Black Culture Discussion Thread

We can start with land restitution. The country took resources from us through slavery and later on violently after we got our own.

State sanctioned violence against black people. Cops in this country have a greenlight to do whatever they wont, make up a lie and get off.
So you want the government to give black people reparations through land. Ok that's a start. And I am I favor of reparations for African Americans.

So what land specifically, public land, buy land at market land to transfer it to people, or are we going to use eminent domain? Also how will this program be funded. Also which black people qualify for such land. I am a West Indian immigrant, I do not expect any, but since my tax dollars gonna pay for it I would like to know the specifics.

Also, wealth taxes have increased in popularity, a land tax has been one such wealth tax that has been bat around for a while. With the need to extra tax revenue will this land be subject to taxation. I mean it has too, doesn't it? Also poor black people need the most help getting out of their current economic situation. Transfering land to them in mass would increase their tax liability and therefore give them a strong incentive to sell.

Because if you want specific policies, you have to grapple with how the program will work.

What other specific policies do yo have in mind?
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I am a West Indian immigrant, I do not expect any, but since my tax dollars gonna pay for it I would like to know the specifics.

To be honest if you ain't included don't worry about it. Black americans tax dollars are in this corrupt system that's been working against us from day 1. That's what's important here.

As far as what land, I'm not a expert on that. We can get with other black americans to figure that out and talk about other policies.
To be honest if you ain't included don't worry about it. Black americans tax dollars are in this corrupt system that's been working against us from day 1. That's what's important here.

As far as what land, I'm not a expert on that. We can get with other black Americans to figure that out and talk about other policies.
I am a black American. But since my ancestor's bondage and oppression didn't take place in the United States I assume that I would not qualify for a reparations program. I am happy to help pay for a good one though.

So you throw something out, something you can't explain it defend or even give specifics about and you handwave away the discussion about any other policies. Yet, you will jump on another politician for not giving specifics.

Not one is denying our socioeconomic system works against black people. That's why many black people want to move toward social democracy to help change that. No one claimed it was a panacea, we claim it helps. Instead of complaining about sound bites, campaign rhetoric not tailored exactly now we like, some focus on the dynamics of policy proposals. So next time before you dismiss people as crazy, consider that.
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I am a black American. But since my ancestor's oppression didn't take place in the United States I assume that I would not qualify for a reparations program. I am happy to help pay for a good one though.

So you throw something out, something you can't explain it defend or even give specifics about and you handwave away the discussion about any other policies. Yet, you will jump on another politician for not giving specifics.

Not one is denying our socioeconomic system works against black people. That's why many black people want to move toward social democracy to help change that. No one claimed it was a panacea, we claim it helps. Instead of complaining about sound bite, campaign rhetoric, or suggesting stuff that will not work, some focus on the dynamics of policy proposals. So before you dismiss people as crazy the next time, consider that.

Like I said I don't have all the solutions and a whole plan mapped out that's why it's good to sit with people that's on the same page. You damn sure don't have any real solutions by running in circles and fighting hard for these politicians who don't do anything for black americans like Hillary who loves Margret Sanger and her KKK member mentor Robert Bird.

"social democracy" is just more democrat/liberal BS. I'm cool on that. I expect you to ride for that though. You love these democrats.
Like I said I don't have all the solutions and a whole plan mapped out that's why it's good to sit with people that's on the same page. You damn sure don't have any real solutions by running in circles and fighting hard for these politicians who don't do anything for black Americans like Hillary who loves Margret Sanger and her KKK member mentor Robert Bird.

"social democracy" is just more democrat/liberal BS. I'm cool on that. I expect you to ride for that though. You love these democrats.
Please spare me your ******** ad hominem because your *** could not articulate a point you were harping on and on about.

And I doubt you know what social democracy is if you think that is is just what the Democrats or Hillary Clinton pushes.

As always you rant and rant about politics but when challenge your *** taps about and tries to claim you too woke for the convo. You like the low information comfort the Tariq types provides, that is it. Thinking about tangible change beyond the political hot takes is an exercise you seem unwilling to engage with. I mean God forbid someone challenges your argument, you need folk to agree with everything you do. I and others have called out policies and how they will help but handwave them away because because they have not marketed like you want.

