Between Microsoft and Sony, who won the console war this generation?



you must be one of those WoW, LoL, and warcarft players.


i also honestly think PC gaming takes no skill at all 

FPS on pc > anything else. nothign beats the classic mouse and keyboard setup.

So what if you play other game types besides FPS?

PC gaming is a one trick pony.

Lol. Just stop. PC can do way more than a console.
Sony won. Blu-ray player > XBOX360. Period. Not serious here but seeing how many jimmies were just rustled

LOL this comment reminds of the days when I worked in a video game store:

Customer: "The PS2 is better than the Dreamcast."
Me: "Why do you think?"
Customer: "Well you know............ because......... you can play DVDs."
Me: "Buy a DVD player."

I feel the the PS3 is an over glorified Blu-ray player. Yes, the God of War, Uncharted and (possible) Last of Us Franchises were (will be) great. However I felt it was a boring system compared to the 360.
No matter what there always going to be fanboys, and die hard supporters of whatever said system. At least this time around between the two it has been close.
Can't determine a actually winner in the console war now. Nintento has been ahead the entire time, and at end of day they still might win, or one of these two might pass them since Wii sales have died down recently. With it being so close, there's no real point discussing "who won the war" until all 3 have there next gen consoles out, and demand for this generation goes down. So all we end up having in here is opinions on which is better console.

Personally I find it a good thing this time around, rather than playstation just completely dominating it like the last two generations.


you must be one of those WoW, LoL, and warcarft players.


i also honestly think PC gaming takes no skill at all 

FPS on pc > anything else. nothign beats the classic mouse and keyboard setup.

So what if you play other game types besides FPS?

PC gaming is a one trick pony.
Lol. Just stop. PC can do way more than a console.
doesn't mean its more fun

I'll take a controller over a keyboard any day
doesn't mean its more fun

I'll take a controller over a keyboard any day
Hundreds of controllers available for PC. If you have bluetooth on you controller, you can just set up a PS3 controller to use on it if you want.
I have both systems and the 360 gets ask the burn.. Ps3 just collect dust. My son doesn't even play with it. I used to think Blu-Ray was a big deal, but now you just rent, buy and stream it..
Blu Ray was a big deal and it wasn't for watching movies, which the casual person doesn't understand. It was storage capacity per disc which allowed the PS3 to make the most of its potential. Its why you have games like MGS 4, the Uncharted series, Gran Turismo 5, etc. These are games that wouldn't look the way they did if they were on Microsoft's platform.
Software / Services / Content / Exclusives----X-BOX

Hardware / Connectivity / Value / Blockbuster Sony games- PS3

my 2 cents.
You would be wrong.
LOL this comment reminds of the days when I worked in a video game store:

Customer: "The PS2 is better than the Dreamcast."
Me: "Why do you think?"
Customer: "Well you know............ because......... you can play DVDs."
Me: "Buy a DVD player."
I've had that exact same exchange countless times through the saturn and dreamcast era with fanboys and others alike. I was a import 2d/fighter buff so i seen my bias with the Saturn, but the Dreamcast was done dirty for no reason. The Sony brand and Playstation could do no wrong, bastards

Loved my PS2 tho

PS 3 barely got any burn
I gotta go with Xbox for this gen. I rarely ever even use my ps3. It feels like a chore updating that thing. I never understood why that thing takes so long to update. I also had to buy 3 ps3's because 2 of them stopped working. My first xbox got the red rings but MS sent me another one. Sony not bout that good customer service life.

(In my Sofia Color Purple Voice) "I love my PS3, Lord knows I do," but THIS is the only part I hate about a PS3. Other than that it's still #1 in my book.
Love reading these threads.

360 for COD, PS3 for everything else for me.

And to be honest, Call of Duty has been a disappointment the last few years, so I feel like I am wasting $50 a year on Live.

MS won the console war this generation between the two, but Nintendo killed them both.

Releasing a system a year late and for 599 american dollars is probably something they wont repeat though.

I consider myself a fairly hardcore gamer, so Sony is who I usually follow the most.

