Between Microsoft and Sony, who won the console war this generation?

I've owned both. System wise, I'd go with Sony 100%. I've even got a few Xbox dedicated friends who say if it weren't for Halo they'd be on PS3. I just feel the all-around system experience is better. The PS3 is much more fluid and smooth. The Xbox's dashboard is laggy as hell and I think Live is a rip. people often justify by saying their games and servers are much more stable but I had an equal amount on both. I think Microsoft is much better at getting exclusives and first wave DLC. I'm assuming they pay a lot more for it, though. I just don't see the hype around Xbox. Even when the systems first launched people spoke of how expensive the PS3 was but its always been the better buy. It initially included bluray which, at the time, was crazy expensive. It had built-in wifi, the box required a $100 add on. And it STILL doesn't include Bluetooth functionality to my knowledge.

On a side note, I don't know why everyone is rushing the next gen systems. I don't understand how the same games come out on PS3 and Xbox when Xbox runs DVDs which hold, what, right under 5 gigs of data? That means Sony isn't even touching the vast amounts of map sizes and graphic content, right? Other than a spec bumps, I'm not sure what else PS4 could even offer at this time.
This is a discussion about "who won the console war." Sales and making up ground is everything. No matter how much better the console is, how much better the online experience is, who has better games, etc. If the inferior system made more money, sold more units, and has more people owning that system, they won.
Ok. According to you the Wii is the best console of the last generation. That's like saying Call of Duty is the best shooter of this generation because they move millions per game. Games are the only factor in this discussion. Look at the WiiU now, it moved units when it launched, but its struggling to find itself in the market. What's going to happen when the next Sony and Microsoft systems drop? It doesn't help that most of its games are ports and are visually inferior to both the PS3 and 360.
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:lol: Ok. According to you the Wii is the best console of the last generation. That's like saying Call of Duty is the best shooter of this generation because they move millions per game. Games are the only factor in this discussion. Look at the WiiU now, it moved units when it launched, but its struggling to find itself in the market. What's going to happen when the next Sony and Microsoft systems drop? It doesn't help that most of its games are ports and are visually inferior to both the PS3 and 360.
Kind of depends on how the question was asked/ how one views it. I don't know anything about sales but if Nintendo had the highest then technically the were the most popular. Everyone is going to have a different view. And it's likely that whatever console each poster has, that's the one they are going to root for and justify their answers for regardless of what sold the most or what's better spec-wise. This question has no right answer, only opinions lol.
Again, this isn't about who's better, it's about "who won?" Yes, that means Nintendo won, that means Activision won. Oh, you got better graphics than me, faster RAM, bigger hard drive, better online experience, and larger library of games? I sold 10 million more units and made $20 million more than you.
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PS3 =/= PS2

While you will get loyalist from previous generations no matter what. The rest of console buyers are going to buy what they want most, or feel will be the best. Nintendo was dominate with NES and SNES, and look how bad Playstation killed N64. Gamecube was absolutely horrible saleswise, and look how Wii is winning this generation so far. Its a completely new market share when you start another generation.

In terms of just overall console market you can group consoles together for companies market share. But in terms of one generations console war previous share doesn't matter. NextBox vs PS4 vs Wii U will be brand new competition.
I don't understand why some of you are strictly factoring games into this discussion. Yes it's definitely an integral part in the debate but to rule every single feature out of a console out is pretty dumb. Not every single person that buys a console is looking to score every single platform exclusive game and spend hours in front of the TV playing video games. I used to work retail and sold consoles and had tons of people buy systems just for the features of the system. Back when the 360 was the only console that could stream netflix people would buy it for that. The ability to play games was just a plus to them. Same goes for the ps3, people wanted it for the blu ray player and games again were just an added bonus. Every ps3 sold doesn't mean someone plans on buying God of War, Uncharted, Last of Us, etc, etc. Same goes for xbox. The wii is a perfect example, no hardcore gamer would purchase one but look how many consoles it pushed in comparison to the 360 and ps3.

OP didn't ask which console had the best games/exclusives. Asked which console won this generation and the choices were 360 and ps3.
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I loved how Microsoft took all the cool things about the dreamcast and put them in the Xbox. (Not positive, but I believe SEGA was consulted in the making of the XBOX). Similar OG controller design, built in networking etc.

I think the real thing that killed the dreamcast was GDroms. If they just went DVD, they would have been a much bigger player.

Yes sega was consulted.

