Better Call Saul Season Thread - Season Six - April 18th

Its not about hating the show or not. Its the constant repititive complaining. That hasn't changed since s1.

Sounds like a lot of you guys would be better off doing something else with your Monday night hour.

Also nobody is saying the show is perfect when we comment on the constant complainers. Seems like you'd rather discuss what you don't like than discuss the show itself
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I don't hate the show.

Since I don't love it and praise it, I guess I hate it and waste time when I tune in.

Should have stopped watching the moment it wasn't perfect.

Exactly :lol: I swear it's like we're not even allowed to criticize this show. If we're not posting that every episode is perfect or that we were expecting more from an episode then we should stop watching and discontinue posting in this thread.

I'm gonna keep watching and keep posting my honest opinion.
Its not about hating the show or not. Its the constant repititive complaining. That hasn't changed since s1.

Sounds like a lot of you guys would be better off doing something else with your Monday night hour.

Also nobody is saying the show is perfect when we comment on the constant complainers. Seems like you'd rather discuss what you don't like than discuss the show itself

I like discussing shows, period. Whether I'm fully enamored with them or not, I still like discussing elements of shows.

So for instance, I'll catch an episode here and there, and if I see one, I'll pop in and give my impression. Don't have to be fully devoted to do that. Don't even have to like the show. It's not like I don't read other people's POV if it isn't the same as mine. Some people view things differently than you. There's no rule that says "if you don't share the same view as me, then get out."
You're being intentionally obtuse right now. Zik at no point said if you don't share my views then get out. He's pointing out the fact that the same people come in complaining that it isn't an action pack show since the show began. Every couple weeks its the same post. I'm sure if someone went through and did one of those long quote threads, a lot of the complaint posts would be verbatim word for word.

So taking that into consideration why continue to torture yourselves it would seem by watching the show and then coming to reiterate that fact here.
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So we're not allowed to criticize the show I see...
Depends how much you been in here saying the same thing.

If you were here s1 complaining and its s3 and you got the same complaints that's a couple months for the past 3 years you've been unsatisfied.

Its not about hating the show or not. Its the constant repititive complaining. That hasn't changed since s1.

Sounds like a lot of you guys would be better off doing something else with your Monday night hour.

Also nobody is saying the show is perfect when we comment on the constant complainers. Seems like you'd rather discuss what you don't like than discuss the show itself

I like discussing shows, period. Whether I'm fully enamored with them or not, I still like discussing elements of shows.

So for instance, I'll catch an episode here and there, and if I see one, I'll pop in and give my impression. Don't have to be fully devoted to do that. Don't even have to like the show. It's not like I don't read other people's POV if it isn't the same as mine. Some people view things differently than you. There's no rule that says "if you don't share the same view as me, then get out."
This is actually worse :lol:

Watch an ep here or there? This aint a sitcom b :lol:

I definitely do not read random show or movie threads I don't plan to watch at all. That aint fun.

I like discussing shows but if a show has gotten worse and worse and I find most of my posts being solely negative its time to dip. Its why you don't see me in the TWD thread.

Nowhere did I or anyone say if you don't share the same views about the show get out.

We're just pointing out the monotony and repititivenes of your posts. The posts don't contain much to discuss other than disagreeing and posting why they liked the ep but nobody wants to get in the loop of constantly saying why they liked the ep to ppl who clearly don't like it. Rather discuss the story.
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Nobody gets upset when 25 people post how great Mike and his story is and how great the attention to detail is, every episode, over and over.

Somehow you guys are getting knicker twisted that a few people said it's slow or yada yada, and those few posts here and there, in the midst of overwhelming praise, are the equivalent of Constant repetitive complaining


Zik you do this in every show thread though.

I could go in Mr Robot, Game of Thrones, or Masters of None (any show thread) and find a post from you saying "you should stop watching" 
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I don't even post in here like that so that argument that I complain about the same stuff is a joke lol.
"Constant repetitive complaining"................? 

You guys are being silly.
By the end of s1 when ppl started complaining is pretty much the same complaints now.

The main problem I see when I look at the early pages of this thread is so many just assumed this was Breaking Bad with a different main character.

Its not.
Nobody gets upset when 25 people post how great Mike and his story is and how great the attention to detail is, every episode, over and over.
That's not how this works.

Praise and criticism/complaining are not equal.

The only ppl I would imagine getting upset over praise are ppl who hate the show. Or specific to that example, ppl who get upset over praise for Mike are those that for some reason hate Mike or his story.

We watch these shows for entertainment. Some form if it. For them to be good. Not for them to be good or bad.

Criticism comes with most shows even ones considered the best. Nothing wrong with pointing out that the same ppl complaining are making the same damn complaints.

Zik you do this in every show thread though.
No I don't. You just being a little ***** right now.

I could go in Mr Robot, Game of Thrones, or Masters of None (any show thread) and find a post from you saying "you should stop watching" :lol:  
Find that post in the Masters of None thread or GoT.

I'll wait.
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It also seems like some of you just don't like Master Zik Master Zik and his opinions
This is a whole other matter my friend.

Some ppl can disagree with me and take that simply for what it is, a disagreement on a specific topic. Others will get butthurt and carry that with them in every thread either cuz I've disagreed with them more than once or called out their bull ****.

It is what it is.

I don't even post in here like that so that argument that I complain about the same stuff is a joke lol.
Obviously if it doesn't pertain to you, its not about you :lol:
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Zik you do this in every show thread though.
No I don't. You just being a little ***** right now.
You are doing all the *****ing, but somehow I'm the *****, ***** please. 
So says the *****.

Please nothing.

Can't back up what you say either.
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They might seem like filler if you're under the impression that this is supposed to be an action show

But it's not

It's a story driven show and the story progression has been excellent this season
that's my opinion also. jimmy/saul is a fascinating character. watching his slow descent into scumbaggery is great. i love how he does all the wrong things for the right reasons.
I understand the complaining about complaining. It's like Fear of The Walking Dead, after a while I feel silly watching the show just to complain about it.

But somehow it seems like I find entertainment in being annoyed by the stupidity of the show and characters.

People do it in the JB section. Retros vary a bit more now, but there was a period a couple of years ago where every single retro was bad. People would buy them and complain.
The pill swap was EXCRUCIATING. I was freakin nervous sitting in my recliner. Gad damn.
Easily my favorite part of the episode. Not just actually in the restaurant, but him actually making the pills and practicing on the jacket and busting the A/C... the attention to detail there is exactly why I will go where Vince Gilligan leads me when it comes to dramas. 
^ Shoot, it seems I've posted in the wrong thread. Thought this was the BCS thread, but it appears I've stumbled upon the 'Master Zik' thread, where people apparently post about Zik.

If anyone could link me to the BCS thread, I'd be much obliged. 


reading the last couple pages there really wasnt that much complaining going on
There really wasn't. 
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