Bernie Sanders can win

The GOP do not support Cruz though :lol They all hate him and want him to fail.

There choice was probably Jeb and now they gotta hope for Rubio to get his **** together.
The GOP do not support Cruz though :lol They all hate him and want him to fail.

There choice was probably Jeb and now they gotta hope for Rubio to get his **** together.

Rubio just got a software patch, and the Christie bug has been eliminated, Marco Bot 3000 bout to start fadin
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All of a sudden....

Rep. John Lewis says he never saw Sanders during civil rights...
I see what they're doing. It's already started.

I knew this was gonna happen once I saw Bernie leave NH after winning to have lunch with Al Sharpton in Harlem :lol Son sent a clear message, I'm trying to get that black vote.

That's a current pic. Not from the 60s :lol
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That had to be Bernie's next play. Only way he can win.

Millennials are active on social media but we know damn well they won't bother to vote when it matters :{
That had to be Bernie's next play. Only way he can win.

Millennials are active on social media but we know damn well they won't bother to vote when it matters :{

It really is especially when the other candidate has already gotten a headstart in this race and is setting up events with different folks like Trayvon Martin and Eric Garners family and has gotten the CBC's approval for the most part
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Well yeah, Hillary has been working on getting the black vote since she lost in 2008. She aint taking no chances.
Bernie shot himself in the foot with the black vote

Took famb months to realize it was important
Don't think he realized he had much of a shot at the offset :lol. A lot of his policy proposals would benefit the black community quite a bit though even if they haven't been broadly aimed at one group.
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Just stating an opinion *shrugs* :lol,not telling anyone to vote for anyone/anything. He seems genuine about criminal justice reform along with reforming and demilitiarizing Law enforcement around the country IMO
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Just stating an opinion *shrugs* :lol,not telling anyone to vote for for anyone/anything. He's the one guy that seems genuine about criminal justice reform IMO

I believe he is on equal footing with Clinton on that issue.

And he can't really attack her on any black issues.
Just stating an opinion *shrugs* :lol,not telling anyone to vote for for anyone/anything. He's the one guy that seems genuine about criminal justice reform IMO

I believe he is on equal footing with Clinton on that issue.

And he can't really attack her on any black issues.

She's put herself in a very good position in that regard so yea it would be unwise to but he was always gonna be up against the tide when it comes to that so I doubt he would've gone after her on that in the first place.

Gonna be real interesting over the next few primaries in many Southern states to see how he tries to present himself and to many voters,introduce himself to them, and convince them that he'd be the best person for the job.

Bernie can't win


These next few weeks in the leadup to Super Tuesday will probably decide how much of an actual shot he has.
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Right now, Bern Bros are going after John Lewis for his comments on Bernie, calling him part of the establishment against Sanders, and in Hillary's pocket.

It is like these idiots never learn :{
Blacks and Latinos would be stupid not to vote for Bernie. He is the president that would help our people the most. Blacks and Latinos voting for Hillary is like poor whites voting Republican.
Hillary is the status quo. You bet i will support her if she wins the nomination but only because she would not cause the harm that a Republican would.
Minorities need to stop focusing on skin color and supposed "loyalty" and focus on the candidate that walks the walk. Abuela Clinton's "im Mrs Black People" act is just that an act.


Im latino if that matters.
Blacks and Latinos would be stupid not to vote for Bernie. He is the president that would help our people the most. Blacks and Latinos voting for Hillary is like poor whites voting Republican.
Hillary is the status quo. You bet i will support her if she wins the nomination but only because she would not cause the harm that a Republican would.
Minorities need to stop focusing on skin color and supposed "loyalty" and focus on the candidate that walks the walk. Abuela Clinton's "im Mrs Black People" act is just that an act.


Im latino if that matters.

