athiest wake up

I purposely stayed out of this thread for the longest because this topic has been beaten to death on NT and i have already typed everything i care to in thedozens of other threads that came before this one.

BUT, i cant be the only one that reads some of the stuff on here and get the urge to reach through my computer screen and slap the s*** out of the person thattyped it.

the only thing i will say directly on this subject this go around is how i wish i could see the face of the lifelong devoted christian when they die and thereis no heaven for them to go to and they are really just taking a dirt nap alongside the rest of us.

I will pose this question though, the suicide bombers that blow themselves up, you guys do know those people are a lot more religious then probably everyreligious person on NT together right?
They think they are doing God a favor when they do this, and for that favor they will be rewarded with 30 virgins when they arrive in heaven. Now to most of usthat probably sounds ridiculous, because it is ridiculous. The point i am trying to make is since the start of time religions have been causing people to haveridiculous beliefs, and to do ridiculous things because of those beliefs.

1 last question, with all these different religions, and the believers of said religions thinking what they believe is right where everyone else is wrong, howmany heavens are there? Is there 1 heaven that Jesus is running and a different Heaven where Allah and his followers frolic around with virgins a plenty?
Originally Posted by FeelMode

I purposely stayed out of this thread for the longest because this topic has been beaten to death on NT and i have already typed everything i care to in the dozens of other threads that came before this one.

[color= rgb(0, 255, 0)]BUT, i cant be the only one that reads some of the stuff on here and get the urge to reach through my computer screen and slap the s*** out of the person that typed it.[/color]

the only thing i will say directly on this subject this go around is how i wish i could see the face of the lifelong devoted christian when they die and there is no heaven for them to go to and they are really just taking a dirt nap alongside the rest of us.

I will pose this question though, the suicide bombers that blow themselves up, you guys do know those people are a lot more religious then probably every religious person on NT together right?
They think they are doing God a favor when they do this, and for that favor they will be rewarded with 30 virgins when they arrive in heaven. Now to most of us that probably sounds ridiculous, because it is ridiculous. The point i am trying to make is since the start of time religions have been causing people to have ridiculous beliefs, and to do ridiculous things because of those beliefs.

1 last question, with all these different religions, and the believers of said religions thinking what they believe is right where everyone else is wrong, how many heavens are there? Is there 1 heaven that Jesus is running and a different Heaven where [color= rgb(0, 0, 255)]Allah[/color] and his followers frolic around with virgins a plenty?
1.Its 77 virgins not 30
2.You know that Allah translates to GOD right?

Its funny I just got that "urge" you were talking about.
of course i know that allah translates to God, but ask a christian if Allah is their god.

Im not a muslim so i really had no idea it was 77, dont know where i got the "30" number, but hey i like virgins as much as anyone so maybe ill justgo blow myself up so i can have 77

So is Jesus frolicking with virgins too?
Originally Posted by AssistantSupervisor81

atheists think they know everything
Bill Maher and George Carlin are prime examples. I'm just gonna leave these dudes alone. Debating is worthless. To my fellow believers letsjust let them be. If they ever need help or advice they know how to reach us.

God Bless you all.
Originally Posted by the north west

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by kix4kix

And the hypocrisy of atheists continues

15 pages of "Athiests" who claim to fame is that they don't care about religion. Like I have said all along, Athiesm is a religion in and of itself.

you clearly dont understand the meaning of religion.

Oh really? So athiesm has no affect on how you act?...Rituals that you choose not to perform in, and the way you live your life?

Such Irony in how everyone in this thread is "athiest" when they seem to be more obsessive on forcing their ideal than any one on here.

Atheism is a religion bro. Always has been, Freud stated so. Einstein stated so, and so did every other Athiest with half a brain. Unless you KNOW there isn't a God (which you don't) you are choosing not to act based on FAITH of there being no God.

Edit: Post limit: So Santa is = God huh
What religion follows him?

Atheism is not a religion, but it is a way of life. The very definition of Atheism is the lack of religion....REJECTION OF "THEISM" or Religion.

Atheists do not have rituals

Atheists do not for the most part go hard to force their non-belief on don't see atheists going from house to house handing out flyers about how God doesn't exist.
why do Christians feel the need to try to convert everyone to Christians

you don't see Muslims, Hindus, or Buddhist do this

I know that they are trying to help others by "spreading the word of god" but often times it is annoying and uncomfortable

even after I tell them that I am Buddhist they continue to talk about their religion

how would Christians feel if I went up to them and asked if they have heard the word of Buddha or give them what would Buddha do bracelets
this is the thing that pisses me off

why do people generalize Christian as a person who goes door to door to convert people.

and FYI, the Christian Church is broken into several groups. You have Catholics, Mormons, Protestants, Jehovah witnesses, Russian Orthodox and ect ect

why do people think that just because you have certain groups that do this, all groups do it.

and just to let you folks know, I am not part of any organized religion, I am a free agent in the religious world but my religious friends are Catholics and Ican assure you, they are just as normal as anyone here and they don't go door to door trying to convert people.

