted in this thread of a bleak existence for black people SOLELY due to our blackness and not even considering other factors...

most of things posted here as solutions are not new ideas (group economics, or better education, better policing, knowledge of self, entrepreneurship, etc.), or even presented as such...and i would think if people are really interested in solutions, rather than a pity party or glad-handing about how conscious they are in comparison to their less 'enlightened' bredren, thinking outside of the "worldwide conspiracy against melanated peoples" mode of thought might yield more actionable discussions, like if the thinking is that the various states of black peoples is the result of a global conspiracy, good luck affecting is quite different from seeing things as a result of decisions & policies pursued or the somewhat random ebbs & flows of power
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 At first

Then I learned

No they are clearly trollin', I use to try to give some of them the benefit of the doubt but when you realize all they do is lurk and try to find someone's post to debunk or make a ridiculous attempt of anyway then you eventually learn to stop enabling them and to stop taken em' seriously. with the "oh it's only if you disagree with them" face *** posts 

Probly workin' for the people

- wouldn't be suprise'd to know they got a few NT'ers on payroll 
Have any of you guys (specifically addressing my brothers in the Diaspora) ever returned to W. Africa?

How were you treated? What was it like?

If I get the internship/job im going for my chance of visiting before graduation is going to go from about 30% to 100%.

Obviously waiting out the Boko Haram situation in Nigeria and Cameroon and what not.
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Have any of you guys (specifically addressing my brothers in the Diaspora) ever returned to W. Africa?

How were you treated? What was it like?

If I get the internship/job im going for my chance of visiting before graduation is going to go from about 30% to 100%.

Obviously waiting out the Boko Haram situation in Nigeria and Cameroon and what not.
Long time lurker, but i finally made an account so i can post in this thread. I was in Cameroon from Christmas until about 2 weeks ago, and to answer a few of your questions i would say that Cameroon is on high security right now and the airports are closed to the public or whoever is not travelling, there is control on every highway and if you don't have a Cameroonian ID they might detain you until you bribe them. Luckily, my father is a high ranked officer so i had my own military driver but i really didn't need him. The Boko Haram situation is a very serious situation right now my father who is a Colonel in the air force and also the president (Paul Biya) pilot is forced to provide air security over the borders of Cameroon/Nigeria because this fanatic group attack our country daily, and he also told me it cost Cameroon about 34k XFA about $70k to fight that war.

so yes Cameroon is safe to travel and so is Nigeria.
Have any of you guys (specifically addressing my brothers in the Diaspora) ever returned to W. Africa?

How were you treated? What was it like?

If I get the internship/job im going for my chance of visiting before graduation is going to go from about 30% to 100%.

Obviously waiting out the Boko Haram situation in Nigeria and Cameroon and what not.

i haven't ever been...but someone in my fam goes back at least once every year... i've been told how you are treated is somewhat dependent of where you go & who you're with. depending on where you go, you might not have too much difficulty communicating (many english speakers in nigeria, esp. if you are in the big cities of lagos and/or abuja, can't say for cameroon) and things will probably be much smoother if you have someone who can show you you have peoples over there?
lol this dude Steve is seeming to tapdance more and more as time goes on.

A few days ago he said 'you're not necessarily racist for using racial slurs' because of Kevin Costner calling people ****** in his new white savior movie.

And before that he forgave Paula Deen for being an old WS butter bag.

I feel for him on some level because he has to tapdance to keep his show, being that white people own the networks. But damn, I don't think it's worth keeping a tv show if you have to berate your own racial struggles do it.

Something I notice is a lot of the older black folks are the ones who are most ready to buck dance. (Stephen A Smith, Cosby pre-BS accusations, Harvey) Do they know how horrible of an example they set for young blacks when they go up on TV and bend over for white men?
Wow. I thought lucky and the other dude made it clear that all this "mannerism/homosexual" talk is just distracting from the actual point of this thread.

Can we please move off that.
Have any of you guys (specifically addressing my brothers in the Diaspora) ever returned to W. Africa?

