banned from jjb =(

maifan1987 is probably celebrating by himself in front of his computer right now...
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I'm not sure if I was the only one, but did anyone notice that the first couple days, the JJBers were welcome to us, but towards the end, they were showing some hostility...???
nah, it was that one dude that started to hate on crazy levels because he got used to being the only guy there. when dude was called fat and hefreaked out i was
Originally Posted by NinongBrown

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I'm not sure if I was the only one, but did anyone notice that the first couple days, the JJBers were welcome to us, but towards the end, they were showing some hostility...???
nah, it was that one dude that started to hate on crazy levels because he got used to being the only guy there. when dude was called fat and he freaked out i was
maifan? dude is nutzo
Originally Posted by NinongBrown

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I'm not sure if I was the only one, but did anyone notice that the first couple days, the JJBers were welcome to us, but towards the end, they were showing
some hostility...???
nah, it was that one dude that started to hate on crazy levels because he got used to being the only guy there. when dude was called fat and he freaked out i was

I remember when I first introduced myself on there and told everyone I was a straight guy. He got hella offended and was just being a lil#+@@% towards me...
I dont see what the hubbub was about anyways, based on their pyp, it was a bunch of bitter overweights gals/gay guys. They're just really mad over their,the fun wouldn't last too long anyways. Broads was acting like darkseekers over there.

plus, it would be dumb if admins banned anyone, cuz that wasn't an "invasion", just interacting with another board. And why would you ban forthat anyways?
Originally Posted by Dr Spaceman

I dont see what the hubbub was about anyways, based on their pyp, it was a bunch of bitter overweights gals/gay guys. They're just really mad over their, the fun wouldn't last too long anyways. Broads was acting like darkseekers over there.

plus, it would be dumb if admins banned anyone, cuz that wasn't an "invasion", just interacting with another board. And why would you ban for that anyways?
You're not jealous that you're secret all male club is now allowing girls are you.

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Let this be a day of rejoice and history for NT because there will now be an influx of HOT female members.

Thanks to me!

Technically Jacob put us all on JJB
Originally Posted by NinongBrown

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I'm not sure if I was the only one, but did anyone notice that the first couple days, the JJBers were welcome to us, but towards the end, they were showing some hostility...???
nah, it was that one dude that started to hate on crazy levels because he got used to being the only guy there. when dude was called fat and he freaked out i was
Wet My

Maidude guy

Them 3 had hate for NTers hard.
Originally Posted by DMasta718

NinongBrown wrote:

LimitedRetroOG wrote:

I'm not sure if I was the only one, but did anyone notice that the first couple days, the JJBers were welcome to us, but towards the end, they were showing some hostility...???
nah, it was that one dude that started to hate on crazy levels because he got used to being the only guy there. when dude was called fat and he freaked out i was

Wet My

Maidude guy

Them 3 had hate for NTers hard.

The Wet My Coochie and MoralDesert $$#!$%$ just wouldn't hop off my nuts...
MoralDesert even had the nerve to call my name out and Wet My Coochie justmade racist jokes towards me...
Im having a good time a JJB, but can someone tell me why some NTers started bashing NT all of a sudden. When people first went over there it was like Iwon't bash on NTers. Now a see a couple of you telling the JJBers if you come to NT don't do this b/c these NTers are immature little kid and blah blahblah. Some of you dudes are doing some real simpin over there trying to put yourself up by talking about how lame NTers are
Originally Posted by mco85

Im having a good time a JJB, but can someone tell me why some NTers started bashing NT all of a sudden. When people first went over there it was like I won't bash on NTers. Now a see a couple of you telling the JJBers if you come to NT don't do this b/c these NTers are immature little kid and blah blah blah. Some of you dudes are doing some real simpin over there trying to put yourself up by talking about how lame NTers are
Aw are you upset you won't be able to look forward to girls coming here and posting pictures of them in their underwear?

Originally Posted by JohnnyRedStorm

Originally Posted by mco85

Im having a good time a JJB, but can someone tell me why some NTers started bashing NT all of a sudden. When people first went over there it was like I
won't bash on NTers. Now a see a couple of you telling the JJBers if you come to NT don't do this b/c these NTers are immature little kid and blah blah
blah. Some of you dudes are doing some real simpin over there trying to put yourself up by talking about how lame NTers are
Aw are you upset you won't be able to look forward to girls coming here and posting pictures of them in their underwear?


What? I have no idea what you are trying to say? I just find it lame for people to act like that
Originally Posted by mco85

Im having a good time a JJB, but can someone tell me why some NTers started bashing NT all of a sudden. When people first went over there it was like I won't bash on NTers. Now a see a couple of you telling the JJBers if you come to NT don't do this b/c these NTers are immature little kid and blah blah blah. Some of you dudes are doing some real simpin over there trying to put yourself up by talking about how lame NTers are

I actually thought the same thing...
Originally Posted by DMasta718

Originally Posted by NinongBrown

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

I'm not sure if I was the only one, but did anyone notice that the first couple days, the JJBers were welcome to us, but towards the end, they were showing some hostility...???
nah, it was that one dude that started to hate on crazy levels because he got used to being the only guy there. when dude was called fat and he freaked out i was
Wet My

Maidude guy

Them 3 had hate for NTers hard.

Word they were
for no reason
Originally Posted by NinongBrown

some of those JJBers post counts were nuts, 90,000
, i even saw 6 figures. must be nice to have no post limit.
You guys have post limits? How does that work exactly? We have a handful of members with posts over 100k. Our highest is one of our Admins,Kim, with 150K+ She used to post a lot. I joined in 2001, but have only had this name since 2005ish.
Originally Posted by Lets Hug It Out

Originally Posted by NinongBrown

some of those JJBers post counts were nuts, 90,000
, i even saw 6 figures. must be nice to have no post limit.
You guys have post limits? How does that work exactly? We have a handful of members with posts over 100k. Our highest is one of our Admins, Kim, with 150K+ She used to post a lot. I joined in 2001, but have only had this name since 2005ish.
Got damn @ 150k. Putting in extra overtime. I see y'all
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