Dreamcast was and forever will be the g o a t
Again, this isn't about who's better, it's about "who won?" Yes, that means Nintendo won, that means Activision won. Oh, you got better graphics than me, faster RAM, bigger hard drive, better online experience, and larger library of games? I sold 10 million more units and made $20 million more than you.
When all you can do is point to sales, then you lost. We aren't CEOs who are dependent on keeping our jobs on the sales of systems. We are consumers, that's why sales are irrelevant. Its about games first.
When all you can do is point to sales, then you lost. We aren't CEOs who are dependent on keeping our jobs on the sales of systems. We are consumers, that's why sales are irrelevant. Its about games first.
But at the end of the day, both companies are a business. The point of a business is to make money and move product. When there's a competition between multiple businesses, you're expected to do exceed your competitors, period. You really think Sony and Microsoft are putting in all these fancy things and cool games just to make the console better and call it a day? :lol: No, their goal is to outsell their competitors. Making a cool console is just taking a step towards that. You may not be struggling right now, but you never know what can happen in the future. Look at what happened with the Dreamcast. The point is trying to prevent that from happening to you.
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The real question is; Will the next Xbox satisfy gamers? Or will the 360 be Microsofts 1 hit wonder?

People talk about the PS3 like it was some sort of failure. But Sony's track record is still destroying Micro$oft.

With the way the PS4 sounds, Sony might be getting back up in the ring to claim its belt back.
I've owned both. System wise, I'd go with Sony 100%. I've even got a few Xbox dedicated friends who say if it weren't for Halo they'd be on PS3. I just feel the all-around system experience is better. The PS3 is much more fluid and smooth. The Xbox's dashboard is laggy as hell and I think Live is a rip. people often justify by saying their games and servers are much more stable but I had an equal amount on both. I think Microsoft is much better at getting exclusives and first wave DLC. I'm assuming they pay a lot more for it, though. I just don't see the hype around Xbox. Even when the systems first launched people spoke of how expensive the PS3 was but its always been the better buy. It initially included bluray which, at the time, was crazy expensive. It had built-in wifi, the box required a $100 add on. And it STILL doesn't include Bluetooth functionality to my knowledge.

On a side note, I don't know why everyone is rushing the next gen systems. I don't understand how the same games come out on PS3 and Xbox when Xbox runs DVDs which hold, what, right under 5 gigs of data? That means Sony isn't even touching the vast amounts of map sizes and graphic content, right? Other than a spec bumps, I'm not sure what else PS4 could even offer at this time.

I agree. I still don't think the PS3 has even remotely tapped out. I for one will prob not getting the next gen until at least a year in. I've been a first dayer quite a few times and I've always looked back and thought that I could have waited until some killer apps came out.
The real question is; Will the next Xbox satisfy gamers? Or will the 360 be Microsofts 1 hit wonder?

People talk about the PS3 like it was some sort of failure. But Sony's track record is still destroying Micro$oft.

With the way the PS4 sounds, Sony might be getting back up in the ring to claim its belt back.
Do you realize how much of a Sony fan boy you sound like?

IMO the 360 won this round, the next round will be interesting.
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I don't understand why some of you are strictly factoring games into this discussion. Yes it's definitely an integral part in the debate but to rule every single feature out of a console out is pretty dumb. Not every single person that buys a console is looking to score every single platform exclusive game and spend hours in front of the TV playing video games. I used to work retail and sold consoles and had tons of people buy systems just for the features of the system. Back when the 360 was the only console that could stream netflix people would buy it for that. The ability to play games was just a plus to them. Same goes for the ps3, people wanted it for the blu ray player and games again were just an added bonus. Every ps3 sold doesn't mean someone plans on buying God of War, Uncharted, Last of Us, etc, etc. Same goes for xbox. The wii is a perfect example, no hardcore gamer would purchase one but look how many consoles it pushed in comparison to the 360 and ps3.

OP didn't ask which console had the best games/exclusives. Asked which console won this generation and the choices were 360 and ps3.

I agree. People always complaining about PS3's original price tag. They fail to remember that OG blu ray players were 500 bucks as well. so for around the same price you got a bluray player, video game player, smart tv accessibility and much more.
The real question is; Will the next Xbox satisfy gamers? Or will the 360 be Microsofts 1 hit wonder?

People talk about the PS3 like it was some sort of failure. But Sony's track record is still destroying Micro$oft.

With the way the PS4 sounds, Sony might be getting back up in the ring to claim its belt back.