We do illegal activities, we play sports, we smoke pot ect ect

I go to mass sometime just to hear the priest speak, I was not force into it and I did it on my own will. And when the priest talks, its rarely about the"exaggerated" stories in the bible, but instead its about life in general.

I doubt most atheist even attend a church service and know what it is really about but are quick to jump into conclusions. Once they hear the word church, theydon't even bother giving any sort of interest or even try to understand because you are just too arrogant. But for any unanswered questions the atheistask, the man of religion can ask the exact amount of unanswered questions to the atheist and this leads to only one answer. No one has the answers.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

of course i know that allah translates to God, but ask a christian if Allah is their god.

Im not a muslim so i really had no idea it was 77, dont know where i got the "30" number, but hey i like virgins as much as anyone so maybe ill just go blow myself up so i can have 77

So is Jesus frolicking with virgins too?
Allah is GOD! in my language we say ALLAHA and it translates to GOD. I dont have my own personal god. Peoplewho speak spanish say "Dios" does that mean they have their own god as well?

Im not muslim either, but being muslim doesnt have anything to do with knowing that kind of info. You threw out the number 30 like you knew what you were talking about.

No Jesus doesnt "frolick" with virgins. Why do you have to resort to being disrespectful.
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

No Jesus doesnt "frolick" with virgins. Why do you have to resort to being disrespectful.
if frolicking with virgins is disrespectful, then i dont want to be right

Honestly though, I can respect religions, because some people do need a hand. Religions help a lot of people find a better life, and that im sure everyonewants.
But thinking everything written in those books really happen, and blindly following is another thing. Thats what really gets me, like how can some peopleregard these tales as true, yet condemn other tales as false

I believe there is a good posibility of higher beings though. I bet once they are found, maybe religion will be put to rest. but then again, people have clungon to it this long, i guess that wont stop them
and FYI, the Christian Church is broken into several groups. You have Catholics, Mormons, Protestants, Jehovah witnesses, Russian Orthodox and ect ect


i aint even religious and i know thats rubbish.
Look i was hardly just pulling info out of a hat, i dated a girl from Pakistan who is a devout muslim for a long time and at one point in my life i thought shewas the chick i was going to spend the rest of my days with.

then i got the unpleasant opportunity of meeting her parents and seeing the hate in their eyes when they realized their daughter was in love with someone thatdid not share the same faith as they did.

You know what they told her? If she was to continue seeing me they would disown her, and guess what, they were dead serious.

So i do know a thing or two about the muslim faith and i also know more then a thing or two about religion completely blinding ones way of thinking.
God, Religion and all that goes with it is all just written up to try and control people and keep the human race in line.

I guess I consider myself an "atheist" just because I dont believe in religion. I dont think that there is some god being that has some sort ofinfluence in the way I live my life.

Christianity as a religion is the biggest crock of %@+@ in the history of the human race, not to mention it is the most corrupt thing in the history of time.Its all just a way for someone, somewhere to make a dollar.
Originally Posted by FeelMode

Look i was hardly just pulling info out of a hat, i dated a girl from Pakistan who is a devout muslim for a long time and at one point in my life i thought she was the chick i was going to spend the rest of my days with.

then i got the unpleasant opportunity of meeting her parents and seeing the hate in their eyes when they realized their daughter was in love with someone that did not share the same faith as they did.

You know what they told her? If she was to continue seeing me they would disown her, and guess what, they were dead serious.

So i do know a thing or two about the muslim faith and i also know more then a thing or two about religion completely blinding ones way of thinking.
What can i tell you, everyone knows that there are some people that are very set in there ways. Unfortunately for you, her parents had/have apreference for what kind of guy they want for their daughter and in this particular case it had to do with religion. Dont act like religious people are theonly ones who judge people. Go ask people from every religion and nationality about what kind of person they would want for their child and they will ALL tellyou they PREFER their "own kind." You think some "white, daddies little girl" can bring home a"minority" dude from the hood and the dad is going to be accepting? HELL *%**$%$ NO!

My whole point in this whole thread is that religion/religious people and god get blamed for every *%**$%$ thing. Im surprised god is not getting blamed forthe recession! Listen... I dont try to get on here, push my religion on anyone and try to convert people to christianity, thats not my job. I just get realheated at atheists when they talk %%%+ because atheists are the biggest *%**$%$ hypocrites on this planet.
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by FeelMode

Look i was hardly just pulling info out of a hat, i dated a girl from Pakistan who is a devout muslim for a long time and at one point in my life i thought she was the chick i was going to spend the rest of my days with.

then i got the unpleasant opportunity of meeting her parents and seeing the hate in their eyes when they realized their daughter was in love with someone that did not share the same faith as they did.

You know what they told her? If she was to continue seeing me they would disown her, and guess what, they were dead serious.

So i do know a thing or two about the muslim faith and i also know more then a thing or two about religion completely blinding ones way of thinking.
What can i tell you, everyone knows that there are some people that are very set in there ways. Unfortunately for you, her parents had/have a preference for what kind of guy they want for their daughter and in this particular case it had to do with religion. Dont act like religious people are the only ones who judge people. Go ask people from every religion and nationality about what kind of person they would want for their child and they will ALL tell you they PREFER their "own kind." You think some "white, daddies little girl" can bring home a "minority" dude from the hood and the dad is going to be accepting? HELL *%**$%$ NO!