Your argument fell apart with the smallest inspection so you wanna deflection. So again, spare me the ******** :lol:
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Please spare me your bull**** ad hominem because your *** could not articulate a point you were harping on and on about.

And I doubt you know what social democracy is if you think that is is just what the Democrats or Hillary Clinton pushes.

As always you rant and rant about politics but when challenge your *** taps about and tries to claim you too woke for the convo. You like the low information comfort the Tariq types provides, that is it. Thinking about tangible change beyond the political hot takes is an exercise you seem unwilling to engage with. I mean God forbid someone challenges your argument, you need folk to agree with everything you do. I and others have called out policies and how they will help but handwave them away because because they have not marketed like you want.

Your argument fell apart with the smallest inspection so you wanna deflection. So again, spare me the bull**** :lol:

I ain't deflecting. :lol:

I answered your sarcastic questions and once again the root of your BS you was to cape for your democrats. I get it, you put your faith in them while they give you their *** to kiss.

And the fact that you threw in that you a West Indian immigrant and your "tax dollars" shows a lot.
I ain't deflecting. :lol:

I answered your sarcastic questions and once again the root of your BS you was to cape for your democrats. I get it, you put your faith in them while they give you their *** to kiss.

And the fact that you threw in that you a West Indian immigrant and your "tax dollars" shows a lot.
You seem I never understand context. I said I am a West Indian to point out that a any reparations program needs to set its parameters. Will it go by race, or will ethnicity be considered because not all black people are ethnically African American. So who qualifies for the land.

Seconding, implementing government policy has to be funded. I want good policy, not ineffective stuff that sounds good. I literally said I am willing to take a tax increase to help black Americans, even if I myself do not qualify for it. Yet that is a knock on me?

You do not even know how your suggestion would work. Not even the basics of it.

The fact you pinpoint those things, and can not look at the context in which I said them, says more about you than it does about me.

My questioning of your comment was to get to the heart of your objection about "specifics". If it truly policy or just rhetoric. I clearly have my answer. I if you think I agree with Dems (a group that does not go nearly far enough on the issue) more than your when it comes to policy helping black people, it is probably because they understand actual good policy that will help black communities more than you. So maybe you should try to correct that, because it not that high of a bar to clear.
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You seem I never understand context. I said I am a West Indian to point out that a any reparations program needs to set its parameters. Will it go by race, or will ethnicity be considered because not all black people are ethnically African American. So who qualifies for the land.

Seconding, implementing government policy has to be funded. I want good policy, not ineffective stuff that sounds good. I literally said I am willing to take a tax increase to help black Americans, even if I myself do not qualify for it. Yet that is a knock on me?

You do not even know how your suggestion would work. Not even the basics of it.

The fact you pinpoint those things, and can not look at the context in which I said them, says more about you than it does about me.

My questioning of your comment was to get to the heart of your objection about "specifics". If it truly policy or just rhetoric. I clearly have my answer. I if you think I agree with Dems (a group that does not go nearly far enough on the issue) more than your when it comes to policy helping black people, it is probably because they understand actual good policy that will help black communities more than you. So maybe you should try to correct that, because it not that high of a bar to clear.

Of course your democrat homies know what can help. They helped destroy black families throughout the country and as long as dudes like you keep giving them passes and defending them they'll keep moving how they been moving.
Of course your democrat homies know what can help. They helped destroy families throughout the country.
Dude I am economist by trade, I went to college, I read books, long form articles, and white papers, I travel, go to lectures by social scientist, listen to policy podcast, I talk to people I feel are more knowledgeable than me, and volunteer. I grew up in a country outside of the tribal influence of American politics. My voting patterns and beliefs on what is good policy are dictated by those things. Not a blind loyalty to a political party I hope one day is no longer exist in its current form, nor do I agree with all their actions, and my ideologies differ from its median member. So again, spare me this nonsense you are trying to put on me.

Your argument as ran out of stem and you clearly and unable or unwilling to counter my points so unless you got something else to tell me besides this buffoonery meant to deflect, we are done here.