To the guy that mentioned there were no good games on PS+, that's your opinion, but I disagree. Over the past 2 years I have received:

Far Cry 2
Infamous 2
Shank 2
Little Big Planet 2
Just Cause 2
Plants vs Zombies
Burnout Paradise
Resident Evil 5
NFL Blitz
Marvel Pinball
Shift 2: Unleashed

Not to mention the ones I forget, finished and deleted, or just didnt care for personally. OR the Vita games.
Like someone stated earlier, Nintendo technically won.

I'll say this, though.

If the only games you play are CoD and sports games, then stick with a crappy Xbox.

If you're more of a hardcore gamer, buy yourself a PS3.

LOL @ PS+ not offering good games.

I love video game threads on NT, I really do.
I did say that my experience with PS+ was limited, the only games I got were Little Big Planet, Infamous, and something else, all of which I didnt like. The only appealing game I saw was Resident Evil which I already owned. I'm sure that there were some titles out there that were good.
Free Internet, bluejay player, and the much better exclusives.

Very happy with ps3

I dot care who "won". More competition means better systems and games in the future. I hope they are neck and neck
1. That's a straight up misrepresentation of the truth. Developers said MS was way more supportive than Sony at the being of this generation. And the Xbox is easier to develop for because Sony was so arrogant that they thought developers should have felt privileged to even be developing for the PS3 so they made the PS3 a headache to code. Sony shot themselves in the foot repeatedly but have made things better in recent years. Devs now commend them but they throw money at devs for exclusive content just like MS

2. That's subjective. MS best I believe beats Sony's best but Sony has had more content in recent years so people give them Sony edge. MS also has a much better line up of downloadable games on XBLA than Sony. So that should be taken into consideration

3. That's straight up BS you making up to make Xbox look bad. That rarely happens

4. Weak *** excuse for not needing cross game chat.

5. Tons of people use headsets to play online and communicate with their team. Why do you think headsets are one of the best selling peripherals for gaming. People use the headset. Another weak excuse for Sony not including a feature

6. Ok true. But who the hell browses the internet on their console for long periods for than to be an issue. But hey, I guess, for the one who do

7. XBL is not overrated in my opinion, I just think PSN has caught up to the point where the premium for the superior service (XBL) might not be worth it.

8. BS, Xbox's controller is better. It is ergonomic, and has triggers. The D-pad is horrible on older controllers but the only people that prefer the PS3 controller are fanboys and dudes who are used to the feel.

And dudes never want to point out the that Sony has been taking away features from the box since launch. Backwards capability :nerd:

It really is a toss up in my opinion. Sony has its strengths MS has theirs.

I give you props for giving an intelligent answer.

But I'm not lying about the severs on BO2 they are horrible lag all the time. And I play every nite.

Headset things is true to. If me and my friends get on and it's 5 of us. The 6th dude never uses his headset to communicate.

Playing with both controllers I really don't feel the difference. I don't prefer on over the other. I did try to play Mortal Kombat with the 360 controller and didn't like it to much tho.

Also thanks for clearing up the developers issue. Because I look at how the games look and feel on ps3 (exclusives). Like uncharted you mean to tell me a game like uncharted can run so great. But COD runs like trash?? That's bs. And I always felt that way.
Just seems the developers were lazy when it came to the ps3. I think games could be even better rite now if more people tried to use the systems real power.
Well like said wii won.

Good point though on naming MUST have games for Xbox.... I really can't think of none for me personally. I've beat Halo 1,2 and 3. After that I had no desire in the series at all. Played Gears 1, thought it was cool, but not a MUST HAVE.

I bought a PS2 for Sons of Liberty
I bought a PS3 for Guns of the Patriots.

I HAD to play those games.

Dreamcast will ALWAYS have a special place in my heart though. So friggin ahead of its time. Online gaming over 56k? VMU unit ? Calling 2k plays on VMU? sooo many cool things dreamcast did/invented. Probably the biggest steal I ever got on ebay. Dude listed it as a Dreamcas or something like that. No one watching, just me. Wound up getting the system, Soul Calibur and a vmu for less than 200 i believe. At the time I almost sharted when the auction ended and I saw shipped.
I loved how Microsoft took all the cool things about the dreamcast and put them in the Xbox. (Not positive, but I believe SEGA was consulted in the making of the XBOX). Similar OG controller design, built in networking etc.

