Black Culture Discussion Thread

Got a link? can't find it.

Yeah I dig this thread because at the end of the day, the goal is the same though we have differing thoughts on how to get there.

Give me a second. I gotta look for em and upload as PDF's.
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You don't have anything that's specifically to black americans.

See, like I said, your hang up is not really policy, is it rhetoric. You do not know what policies would help black Americans, so you need a politican (or anyone) to be as explicit as possible, and spoon feed it to you, so you can know. But if it helps any none black people in the process, you dismiss it.

You are not being progressive, you are just being reactionary.
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Seeing RustyShackleford RustyShackleford break down his background of college and all that **** makes a lot of sense. Most _'s with that background are ready and welling to go to war for democrats. :lol:
Because they acquired the tools to observe the system and understand how it works and why the decision makers do the things they do.

Until things change, this is a 2-party system set up to exclude any opinion that cannot be voiced within that context. On one hand, you have a group of people who have written off large sections of the country and have decided to game the system to stay relevant (GOP); on the other hand, you have a group of people who try to represent a very wide range of folks who don't recognize themselves in the first group (Dems).

You sit on the sidelines and talk about "they ain't doing nothing for us!" When proven otherwise, you say "that's not enough." When shown that it's taking us in the right direction, you disparage the messenger.

You're just a professional complainer.

Hell no!

That's why you have to "hide the medicine in the food".

Of course not.

I wish it were not the case but that is the situation we are caught in

Which is exactly why black people need find candidates that they can hold accountable. We love to talk about how much Obama didn’t do, but what are black peoples policy demands? How connected are you to your local representatives? How exactly do you want these changes To show up in your life? People wanna be out of touch with policy but then complain about who isn’t helping who.
Again nobody is asking for somebody to run ONLY for black people.

Because they acquired the tools to observe the system and understand how it works and why the decision makers do the things they do.

Until things change, this is a 2-party system set up to exclude any opinion that cannot be voiced within that context. On one hand, you have a group of people who have written off large sections of the country and have decided to game the system to stay relevant (GOP); on the other hand, you have a group of people who try to represent a very wide range of folks who don't recognize themselves in the first group (Dems).

You sit on the sidelines and talk about "they ain't doing nothing for us!" When proven otherwise, you say "that's not enough." When shown that it's taking us in the right direction, you disparage the messenger.

You're just a professional complainer.

Right that's exactly what these racist white folks say black folks ask for specifics.

"You're complaining"

Shut the **** up. :lol:

_'s like you just ok with going along the BS cuz it makes you feel better. You've made every weak excuse for politicians to not do anything.
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Says the man who got upset when he was asked for specifics by a black person. You don't know about real policy, you need everything labeled certain way to feel good about it.

Like I said, reactionary as hell.
@Mark Antony Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius
Derrick Bell's Interest Convergence

I made an error. It wasn't Harold Cruse I was referring to, it was Harry Haywood. But the idea isn't new.

Harry Haywood

Some history on reparations
Callie House:

Estimating the cost of Reparations and the discourse surrounding it:


Capitalism and Slavery by Eric Williams

Pages from a Black Radicals Notebook by James Boggs

Long Overdue: The Politics of Racial Reparations

The Half That Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism

The Price Of the ticket: Barack Obama and The Rise and decline of Black Politics

Knocking The Hustle: Against The Neo-liberal Turn in Black Politics

Bloomberg's New York: Class and Governance in the Luxury City

This getting long so I'll stop here. READ!!!! READ!!! READ!!!
Thanks for the links, but umm, is that site legal? If not it might be better to post titles and PM people in the future.
Says the man who got upset when he was asked for specifics by a black person. You don't know about real policy, you need everything labeled certain way to feel good about it.

Like I said, reactionary as hell.

Bruh it's nothing you've said that had me upset. I don't get upset having these discussions with my boys or family so somebody on here damn sure ain't making me upset.

You do get triggered when somebody questions one of your democrats.
Bruh it's nothing you've said that had me upset. I don't get upset having these discussions with my boys or family so somebody on here damn sure ain't making me upset.

You do get triggered when somebody questions one of your democrats.
:lol: :lol:

Dude believe whatever nonsense you want to believe to make yourself feel good.
Overlooked No More: Bessie B. Stringfield, the ‘Motorcycle Queen of Miami’

Stringfield amazed people with her accounts of being chased off the road as she traveled through the Jim Crow South and her stunts on the Wall of Death at carnivals. via Ann Ferrar


@Mark Antony Maximus Meridius Maximus Meridius
Derrick Bell's Interest Convergence

I made an error. It wasn't Harold Cruse I was referring to, it was Harry Haywood. But the idea isn't new.

Harry Haywood

Some history on reparations
Callie House:

Estimating the cost of Reparations and the discourse surrounding it:


Capitalism and Slavery by Eric Williams

Pages from a Black Radicals Notebook by James Boggs

Long Overdue: The Politics of Racial Reparations

The Half That Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism

The Price Of the ticket: Barack Obama and The Rise and decline of Black Politics

Knocking The Hustle: Against The Neo-liberal Turn in Black Politics

Bloomberg's New York: Class and Governance in the Luxury City

This getting long so I'll stop here. READ!!!! READ!!! READ!!!

Capitalism and slavery was on my list of books to read
Again nobody is asking for somebody to run ONLY for black people.

Right that's exactly what these racist white folks say black folks ask for specifics.

"You're complaining"

Shut the **** up. :lol:

_'s like you just ok with going along the BS cuz it makes you feel better. You've made every weak excuse for politicians to not do anything.
How is describing the way things are = being OK with the BS?

What makes you think that I am OK with what's going on?

How do you plan to solve problems you don't want to understand?
Every thread this individual is in: RustyShackleford RustyShackleford

Y’all fall for this individual’s schtick.




Forever ruining/derailing threads.

Masterful trolling.

I don't recall ever having a discussion with you to know what threads I have ruined for you, and I don't post in that many threads. If you don't like the content of my post, or the debates I engage in, that's unfortunate but I don't really care.

If you don't like what I post, just block me. Simple
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