You could not answer questions about the "specifics" of your plan, so you turn this into one big whataboutism. Like I said, learn to clear that bar.
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Dude I am economist by trade, I went to college, I read books, long form articles, and white papers, I travel, go to lectures by social scientist, listen to policy podcast, I talk to people I feel are more knowledgeable than me, and volunteer. I grew up in a country outside of the tribal influence of American politics. My voting patterns and beliefs on what is good policy are dictated by those things. Not a blind loyalty to a political party I hope one day is no longer exist in its current form, nor do I agree with all their actions, and my ideologies differ from its median member. So again, spare me this nonsense you are trying to put on me.

Your argument as ran out of stem and you clearly and unable or unwilling to counter my points so unless you got something else to tell me besides this buffoonery meant to deflect, we are done here.

You could not answer questions about the "specifics" of your plan, so you turn this into one big whataboutism. Like I said, learn to clear that bar.

I ain't putting on you. You do it to yourself. You do all this typing and like clock work you always show your blind loyalty. I've yet to hear you name anything that's a real solution, just blanket BS that democrats been pushing.
Dude I am economist by trade, I went to college, I read books, long form articles, and white papers, I travel, go to lectures by social scientist, listen to policy podcast, I talk to people I feel are more knowledgeable than me, and volunteer. I grew up in a country outside of the tribal influence of American politics. My voting patterns and beliefs on what is good policy are dictated by those things. Not a blind loyalty to a political party I hope one day is no longer exist in its current form, nor do I agree with all their actions, and my ideologies differ from its median member. So again, spare me this nonsense you are trying to put on me.

Your argument as ran out of stem and you clearly and unable or unwilling to counter my points so unless you got something else to tell me besides this buffoonery meant to deflect, we are done here.

You could not answer questions about the "specifics" of your plan, so you turn this into one big whataboutism. Like I said, learn to clear that bar.


where you from St Lucia?
So you want the government to give black people reparations through land. Ok that's a start. And I am I favor of reparations for African Americans.

So what land specifically, public land, buy land at market land to transfer it to people, or are we going to use eminent domain? Also how will this program be funded. Also which black people qualify for such land. I am a West Indian immigrant, I do not expect any, but since my tax dollars gonna pay for it I would like to know the specifics.

Also, wealth taxes have increased in popularity, a land tax has been one such wealth tax that has been bat around for a while. With the need to extra tax revenue will this land be subject to taxation. I mean it has too, doesn't it? Also poor black people need the most help getting out of their current economic situation. Transfering land to them in mass would increase their tax liability and therefore give them a strong incentive to sell.

Because if you want specific policies, you have to grapple with how the program will work.

What other specific policies do yo have in mind?

this is a great minor example of how a single seemingly simple thing easily cascades into a complexity tangential things that would likely create definite unintended if not entirely counterproductive consequences...

Of course your democrat homies know what can help. They helped destroy black families throughout the country and as long as dudes like you keep giving them passes and defending them they'll keep moving how they been moving.

understood as a given that neither of the major political parties has been able to completely deliver on their promise to (black) folk, really the questions are; which is likely to most align with black folk want? and how will black folk engage with both to make them accountable? nothing is going to be without flaw(s), the fact of the matter is whatever it is that black folk collectively want in this country, if proposed at the national level, they will have to build a coalition (amongst themselves and undoubtedly with other groups) to achieve it or otherwise convince the masses of its necessity...this is the context that has to be considered while in this system
Would a system where candidates listed out their ideal policies and e-mailed/mailed that to all eligible voters work better?

No campaigning and running on people's emotions, no charisma-influenced voting, just pure policies and consequences of policies to vote for

The biggest issue with the US political system is the fact that legislative coalitions are permanent, unlike many other democracies where the legislative leader still has to form a coalition for the duration of their term. Due to how elections are conducted, the US system is just not flexible enough to allow representatives of all ideologies to coexist within Congress independently and ally to whichever faction serves one's interests for the time being. That is a major reason why smaller parties (Green and Libertarian) have no chance at affecting legislative pieces, and why the idea of an independent black party is nothing but a dream in the current context of US politics.
I ain't putting on you. You do it to yourself. You do all this typing and like clock work you always show your blind loyalty. I've yet to hear you name anything that's a real solution, just blanket BS that democrats been pushing.
Again, ********. They have better policy proposals than anything I have ever verbalize.