I think the real thing that killed the dreamcast was GDroms. If they just went DVD, they would have been a much bigger player.
i have both systems.

IMO Microsoft and the 360 wins. Just wait for the 720 to come out. It'll will blow Sony and the Playstation out the water.

What rumor spec u reading? Cuz IMO it's the PS4 blowing Nextbox out the water, with faster ram and better GRaphic card, while the Nextbox has more ram but slow and kinetic 2.0.
i have both systems.

IMO Microsoft and the 360 wins. Just wait for the 720 to come out. It'll will blow Sony and the Playstation out the water.

What rumor spec u reading? Cuz IMO it's the PS4 blowing Nextbox out the water, with faster ram and better GRaphic card, while the Nextbox has more ram but slow and kinetic 2.0.

Xbox 1 was more powerful than the PS2

PS3 is theoretically more powerful than the 360.

Specs mean nothing, plus they are rumored specs not even final.

Next generation is going to be decided by who has the best games and OS/online features. And if you go by the rumors regarding those subjects, it looks like the 720 has the edge.
Whens that XBOX immersion screen coming out? I may have to switch over for that. It just looks way too cool. Imagine playing madden on that thing??
lol at dude thinking PC gaming is just for FPS. and saying he'd rather play with a controller, sounds like he just started playing FPS with cod4.

if you've ever played counter-strike on pc, its the best way to play..

A good rig ***** on consoles.  They have simulators with cockpits, strategy games you could only play with mouse/keyboard, MMOs, a whole diverse range of genres you couldn't play on consoles.

And saying it requires no skill to play on a PC? what are you playing bejeweled?
I fully understand a PC is ultimately always a better rig than console. However, I just don't dig playing games on the pc. Never really have. MAYBE a sim type game once in a blue moon, but I've always just been a traditional controller on TV type guy when it came to gaming.

In the future though I may start HDMIing my PC to my TV to play a few exclusives. Again, I'd have to buy a controller though. I'm not a fan of mouse/keyboard gaming.
I fully understand a PC is ultimately always a better rig than console. However, I just don't dig playing games on the pc. Never really have. MAYBE a sim type game once in a blue moon, but I've always just been a traditional controller on TV type guy when it came to gaming.

In the future though I may start HDMIing my PC to my TV to play a few exclusives. Again, I'd have to buy a controller though. I'm not a fan of mouse/keyboard gaming.

Ye a lot of people just have the preference to play with a controller because that's what they grow up with. Capabilities of PC are ridiculous though, my brother is a PC player and his rig has amazing graphics and load speed.

I still couldn't be able to play with a keyboard and mouse :lol:
PC gaming is better, but I work on a pc 8 hours a day... I dont want to go home and play video games on a pc as well.
You can't possibly just look at numbers of consoles sold and justify a winner off of that, even if the edge is slightly in Nintendo and Microsoft's favor. Microsoft and Nintendo were both winners in their own ways this generation where Sony was an undisputed loser. They squandered the massive #1 position they had in the last generation with the PS2 and for that alone they were business-wise the loser. Nintendo made a lot of money moving a ton of hardware. Microsoft bridged the gap between themselves and Sony worldwide and took a commanding lead in North America.

No matter which console you prefer or what way you want to stack it making up a 125 million unit gap is a win.
No one is talking about sales and making up ground so that is irrelevant. Games should be the driving factor in this debate.
No one is talking about sales and making up ground so that is irrelevant. Games should be the driving factor in this debate.
Said this 5 pages ago and the thread has still gone on in this ridiculous direction.

PC gaming is far superior to consoles, but the lack of accessibility makes it a no go for me. No one I know IRL PC games, and to pick it up and take it somewhere for a LAN or whatever is a chore.
This is a discussion about "who won the console war." Sales and making up ground is everything. No matter how much better the console is, how much better the online experience is, who has better games, etc. If the inferior system made more money, sold more units, and has more people owning that system, they won.
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