Avatar was corny, am I the only who feels this way?


james cameron!
That James Cameron guy made an ill flip off this movie though, just goes to show you where our heads are at.
That Pocahontas script...

Story is pretty corny and predictable. Its all about the special effects...
Theres alot of hype surrounding the movie.

Great effects but don't have that much interest to see it
Originally Posted by SoleWoman

where you at diego....?

Captain Save a movie checking in.

Aint nobody saying that this movie is original.
Half of the things we do/enjoy/watch arent original.

The fact still remains that you will be entertained by this movie. Thats all a person can ask for.
i thought it was OD that they took alot the symbolisms native americans had and took it literal... i mean those blue things were literally"connecting" themselves to nature
story line was obviously corny and unoriginal...so many corny lines that we've already heard in other movies

its obviously about the visuals and the effects

seeing it in 3D after
Originally Posted by proper english

i thought it was OD that they took alot the symbolisms native americans had and took it literal... i mean those blue things were literally "connecting" themselves to nature

Yeah, that was very uhh...interesting.
ya'll are a bunch of morons if at any point in time you thought this movie would have more substance than it did. It was clearly a showcase of thetechnology from the go. Nothing more nothing less. It was good for what it was.
I honestly didn't want to watch this movie, yet I still did. Overall, the storyline wasn't that great but the visuals and the concept was. It was agood movie, IMO it dragged a little bit and I honestly was falling asleep at some parts.

Did anyone else think that the Colonel looked like Vince McMahon? Haha.
Originally Posted by itz rOLLi

ya'll are a bunch of morons if at any point in time you thought this movie would have more substance than it did. It was clearly a showcase of the technology from the go. Nothing more nothing less. It was good for what it was.

Movie was a glorified tech demo.

and no it's not about giving props to JAMES CAMERON it's about giving props to WETA (Lord of the Rings Trilogy, District 9, King Kong) who did themotion capture and digital effects.
I dont see how you guys say you dont know what we expected but special effects. I expected a movie. I usually go to the movies to watch a story not to watcheffects. If you are only going to give me half of what I wanted I would like half of my money back.
i feel people have only went to see it because its the most expensive movie ever made and the special affects and 3D. At least for me i could care less aboutthem actually
It was like when people saw Crash and thought how "groundbreaking" it was...

Its a message that needs to be seen, but as a minority and someone who follows the news...its nothing new to me.
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