ATLANTA Flooding

im from atlanta, and its pretty much been raining hard in different areas.

schools are closed down because of flooding and what not. my last class (ga. state) was cut short due to road conditions.
I'm still here.

It did take me three tries to find a passable route home from the office, though.

I got back from vacation last Sunday. It has literally rained every day since, with rain predicted at least through next Saturday.

At least the drought is over...

If anybody in ATL wants to help out, I'm gonna start gathering two of every animal later.
I'm in the West End and we've been getting a lot of rain for like the past 5 days. I'm not near an area that's flooding. My power has beenknocked out a few times that's it. My dude at West Ga. Univ. said it's flooding pretty bad there. He's in Carrollton.
Hasn't rained in like 4 hours. Has to be the longest drought in a week...unfortunately, we're supposed to get hammered again by midnight...

...and you knew somebody was going to do it...


(That's the Downtown Connector as of this afternoon, for those familiar with the area...and if you do know the area, you know how bad that #*++!+ upeverything.)
Originally Posted by MOSTHATED770

damn its crazy out here, bridges collapsing, flooding everywhere, mudslides.. supposto rain for another week...
i cant see
Update from the news is that a total of 6 people died. I live in the A and its been raining for weeks, schools shut down, people unable to get to work, anddamage everywhere.
Originally Posted by DLo13

Hasn't rained in like 4 hours. Has to be the longest drought in a week...unfortunately, we're supposed to get hammered again by midnight...

...and you knew somebody was going to do it...


(That's the Downtown Connector as of this afternoon, for those familiar with the area...and if you do know the area, you know how bad that #*++!+ up everything.)

There was a tornado last year in the middle of downtown, but i ain't never seen it rain so hard they canceled schools. I stay right by turner field and itwas pretty bad earlier.
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