athiest wake up

Wow....this thread is still going?
basically religious ppl lack alot of common sense. Just like the ppl who wrote the bible.
It seems you are afraid to question the obvious like men with nipples? Remember man was created first then a woman from his rib

So why did man have nipples?
And how can you forget Noah packing millions of species (1 of each gender) on his self made wooden boat

Then the world was flooded then it dried up with every tree,plant and flower still intact?......or did Noah keep those on his lil boat too?
Poor Noah must of been so tired
. I mean just put the animals in a magical orbTHEN flood the world for no reason.
And im still trying to figure out what is there to do in heaven. No tv, no walks to the park, not video games
, no sex, no clothes, no house, no clouds, no sun, no genders, no days, nonights, no eyeballs, no legs, no parties, no food
, no niketalk

no language. It seems all you do is bow and pray to god all day everyday. And bow and pray and bow and worship and pray and praise.
Heaven sucks
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Wow....this thread is still going?
basically religious ppl lack alot of common sense. Just like the ppl who wrote the bible.
It seems you are afraid to question the obvious like men with nipples? Remember man was created first then a woman from his rib

So why did man have nipples?
And how can you forget Noah packing millions of species (1 of each gender) on his self made wooden boat

Then the world was flooded then it dried up with every tree,plant and flower still intact?......or did Noah keep those on his lil boat too?
Poor Noah must of been so tired
. I mean just put the animals in a magical orb THEN flood the world for no reason.
And im still trying to figure out what is there to do in heaven. No tv, no walks to the park, not video games
, no sex, no clothes, no house, no clouds, no sun, no genders, no days, no nights, no eyeballs, no legs, no parties, no food
, no niketalk

no language. It seems all you do is bow and pray to god all day everyday. And bow and pray and bow and worship and pray and praise.
Heaven sucks

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Wow....this thread is still going?
basically religious ppl lack alot of common sense. Just like the ppl who wrote the bible.
It seems you are afraid to question the obvious like men with nipples? Remember man was created first then a woman from his rib

So why did man have nipples?
And how can you forget Noah packing millions of species (1 of each gender) on his self made wooden boat

Then the world was flooded then it dried up with every tree,plant and flower still intact?......or did Noah keep those on his lil boat too?
Poor Noah must of been so tired
. I mean just put the animals in a magical orb THEN flood the world for no reason.
And im still trying to figure out what is there to do in heaven. No tv, no walks to the park, not video games
, no sex, no clothes, no house, no clouds, no sun, no genders, no days, no nights, no eyeballs, no legs, no parties, no food
, no niketalk

no language. It seems all you do is bow and pray to god all day everyday. And bow and pray and bow and worship and pray and praise.
Heaven sucks


Only a few will understand what im doing. Those are simple questions, Yet they are so difficult to answer.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Once again, you fail to READ my post.

Nothing wrong with believing that there is no God, where the dilemma is when people (you did earlier) Claim to KNOW there is no God.

I know there isn't a god. Why is that a dilemma?
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Go ask people from every religion and nationality about what kind of person they would want for their child and they will ALL tell you they PREFER their "own kind."

See, you were actually doing a good job then you wrote ^ that. Once you wrote that you became as credible as Jimmy Swaggart. To try and act like ALL parents would "prefer" their own "kind" is not only wrong but it gives me a better idea of who i am typing towards. When you say "Kind" i hope you are talking about the Human Race because to be honest we are well on the way to all being the same anyway. This obviously wont happen in my time on this planet but that day is coming and its already in motion.

My son is 50% White, 25% East Indian and 25% Mexican, and with the the way the human race is re-producing we will all be mixed a handful of generations down the road.
Im sorry you feel that way, I really am. Im not saying im the kind of person that would disown their child for bringing someone from a differentrace or religion into my home. That was geared more toward "Old School Parents" especially, but not limited to, ones that come from outside the U.S.I hope I didnt offend you or your child thats not what I was trying to do.

You HAVE to admit though if you go into a spanish, black, middle eastern, or even a white house hold and ask them if they PREFER not ACCEPT (just a preference,Im not talking about anything else but preference) their son/daughter bring home someone of the same nationality or religious background, im sure most of them would say yes they do prefer that. You cannot deny that! Im sorry to say that, but thats just the kind of world welive in.

I agree with that 100000% percent!
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

those are special cases of pieces of %$+$ human beings that take advantage of their status.

Thats not a legit question and you know it, so im not even going to respond to that. If you dont know that their is a big difference, you got problems.

When I talk about hypocrisy im talking about the fact that they say "their is no god" and try to push that message. That sounds kind of familiar to me!
how many advertisements have you seen pushing there is no god messages? yea exactly..

*Looks up at the page* yup still there
what? one ad that wasnt even shown in the US, but in Britain somewhere? try harder.


Legislative Building in Olympia, Washington.

[h2] Washington DC[/h2]
^How often do you see someone or something promoting Atheism in America?

I'm on the East Coast and from my experience it appears to me that the promotion of Atheism is outweighed by the promotion of religion by a wide margin.

I've never come across an individual or advertisement that promotes Atheism.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Once again, you fail to READ my post.

