Between Microsoft and Sony, who won the console war this generation?

NT is going to say Microsoft won because of XBox Live, so I don't know why this question was asked. Most people on this forum are casual gamers at best.
But most people in the world are casuals. Even if youre involved in a video games competitive community, you are still more than likely a casual gamer. I have games that I would consider myself extremely good at, better than more than 90% of the player base on it, know all the ins and outs, and take it seriously when I'm playing it, but I'm still a casual gamer in my book.
By casual gamers, I meant the COD/Madden/2k/GTA crowd that's afraid to experience anything new and ruffle their feathers. Most people on here don't follow any trends or gaming news and regurgitate what they've heard other people say.
Nailed it on the first page. Microsoft took advantage of a burgeoning niche of casual jock type gamers who only want to play the most popular multiplayer games with their friends. They built their system around this ideal. The most frustrating part about it is that its hurt the gaming industry more than helped. Shooters and sports games are dominating the market. Pump out the same tired games year after year. PS2 had more outstanding exclusive titles than PS3, XBox and Wii combined it seems like. I stuck with SONY purely because I'm a true gamer first and foremost and most of the games I play either started on PS3 or were going to be PS3 exclusive. Only game I was really checking for on XBox was Mass Effect. Microsoft has done very little to elevate the gaming industry other than provide a more comprehensive online gaming service. Multiplats are dumbed down because Microsoft refused to embrace larger capacity DVD's and refused to support independent studios. And then there's the online fee. Paying to play games online you've already purchased is a ridiculous precedent that casual gamers have unwittingly supported. Someone in here compared it to the $150 nikes we as sneakerheads buy without complaint when in reality its more like paying extra money on top of retail for the right to tie your laces. It would be one thing if there were centralized servers but these games are hosted locally on our consoles, which we also have already paid for...on top of the internet we pay for. So to be clear, we pay for the internet, the system, and the game, and you clowns out here vocally supporting paying to play those games online on top of what we've already paid? SMH. Furthermore, Microsoft has instituted a culture of buying market share instead of innovating to gain market share. How many first party games and studios did Microsoft excel with? Not many. They just bought out timed exclusives and coaxed studios to go multiplat. Many games that could've been great became just good or worse. And on top of it all M$ brought advertising onto consoles. I'm not saying SONY didn't make mistakes or have it flaws but I feel that they are more representative of gaming culture. Nintendo as well. M$ has always felt like a frat boy console to me. RPG's, platformers, action, adventure and other niche titles have thrived on the PS3 and Wii because they understand the importance of providing a broad based gaming experience, as does most of the rest of the world. It's no wonder that America supports the American console, the mindstate matches. I just hope next gen they can think outside the box (pun intended) and provide more than a shooter console with a sparkly online service.

PS - For those of you with a PS3 streaming vid through the ps3 browser is most definitely clutch, if you have the means.
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So much of that is simply not true
Go on...
Paying $3 a month for games that are in stores for $50 is bad? You could own a ps3 and never have to pay for a single game. While Microsoft makes you pay $5 a month too play online and access stuff like Netflix which you already pay $7 a month for. And you still ain't getting no free games or discounts. Just advertisements thrown in your face.

Yeah you gotta pay but Xbox live is just a better experience, they have other applications on the system that our free including free movies and shows. They sometimes give away free arcade games and give good discounts on full games and add ons.

Pretty sure you've never owned xboxlive.

btw xbox does have a browser.
Love reading these threads. :lol:

360 for COD, PS3 for everything else for me.

And to be honest, Call of Duty has been a disappointment the last few years, so I feel like I am wasting $50 a year on Live.

MS won the console war this generation between the two, but Nintendo killed them both.

Releasing a system a year late and for 599 american dollars is probably something they wont repeat though.

I consider myself a fairly hardcore gamer, so Sony is who I usually follow the most.

To the guy that mentioned there were no good games on PS+, that's your opinion, but I disagree. Over the past 2 years I have received:

Far Cry 2
Infamous 2
Shank 2
Little Big Planet 2
Just Cause 2
Plants vs Zombies
Burnout Paradise
Resident Evil 5
NFL Blitz
Marvel Pinball
Shift 2: Unleashed

Not to mention the ones I forget, finished and deleted, or just didnt care for personally. OR the Vita games.
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Xbox 360 won.. Well, the Wii won really, but between these two, 360 is the winner.

The PS3 was a more powerful console, but it was just too complicated for many game developers to make games for the PS3 compared to the 360 and that is why many more games which are on both consoles looked better on the 360. Just how the first Xbox was more powerful than the PS2, but the PS2 was a better and more memorable console.

