Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

"It's borderline disturbing the people get so attached and disrespectful over [this show*]."
^ Shoot, it seems I've posted in the wrong thread. Thought this was the BCS thread, but it appears I've stumbled upon the 'Master Zik' thread, where people apparently post about Zik.

If anyone could link me to the BCS thread, I'd be much obliged. 
Wait what do you mean that's why he passed out in that scene?

When he passes out at Cinnabon he's reacting to him turning in that young thief which leads to him having a flashback about Jesse?

And honestly he ratted out that thief to stay low key. The moment mall security reviews the video to see where that dude ran and they see Saul covering for him, the spotlight would shine on Saul, opening up a reason to look into who he is. Smart move in that situation.
I think that dude that Saul helped out that gave him $700 could end up being a friend of Jesse's. Remember Jesse is the one that put Walt on to Saul saying that he's the guy you want, he helped out a friend of his twice that was dead to rights.

My bet is also that he'll probably be in the last scene of this season.
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I don't think Jesse ever met Saul until that episode. He only had heard about him.

He wouldn't need to meet him...they could just add another world into the BCS world where they follow that guy home after the trash pickup and he ends up being in the meth business with Jesse. He could be one of Jesse's sales guys while Jesse is the cook.
He wouldn't need to meet him...they could just add another world into the BCS world where they follow that guy home after the trash pickup and he ends up being in the meth business with Jesse. He could be one of Jesse's sales guys while Jesse is the cook.

Think they'll include him with crazy 8 and maybe that guy as well. Crazy did say that his new guy got scared and dropped the stash when he saw the cops

They way they're setting up this season finale makes it seem like next season will be action packed. **** is about to hit the fan with nacho while mike and Gus are in a partnership now. Should be good but that year wait [emoji]128528[/emoji]
The pill swap was EXCRUCIATING. I was freakin nervous sitting in my recliner. Gad damn. :lol:
Easily my favorite part of the episode. Not just actually in the restaurant, but him actually making the pills and practicing on the jacket and busting the A/C... the attention to detail there is exactly why I will go where Vince Gilligan leads me when it comes to dramas. 

100% agree. Showing us the actual PRACTICE of what he's doing is just outstanding. IMO, that's great writing, and great storytelling.

We saw what he was going to do, we saw what he was gonna try, we KNEW the plan, and yet, when it was go time, you STILL are on the edge of your damn seat. That's incredible execution.
You know, I forgot all about this class action suit Jimmy had put together as far as something to keep up with.

Good that he revisited it.
Wow Jimmy digging deep to be a scumbag to settle this. I thought it was a good thing he came back to this but damn manipulating old ppl? Pitting one against others, ostracizing one old lady? :x

Plus on the other side, looks like Jimmy siccing the insurance ppl on Chuck has gave him even more motivation.

That car accident though :wow:
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First season was wack. I got trapped into watching every episode. Should i even bother with the second season?
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