banned from jjb =(

Originally Posted by Lets Hug It Out

Also Method Man, some of the girls also were talking about joining this board as well. I don't know if you're able to view this thread, but they've been lurking here, too. Not to invade, but just to to join. Sometimes things get redundant over there and we like change. We're girls.

I get what you're saying though, I run a yuku board as well and I also would warn anyone I saw on my board trying to invade another. It is common courtesy. I agre with you there.

Originally Posted by javier5857

Nah, 4chan admins cant control their damn boards.

Ain't that the truth. I rarely go there because of the havoc they cause.
Originally Posted by IM A HELION

Originally Posted by seaner23

i'd just like to go on record and say before any mass bannings from here take place that those doing the banning read a few of the threads over there in which they are sad and confused as to why we're (possibly) getting in trouble over here.

spend a few minutes reading what they have to say...

sure a few of these guys were acting like knuckleheads trying to get their mack on, but the vast majority of us were just posting on another board, like many of us do everyday on other boards, respecting their rules and regulations.

just saying.

edit...just read method mans post. good looks guys. i'm still posting over there and plan to hang around as long as i'm welcome and have something positive to contribute.
I'm banned, so I can't even see the thread you talkin bout, fam.

The crazy part is that I didn't even do anything wrong, so I think they axed anyone with the ".niketalk" at the end of their s/n.
The thing is, I didn't have the ".niketalk" at the end of my SN, and still got banned.
Originally Posted by Method Man

We don't intend to ban anyone on here UNLESS you crossed the line on the other board. As community operators, we consider ourselves responsible for preventing and discouraging forum attacks. When users of the "adult swim" boards attempted to organize an "invasion" of NikeTalk a few months back, one of their admins notified us of the issue and banned the users responsible from their boards.

It's simply a matter of common courtesy. NikeTalk will not be used as a staging ground to attack other forums.

Most of you, it seems, were just being social on their board, and that's fine. I'm glad that most of you treated their members with respect and, in fact, a couple of their users have already PM'd me and stated that, with a few glaring exceptions, they generally enjoyed your company. That's to be encouraged, not punished.

It's just those select few who won't be welcomed back to NikeTalk.
Wait.. what now?
Originally Posted by Apollo XXXIII

Originally Posted by Method Man

We don't intend to ban anyone on here UNLESS you crossed the line on the other board. As community operators, we consider ourselves responsible for preventing and discouraging forum attacks. When users of the "adult swim" boards attempted to organize an "invasion" of NikeTalk a few months back, one of their admins notified us of the issue and banned the users responsible from their boards.

It's simply a matter of common courtesy. NikeTalk will not be used as a staging ground to attack other forums.

Most of you, it seems, were just being social on their board, and that's fine. I'm glad that most of you treated their members with respect and, in fact, a couple of their users have already PM'd me and stated that, with a few glaring exceptions, they generally enjoyed your company. That's to be encouraged, not punished.

It's just those select few who won't be welcomed back to NikeTalk.
Wait.. what now?

lol adult swim...
Originally Posted by seaner23

i think the jjb board was banning those that quoted pictures of their users, used red and green and 72 pt. font and things like that.

they have some pretty graphic posts and posters over there so i would think any bannings would come from things like that. not from a few knuckleheads asking for pics and getting their mack on.

true the font and color was there issue
Originally Posted by seaner23

i think the jjb board was banning those that quoted pictures of their users, used red and green and 72 pt. font and things like that.

they have some pretty graphic posts and posters over there so i would think any bannings would come from things like that. not from a few knuckleheads asking for pics and getting their mack on.

Naw man they just banned everybody in sight.

They admitted they had no reason with of course a few exception

As with most things a few people ruined it for all of us

The females kept whining about us asking "Dumb" Questions

Ask a black man FTW
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Naw man they just banned everybody in sight.

They admitted they had no reason with of course a few exception

As with most things a few people ruined it for all of us

The females kept whining about us asking "Dumb" Questions

[color= rgb(153, 153, 255)]Ask a black man FTW[/color]

That thread was nice. It didn't even get all that bad, and for the most part people asked funny questions. Ieven got a PM out of the deal.
Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Can somebody tell me what happened? I'm gone for about 8 hours, logged into JJB and I'm banned!

Helion spit game, and got a pm

They got jealous because of our swagger, and banned all who remained
Originally Posted by Helghast420

Mods been trippin lately. Without us there is no you. We the people of Niketalk unite! *raises sword*
I think you're taking this thing a little too seriously
. Relax man

Even Meth was saying that he understood those who were constructive and that those who were disrupting their boardwere the ones to get banned here.
Mods been trippin lately. Without us there is no you. We the people of Niketalk unite! *raises sword*
Adult swim? Where the hell was I???
We didn't consider it a sufficient threat to concern our members with and apparently nobody noticed it. The MBA filter stopped their"invasion" before it ever started. We were linked to the thread and it's pretty much what you would've expected. For a moment, I actuallyfelt sorry for the poor souls tasked with that forum's upkeep.

Originally Posted by Lets Hug It Out

Also Method Man, some of the girls also were talking about joining this board as well. I don't know if you're able to view this thread, but they've been lurking here, too. Not to invade, but just to to join. Sometimes things get redundant over there and we like change. We're girls.

I get what you're saying though, I run a yuku board as well and I also would warn anyone I saw on my board trying to invade another. It is common courtesy. I agre with you there.
I've heard that from some of the other JJB members who've contacted me as well. Our MBA system works a bit differently from most. Wereceive around 1,000 applications each month, so for the sake of security and efficiency we approve them all during the first week of the month. Wehaven't regarded the JJB applications with any suspicion, we fully intend to approve those accounts in early November and clearly it seems that a greatmany of our members will await their arrival with bated breath.

Again, most of you have nothing to worry about. A handful of users, however, will be banned once we get a chance to review the threads or after the JJBmembers/moderators identify those who were disrespectful or abusive. If you were just over there being social, that's fine. We run forums to fostercommunication, so why on earth would I object to you all interacting with users in a positive way on another forum? That's to be encouraged.

When we hear that our members are being banned en masse, though, of course our first thought is that some of our less mature members saw fit to terrorizeanother forum. We're not going to apply the same standard as their administrators - we're separate forums. Just because you were banned theredoesn't mean you'll be banned here. The few of you who did cross the line will be identified and banned, the rest have no cause for concern. Your newfriends have definitely been strong character witnesses; I'm still getting PMs from JJB members who enjoyed your company - so thanks to those who repped NTwell and thanks to the JJB members who are helping us identify the troublemakers.
After the Ask a Black Man thread...EVERYBODY got the axe. It was going to happen eventually though. A couple peoplemessed it up for everybody. Look on the bright side though...we got two people we can laugh at for the duration of their time on NT. Let's give a round ofapplause for:



HandomeDollaz (I got print screens on you, doggie

I ain't laughed harder than I did in the past two days in a LONG time.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by LimitedRetroOG

Can somebody tell me what happened? I'm gone for about 8 hours, logged into JJB and I'm banned!

Helion spit game, and got a pm

They got jealous because of our swagger, and banned all who remained
i think what you meant to say was they banned everybody cuz those girls were 12 years old, and they didn't want any legal action against theirsite
Originally Posted by seaner23

heck i even paypaled one of them 10 bucks cause she said she was broke. i know i'm a simp...i bought a girl a jar of pb&j and a loaf of bread.
OlFredro Starr in Sunset Park dude
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