No it doesn't actually

So you think that makes you calling black people stupid for not supporting Bernie Sanders ok. Like he is their savior or something. It doesn't

So miss me wit this bull ****

I'm voting for Bernie, and donated thousands of dollars to his campaign, if that maters :rolleyes
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Blacks and Latinos would be stupid not to vote for Bernie. He is the president that would help our people the most. Blacks and Latinos voting for Hillary is like poor whites voting Republican.
Hillary is the status quo. You bet i will support her if she wins the nomination but only because she would not cause the harm that a Republican would.
Minorities need to stop focusing on skin color and supposed "loyalty" and focus on the candidate that walks the walk. Abuela Clinton's "im Mrs Black People" act is just that an act.


Im latino if that matters.
Via Rusty's post:

Of all Americans, Negroes distrust politicians most, or, more accurately, they have been best trained to expect nothing from them; more than other Americans, they are always aware of the enormous gap between election promises and their daily lives. It is true that the promises excite them, but this is not because they are taken as proof of good intentions. They are the proof of something more concrete than intentions: that the Negro situation is not static, that changes have occurred, and are occurring and will occur — this, in spite of the daily, dead-end monotony. It is this daily, dead-end monotony, though, as well as the wise desire not to be betrayed by too much hoping, which causes them to look on politicians with such an extraordinarily disenchanted eye.

This fatalistic indifference is something that drives the optimistic American liberal quite mad; he is prone, in his more exasperated moments, to refer to Negroes as political children, an appellation not entirely just. Negro liberals, being consulted, assure us that this is something that will disappear with “education,” a vast, all-purpose term, conjuring up visions of sunlit housing projects, stacks of copybooks and a race of well-soaped, dark-skinned people who never slur their R’s. Actually, this is not so much political irresponsibility as the product of experience, experience which no amount of education can quite efface.

“Our people” have functioned in this country for nearly a century as political weapons, the trump card up the enemies’ sleeve; anything promised Negroes at election time is also a threat leveled at the opposition; in the struggle for mastery the Negro is the pawn.

- James Baldwin

And he said that like 40-50 years ago.

Understanding checks and balances, I don't believe even if given 8 years to do it that Bernie can totally reform the prison system, bust up big business from the banks to big pharma to walls street, establish free college and universities for all, free universal healthcare, and w/e else he's been claiming to do. I'm honestly not clear on his foreign policy.

Those first 3 things in this rigid bureaucratic America we live in would take a decade to accomplish. This aint the 30s and 40s where we coming off a depression and a guy like FDR can raise taxes not he rich 90+% and further certain aid for all citizens, etc.

For the revolution to really happen it has to be much worse than it is currently and it won't be entirely peaceful.
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Bernie is playing the same game his supporters are accusing Hillary of with the black vote.

Problem is, Hilldawg has like a two decade start on him

Non-black Sanders supporters need to let that point go, many have shown time and time again they can't make an articulate, intelligent, appeal to the black community on why they should vote for Bernie.

So just let Bernie do all the talking from now on. I mean he has failed miserably at making a case for himself too, but at least he doesn't talk down to black folk
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Bernie Sanders and his supporters are the true definition of daydreamers.

Replace Bernie with Obama and you have what they were saying in '07/'08 :lol. Not comparing the 2 per se,just their proclaimed small odds as huge longshots against the long established and decorated presumptive nominee in Hillary.

I simply don't see it. Now that the primaries go to the South and more "minorities" vote, Bernie will not have a good showing. Although a few individuals in here are going to use their Bernie bumper stickers and toolboxes to help get out the vote for him that simply won't be enough I think.

Also, let's be serious here....between Bernie and Hillary, Hillary has a better chance of beating Trump if he's the nominee instead of Bernie.

I believe polls show the opposite.

Bernie is playing the same game his supporters are accusing Hillary of with the black vote.

Problem is, Hilldawg has like a two decade start on him

Non-black Sanders supporters need to let that point go, many have shown time and time again they can't make an articulate, intelligent, appeal to the black community on why they should vote for Bernie.

So just let Bernie do all the talking from now on. I mean he has failed miserably at making a case for himself too, but at least he doesn't talk down to black folk

Bernie can't win
I wish him the best, but sadly I agree with this statement. He is like the left's version of Ron Paul. He is idealistic and wants geniune change, except I would actually like to see Bernie's kind of change. But just like with Ron Paul, the media will make sure that he takes the L in the end.
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