Oh and Xbox Live is light years ahead of PSN.
Well in that case then the PS4 should dominate because its already been reported that Sony learned a lot from the ps3 and the ps4 is SIGNIFICANTLY easier to develop than the new xbox.

And you know this how exactly considering that the systems are not out yet.

Nothing in this world is cheaper than talk. At this point, no real confirmed specs have been released about either machine, so it's pure propaganda. You probably read that on some PS3 site, as if they would say "Yeah, the next Playstation will completely blow next to the new Xbox." I've read some ridiculous info on the power of the next Xbox as well, but I'll believe it when I see it. That goes for the PS4 as well.
Like someone stated earlier, Nintendo technically won.

I'll say this, though.

If the only games you play are CoD and sports games, then stick with a crappy Xbox.

If you're more of a hardcore gamer, buy yourself a PS3.

LOL @ PS+ not offering good games.

I love video game threads on NT, I really do.
I'd say Microsoft won. Last generation, Sony had the household semi-casual console while Microsoft came in with a heavy duty, highly capable console that wasn't as appreciated by the general public....
I feel terrible that I didn't appreciate the original X-Box. I didn't have one. If I could go back in time, I would have gotten both probably.
Some solid points being made in here despite all the banter.
I love when people obviously haven't played both systems extensively make comments like PS+ is trash. You obviously haven't used it if you think this is true.

But i always heard that the ps3 was losing money as a console and they were trying to make it up on the games or whatever. So i did a little research

It seems that the console sales # wise are about even like everyone said between xbox and ps3. Both consoles were sold at a loss however when they launched. The ps3 didn't start to be sold at a profit until around 2009. But there is no real data showing bottom line profit margin up to date for both consoles. I would think you would have to take the RROD fiasco into account too. Microsoft took a hit from that as well.

I say 360 and ps3 were a draw.....

Since its launch, the monthly sales numbers of the console have been higher than its competitors across the globe. According to the NPD Group, the Wii sold more units in the United States than the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 combined in the first half of 2007.[29] This lead is even larger in the Japanese market, where it currently leads in total sales, having outsold both consoles by factors of 2:1[30] to 6:1[31] nearly every week from launch until November 2007.[32] In Australia, the Wii exceeded the record set by the Xbox 360 to become the fastest selling games console in Australian history.[33]''
While Microsoft and Sony have experienced losses producing their consoles in the hopes of making a long-term profit on software sales, Nintendo reportedly has optimized production costs to obtain a significant profit margin with each Wii unit sold.[60] According to the Financial Times, this direct profit per Wii sold may vary from $13 in Japan to $49 in the United States and $79 in Europe.''

But wii won in the end
i have both systems.

IMO Microsoft and the 360 wins. Just wait for the 720 to come out. It'll will blow Sony and the Playstation out the water.
I have no clue 360 is just what i ended up grabbing off the shelf and was happy with it 
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you must be one of those WoW, LoL, and warcarft players.


i also honestly think PC gaming takes no skill at all 
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FPS on pc > anything else. nothign beats the classic mouse and keyboard setup.

this guy knows.

:lol:@ PC gaming takes no skill.

consoles with that auto aim assist garbage doesnt take much skill either.

the only reason i still keep the ps3 around is for blurays, i dont even game much anymore.
Software / Services / Content / Exclusives----X-BOX

Hardware / Connectivity / Value / Blockbuster Sony games- PS3

my 2 cents.
I have both systems and the 360 gets ask the burn.. Ps3 just collect dust. My son doesn't even play with it. I used to think Blu-Ray was a big deal, but now you just rent, buy and stream it..
It's obvious people on here only play 2K Madden and Call of Duty, that's the only way you would say Microsoft won. How has the 360 won when their are undeniably more exclusives on the PS3 and it has OFFICIALLY outsold the 360 according to Microsoft and Sony. PS3 had no games for two years it seems like, was 200 dollars more than 360, and had a TERRIBLE online experience (PSN wasn't even decent until 2 years ago. Yet the PS3 managed to push more systems than Xbox. What, Xbox live means the 360 won :lol: :lol: ? Not a single person on here that said Xbox has said "Xbox won because of game x, y, z" You buy systems for video games, period. And if you don't you're a casual gamer and don't belong in this conversation.

Guess Xbox won last gen against the PS2 according to that logic. But these debates aren't that serious, all good fun. I have both and enjoy each of their pros. Actually kind of fun to see these debates popping back up with the PS4 and 720 about to come out.
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