Also I support:

A social wealth fund that pays out disproportionately pays the poor and black people, baby bonds that gives black kids a nest egg and economic safety net to start adulthood and build wealth, a VAT tax to fund a negative tax rate, postal banking with near zero percent short term loans to break the payday loan industry, a millionaire and multi-millionaire tax to fund nationalizing the health insurance industry. Socialized medicine in the poor urban and rural areas on top of that. A prison rights bill that grants universal suffrage and makes the federal minimum rate apply to prison labor. Ban private prison. Set the minimum wage at $13 dollars an hour and tie it to inflation. Subsidize expanding public transportation in America's poorest cities and counties. Make the Fed pursue a higher inflation target and prioritize full employment. Raise the income level for SNAP. Uncapping the limit of House Reps and moving to proportional elections. I could literally go on all day (and tomorrow) and explain how any of these would help black people

And guess what?

Democrats have none of this in their platform right now. Yet I support these things listed as good policy to help black people. I vote Democrat because right now they are a set in the right direction given the current situation
So again, miss me with your nonsense that i just agree with whatever the Dems say because you could not hold yourself to the same standard you shade Booker and Obama on.
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Seeing RustyShackleford RustyShackleford break down his background of college and all that **** makes a lot of sense. Most _'s with that background are ready and welling to go to war for democrats. :lol:
The fact you see getting educated and reading as negatives again say something negative about you, not me.

Maybe I would be better served not trying to better myself and relying on getting information from a shock jock.

I guess being low information woke is the move these days.
The fact you see getting educated and reading as negatives again say something negative about you, not me.

Maybe I would be better served not trying to better myself and relying on getting information from a shock jock.

I never said that's a negative but it is lames that rely too much on "well I went to college!!" :lol:

Ok, that's good but you going to college don't really hold a lot of weight. A lot of college _'s love dems and will lose it when people start challenging and criticizing them. Just like you.

And I'm still waiting on these real solutions you got.
I never said that's a negative but it is lames that rely too much on "well I went to college!!" :lol:

Ok, that's good but you going to college don't really hold a lot of weight.

And I'm still waiting on these real solutions you got.
Again, you seem unable to understand context. It is like you see a word on a page and just have a negative reaction to it.

You said my politics are dictated my blind loyalty to the Democratic Party. I listed my profession, education, and other things as the real things that have informed my politics. It was not to talk down on you or anyone else

I made a long list of policy proposals I feel with help, in case you missed it, if you have any specific objections to them I would be happy to discuss. Like I said none of them are currently the the Dem platform so unfortunately your usual tired attack won't apply. So if you want to get down into the specifics, go ahead.

You are just reaching for a way to dismiss everything I say because I pointed some hypocrisy in your argument.
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If he posted solutions you wouldn't care because he went to college, is not African American, and votes for democrats. :lol:
Strawman, ad hominem, red herring, no true scotsman, attack the messenger. It is always exciting to see how dude tries to deflect and dismiss anything I say to him
Again, you seem unable to understand context. It is like you see a word on a page and just have a negative reaction to it.

You said my politics are dictated my blind loyalty to the Democratic Party. I listed my profession, education, and other things as the real things that have informed my politics. It was not to talk down on you or anyone else

I made a long list of policy proposals I feel with help, in case you missed it, if you have any specific objections to them I would be happy to discuss. Like I said none of them are currently the the Dem platform so unfortunately your usual tired attack won't apply. So if you want to get down into the specifics, go ahead.

You are just reaching for a way to dismiss everything I say because I pointed some hypocrisy in your argument.

You don't have anything that's specifically to black americans.

If he posted solutions you wouldn't care because he went to college, is not African American, and votes for democrats. :lol:

Nah. He mentioned all that stuff about himself and seeing how he loves dems so much it starts to add up. You can go to college not be African American and still look for things specifically to african americans. He doesn't.
Nah. He mentioned all that stuff about himself and seeing how he loves dems so much it starts to add up. You can go to college not be African American and still look for things specifically to african americans. He doesn't.

So what has he done that makes you think he doesn't look for things specifically for African Americans?
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