How were you treated? What was it like?

If I get the internship/job im going for my chance of visiting before graduation is going to go from about 30% to 100%.

Obviously waiting out the Boko Haram situation in Nigeria and Cameroon and what not.
Long time lurker, but i finally made an account so i can post in this thread. I was in Cameroon from Christmas until about 2 weeks ago, and to answer a few of your questions i would say that Cameroon is on high security right now and the airports are closed to the public or whoever is not travelling, there is control on every highway and if you don't have a Cameroonian ID they might detain you until you bribe them. Luckily, my father is a high ranked officer so i had my own military driver but i really didn't need him. The Boko Haram situation is a very serious situation right now my father who is a Colonel in the air force and also the president (Paul Biya) pilot is forced to provide air security over the borders of Cameroon/Nigeria because this fanatic group attack our country daily, and he also told me it cost Cameroon about 34k XFA about $70k to fight that war.

so yes Cameroon is safe to travel and so is Nigeria.
Appreciate the info! This is exactly the kind of reply I was hoping for. Appreciate the insider perspective fam and I hope your father remains safe through the conflict.

Still think im going to wait it out though.. It's highly likely I might end up having to go solo so I'd prefer not to take too many risks.. Hopefully we can see an end to it all soon.
Have any of you guys (specifically addressing my brothers in the Diaspora) ever returned to W. Africa?

How were you treated? What was it like?

If I get the internship/job im going for my chance of visiting before graduation is going to go from about 30% to 100%.

Obviously waiting out the Boko Haram situation in Nigeria and Cameroon and what not.
i haven't ever been...but someone in my fam goes back at least once every year... i've been told how you are treated is somewhat dependent of where you go & who you're with. depending on where you go, you might not have too much difficulty communicating (many english speakers in nigeria, esp. if you are in the big cities of lagos and/or abuja, can't say for cameroon) and things will probably be much smoother if you have someone who can show you you have peoples over there?
Not at all unfortunately... Family has been in America as far back as we can trace it, then just a cold trail. All of my friends don't care to go.

Not going to stop me from eventually going back. When the Boko Haram situation dies down im most definitely making my way over there.

Also considered studying abroad in Nigeria while the option is still available.. Still giving that a lot of thought though.
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Not at all unfortunately... Family has been in America as far back as we can trace it, then just a cold trail. All of my friends don't care to go.

Not going to stop me from eventually going back. When the Boko Haram situation dies down im most definitely making my way over there.

Also considered studying abroad in Nigeria while the option is still available.. Still giving that a lot of thought though.

where ever you choose, i'd recommend hiring a fixer or guide of some sort (maybe through your hotel/lodging accommodation) to show you around/give you some context, not only will it make it easier to move around but its good to have someone who knows what it is when you travel...

are you set on cameroon and/or nigeria? if you don't mind answering, why those places in particular?
Not at all unfortunately... Family has been in America as far back as we can trace it, then just a cold trail. All of my friends don't care to go.

Not going to stop me from eventually going back. When the Boko Haram situation dies down im most definitely making my way over there.

Also considered studying abroad in Nigeria while the option is still available.. Still giving that a lot of thought though.
where ever you choose, i'd recommend hiring a fixer or guide of some sort (maybe through your hotel/lodging accommodation) to show you around/give you some context, not only will it make it easier to move around but its good to have someone who knows what it is when you travel...

are you set on cameroon and/or nigeria? if you don't mind answering, why those places in particular?
Good looks, I'd definitely look into that when I head down there (I'd probably make a thread a few weeks before I leave anyways).

Slave coast. Assume wherever my original ancestors came from it was most likely in the territories of those states.

Want to see their (modern) sights, smell their smells, absorb the culture, etc.. Planning on getting my genome sequenced to pinpoint the area as well, really want to begin donating when im in a good position towards infrastructure/schooling/healthcare in what would have been my native country.

Whatever I can do. Long term.. Maybe ill move back? Maybe not? Cross that bridge when I come to it.
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