Bernie Sanders can win

Bernie will be Beating Hillary in all the polls very soon. By voting time he'll be the democratic representative
From what i have read bernie isnt getting the black and hispanic vote at this time. Those people are voting for hillary. So he ain't beating her without that block of voters.

Also saw someone say jimmy carter should endorse Bernie. That won't help his cause lol. Trust me he doesnt want that.

I really want to see debates. I feel like Bernie will never truly go hard on hillary but hillary will have bill to attack him in the press.
He's got my vote.

Order of importance (for me, in terms of how much budget we should spend on it):

Education: There truly is nothing more important than having an educated population to a high standard of living. Significantly reduce college related debt etc.
Defense spending: Sadly, the technology + image of our country is this important. We aren't Sweden...we are the pace setters of the modern world.
Medical industry: Nonsense that people are going bankrupt left and right because of medical bills. Unbelievable.
Food: Got to get back to real food. Killing our population from the inside out with Monsanto's + big corp processed food + fast food
Transportation: America's last real hurdle. We either need to get a significantly better public transportation/subway system for every major city (e.g., like the one Seoul or Tokyo has) and/or improve and implement the self driving car stuff within the next 16 years. Both completely doable (but unlikely to happen).

Everything else...

Forget about taxes etc. It's amazing how short-sighted most Americans are with understanding how to conduct their finances. Most Americans are poor because of credit card debt, educational debt, and medical bill debt (and occasionally mortgage debt). If we have policies in place to eliminate or reduce drastically education debt, medical debt and better support for mortgage payers (so they don't default/aren't approved for mortgages they are unqualified for) our country would be way better off and people would have much better savings etc.

He's got the right idea - get America back to a society where people are genuine, there is a sense of nationalism (helping out your fellow American), and a sense of pride (being the best in education + medicine + tech).

Right now, we've taken a step in the right direction but the powerful pull of the big companies + medical industry still has our huge middle class living a very poor (compared to some other countries) standard of living.

America's greatest strength is it's ability to adapt, take the best principles/practices they see around the world and implement it in a Ford factory style production line on a scale of 300+ million people. Let's get back to that!
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I genuinely don't understand how someone could hear this dudes stance and opining on most things and not want him to be president
I genuinely don't understand how someone could hear this dudes stance and opining on most things and not want him to be president
From what I was told by my coworkers is that, " He is a socialist and a socialist will never win a presidency" .

Very sad if you ask me, if Bernie is considered a socialist than those are the type of politician I will vote for.
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The Republican fear mongering has worked on many,"socialist" is considered a scary word by many somehow.

Yet this full blown Fascist Trump has been the leading candidate for months :lol :rolleyes
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The Republican fear mongering has worked on many,"socialist" is considered a scary word by many somehow.

Yet this full blown Fascist Trump has been the leading candidate for months
Yeah my coworker even dropped the word communist. I really don't know where people get this from.
Haven't even cared to vote.

As a millennial, it just feels pointless.

Still took the time to get registered just so I can vote for Bernie.
Blacks and Latinos need to come through on this vote.
Eh I wouldn't count on it. I remember reading an article a little while ago stating that women and black people were very much in the Hilary camp( pols wise). Sanders has a long way to go to get the black vote and doing videos with Killer Mike isn't gonna cut it
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