Nothing wrong with believing that there is no God, where the dilemma is when people (you did earlier) Claim to KNOW there is no God.

I know there isn't a god. Why is that a dilemma?

No you don't. You believe there isn't, but wait you don't believe in anything...Paradox huh
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Once again, you fail to READ my post.

Nothing wrong with believing that there is no God, where the dilemma is when people (you did earlier) Claim to KNOW there is no God.

I know there isn't a god. Why is that a dilemma?

No you don't. You believe there isn't, but wait you don't believe in anything...Paradox huh
nope. I know there isn't one. Why do you say I believe there isn't one? I know there isn't one. Without a doubt, 100%, there is nogod. I know this.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Once again, you fail to READ my post.

Nothing wrong with believing that there is no God, where the dilemma is when people (you did earlier) Claim to KNOW there is no God.

I know there isn't a god. Why is that a dilemma?

No you don't. You believe there isn't, but wait you don't believe in anything...Paradox huh
nope. I know there isn't one. Why do you say I believe there isn't one? I know there isn't one. Without a doubt, 100%, there is no god. I know this.

why is it that religious people always want you to believe what they do? is it because they want you to be just as duped or because they 'care' aboutyour soul?
either way, I am happy on my own thanks.
arguing about religion is like arguing whether green is a better color then blue. there is NO ANSWER!! believe what you want and keep your mouth shut
Originally Posted by jibbycanoe

why is it that religious people always want you to believe what they do? is it because they want you to be just as duped or because they 'care' about your soul?
either way, I am happy on my own thanks.
arguing about religion is like arguing whether green is a better color then blue. there is NO ANSWER!! believe what you want and keep your mouth shut

I agree
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Once again, you fail to READ my post.

Nothing wrong with believing that there is no God, where the dilemma is when people (you did earlier) Claim to KNOW there is no God.

I know there isn't a god. Why is that a dilemma?

No you don't. You believe there isn't, but wait you don't believe in anything...Paradox huh
nope. I know there isn't one. Why do you say I believe there isn't one? I know there isn't one. Without a doubt, 100%, there is no god. I know this.


Once again, I will repeat this. Why do those that don't believe in god's existence have to prove to that he\she\it doesn't exist? Explain this tome. How are they supposed to prove something DOESN'T exist? If you told me you had a unicorn would you ask me to prove that you didn't? Wouldn't it be up to you to prove to me that you did have a unicorn? By the way, the existence of unicorns is closer to being a reality.

"Exceptional claims require exceptional evidence."- Christopher Hitchens
Those pics on the previous page were

I think by the time I have grandchildren, religion will be nearly extinct. It's already fading away as people finally start getting educated and logical. Iremember a study showing that those without a college degree are x times more likely to follow religion. Those that were educated were more likely to see theworld for what it really is and not some fairy tale full of crock.
Originally Posted by Russ tha G

Those pics on the previous page were

I think by the time I have grandchildren, religion will be nearly extinct. It's already fading away as people finally start getting educated and logical. I remember a study showing that those without a college degree are x times more likely to follow religion. Those that were educated were more likely to see the world for what it really is and not some fairy tale full of crock.

its call eugenics
I believe Islam is the truest religion. and i bear witness there is no god but Allah and prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is the last messenger for all of mankind
I believe Christianity was a true religion when prophet Jesus was sent to down to his people, but later on the church took christianity and twisted it for theworse.
I believe Judaism was a true religion until the people of israel did not except what prophet Moses was preaching.

Those who have read this will not have an excuse on the day of judgment when the non believers will be asked what did you believe in?
Originally Posted by Menacin Methods

I believe Islam is the truest religion. and i bear witness there is no god but Allah and prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is the last messenger for all of mankind
I believe Christianity was a true religion when prophet Jesus was sent to down to his people, but later on the church took christianity and twisted it for the worse.
I believe Judaism was a true religion until the people of israel did not except what prophet Moses was preaching.

Those who have read this will not have an excuse on the day of judgment when the non believers will be asked what did you believe in?

If Allah is all loving, he will forgive them.
Originally Posted by shatterkneesinc

Originally Posted by Menacin Methods

I believe Islam is the truest religion. and i bear witness there is no god but Allah and prophet Muhammad(pbuh) is the last messenger for all of mankind
I believe Christianity was a true religion when prophet Jesus was sent to down to his people, but later on the church took christianity and twisted it for the worse.
I believe Judaism was a true religion until the people of israel did not except what prophet Moses was preaching.

Those who have read this will not have an excuse on the day of judgment when the non believers will be asked what did you believe in?

If Allah is all loving, he will forgive them.

Maybe they exalted all their chances and warnings when people repeatedly tried telling them. If your kids completely disown you until they realize they needyou to help them get a house, what are you going to do? Just up and accept them for basically hating you their entire life? And lets say you have helped yourother kids hate you and disown you? Break your heart wouldn't it?

Don't expect to do wrong all your life and then be bailed out when you realize what you hated, what you disrespected, what you discouraged others from isthere waiting on you to answer for your life. I hope you turn around before then.
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