Looking at Sony's track record though the ps3 is a failure. Look at how much the 360 and wii ate into it's market share. No way was the gamecube or og xbox even remotely close to touching the ps2 last generation.
The real question is; Will the next Xbox satisfy gamers? Or will the 360 be Microsofts 1 hit wonder?

People talk about the PS3 like it was some sort of failure. But Sony's track record is still destroying Micro$oft.

With the way the PS4 sounds, Sony might be getting back up in the ring to claim its belt back.
Do you realize how much of a Sony fan boy you sound like? :lol:

IMO the 360 one this round, the next round will be interesting.

How do I sound like a fanboy? Is it not common knowledge that the original Xbox failed miserably compared to the PS2?

I've owned ALL of the last 3 generations of consoles and damn near all of the handhelds.

I'm not a fanboy of anyone. The Xbox sucked and Sony was running **** for damn near over a decade. The 360 took Sony down and my question now is, will Microsoft be able to keep it up?

Just because I didn't jump to Microsofts defense doesn't mean I chose anyone's side. Because I didn't say PS3 won. I didn't choose either side in my original post for that matter.
Some food for thought, the PS2's capabilities weren't maxed out until God of War 1 - around the time the PS3 was unveiled in 2005. The same thing will most likely happen with the PS3.
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Do you realize how much of a Sony fan boy you sound like? :lol:

IMO the 360 one this round, the next round will be interesting.
The thing is winning isn't an opinion.

Nintendo is winning.
360 and PS3 are almost dead even in sales. Its been very close for a while between the two.
360 came out a full year before PS3, so in grand scheme of things 360 is losing.

If you think 360(or PS3) is a better console than that is a valid opinion for someone to have one way or the other.
The thing is winning isn't an opinion.
Pretty much. No matter how much better your specs, graphics, online experience, and library of games are, if your competitor outsold you, then you lost.
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We won. With all these great games! :rolleyes

Seriously, though. I waited 6 years for Final Fantasy XIII and XIII-2? JRPG's took a nosedive this generation.

There were some great ones, but not like the PsOne/PS2 days.:smh:
Microsoft outsold Sony by a slim margin. However, PS3 is on track to outsell 360... will probably eclipse it by the end of this year. That with Microsoft having a year head start.

So are you saying as of now? Or at the end of the cycle?
But at the end of the day, both companies are a business. The point of a business is to make money and move product. When there's a competition between multiple businesses, you're expected to do exceed your competitors, period. You really think Sony and Microsoft are putting in all these fancy things and cool games just to make the console better and call it a day? :lol: No, their goal is to outsell their competitors. Making a cool console is just taking a step towards that. You may not be struggling right now, but you never know what can happen in the future. Look at what happened with the Dreamcast. The point is trying to prevent that from happening to you.

Exactly. This literally is a numbers game. In which case, the wii won.

Between the xbox and the ps3:

Right from the beginning, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 has already been a step ahead of its rival on the console front, the Sony PS3, where global sales numbers are concerned. Well, perhaps the tables have finally turned after half a dozen years thereabouts, as a new forecast report summarized by Games Industry International claimed that the Sony PS3 has finally overtaken the Xbox 360, taking the lead in units shipped at long last..

According to Games Industry International, a “market analysis” document by Lewis Ward of IDC (the International Data Corporation) called the Worldwide Video Game Entertainment Console Hardware and Packaged Software 2012-2016 Forecast showed a prediction of hardware as well as software sales over the coming quadrennium. As for December, 2012, it is said that “Sony’s PS3 managed to surpass the number of Xbox 360s shipped worldwide (about 77 million vs. 76 million), despite the PS3 launching a year later.
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I've heard PS4 is easier to develop for and very open/pc like so we should see a strong lineup right away for the PS4.

That immersion screen from XBOX looks fantastic though. Wonder if it'll be introduced with the new consoles.
I've heard PS4 is easier to develop for and very open/pc like so we should see a strong lineup right away for the PS4.

That immersion screen from XBOX looks fantastic though. Wonder if it'll be introduced with the new consoles.
While the leaked rumors may be true I feel like it will be quite some time before PS4 launches. And in my opinion the only thing that will change that is the rush release of a new Microsoft console. Regardless if spec wise the (for the sake of an example) the next gen Xbox offered little over the PS3, Sony would have to release something soon thereafter to "compete" because that just seems to be the way the world thinks.
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