My whole point in this whole thread is that religion/religious people and god get blamed for every *%**$%$ thing. Im surprised god is not getting blamed for the recession! Listen... I dont try to get on here, push my religion on anyone and try to convert people to christianity, thats not my job. I just get real heated at atheists when they talk %%%+ because atheists are the biggest *%**$%$ hypocrites on this planet.

Woah woah woah now. What about the preists molesting little boys. Preachers commiting adultry. Religious men and women in general commiting adultry.Wouldn't it be hypocritical for a Christian to even be unaccepting of others for how they live? (Legit question btw)

How can atheist be so hypocritical when they have no holy commandments to follow? If by most hypocritical, you mean they have less moral structure, thenI'm sorry you feel that way.
Originally Posted by lobotomybeats

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by kix4kix

And the hypocrisy of atheists continues

15 pages of "Athiests" who claim to fame is that they don't care about religion. Like I have said all along, Athiesm is a religion in and of itself.

you clearly dont understand the meaning of religion.

Oh really? So athiesm has no affect on how you act?...Rituals that you choose not to perform in, and the way you live your life?

Such Irony in how everyone in this thread is "athiest" when they seem to be more obsessive on forcing their ideal than any one on here.

Atheism is a religion bro. Always has been, Freud stated so. Einstein stated so, and so did every other Athiest with half a brain. Unless you KNOW there isn't a God (which you don't) you are choosing not to act based on FAITH of there being no God.

Edit: Post limit: So Santa is = God huh
What religion follows him?
You act as if you are surprised that Atheist show up to defend themselves in a thread telling them to "wake up." I don't have faith that there is no god. I know there is no god. No faith involved. That's what Atheism is. I don't waiver in my acknowledging that there is truly no such thing as a "higher being." Yes, it keeps me from going to church. But your religion keeps you from going to any other church. I don't think that is making me live my life a certain way.

Defend themselves? They claim to not care
Originally Posted by 18key

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Originally Posted by FeelMode

Look i was hardly just pulling info out of a hat, i dated a girl from Pakistan who is a devout muslim for a long time and at one point in my life i thought she was the chick i was going to spend the rest of my days with.

then i got the unpleasant opportunity of meeting her parents and seeing the hate in their eyes when they realized their daughter was in love with someone that did not share the same faith as they did.

You know what they told her? If she was to continue seeing me they would disown her, and guess what, they were dead serious.

So i do know a thing or two about the muslim faith and i also know more then a thing or two about religion completely blinding ones way of thinking.
What can i tell you, everyone knows that there are some people that are very set in there ways. Unfortunately for you, her parents had/have a preference for what kind of guy they want for their daughter and in this particular case it had to do with religion. Dont act like religious people are the only ones who judge people. Go ask people from every religion and nationality about what kind of person they would want for their child and they will ALL tell you they PREFER their "own kind." You think some "white, daddies little girl" can bring home a "minority" dude from the hood and the dad is going to be accepting? HELL *%**$%$ NO!

My whole point in this whole thread is that religion/religious people and god get blamed for every *%**$%$ thing. Im surprised god is not getting blamed for the recession! Listen... I dont try to get on here, push my religion on anyone and try to convert people to christianity, thats not my job. I just get real heated at atheists when they talk %%%+ because atheists are the biggest *%**$%$ hypocrites on this planet.

Woah woah woah now. What about the preists molesting little boys. Preachers commiting adultry. Religious men and women in general commiting adultry. Wouldn't it be hypocritical for a Christian to even be unaccepting of others for how they live? (Legit question btw)

How can atheist be so hypocritical when they have no holy commandments to follow? If by most hypocritical, you mean they have less moral structure, then I'm sorry you feel that way.
those are special cases of pieces of %$+$ human beings that take advantage of their status.

Thats not a legit question and you know it, so im not even going to respond to that. If you dont know that their is a bigdifference, you got problems.

When I talk about hypocrisy im talking about the fact that they say "their is no god" and try to push thatmessage. That sounds kind of familiar to me!
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

those are special cases of pieces of %$+$ human beings that take advantage of their status.

Thats not a legit question and you know it, so im not even going to respond to that. If you dont know that their is a big difference, you got problems.

When I talk about hypocrisy im talking about the fact that they say "their is no god" and try to push that message. That sounds kind of familiar to me!
how many advertisements have you seen pushing there is no god messages? yea exactly..
Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

those are special cases of pieces of %$+$ human beings that take advantage of their status.

Thats not a legit question and you know it, so im not even going to respond to that. If you dont know that their is a big difference, you got problems.

When I talk about hypocrisy im talking about the fact that they say "their is no god" and try to push that message. That sounds kind of familiar to me!
how many advertisements have you seen pushing there is no god messages? yea exactly..

*Looks up at the page* yup still there
Originally Posted by kix4kix

Originally Posted by sn00pee

Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

those are special cases of pieces of %$+$ human beings that take advantage of their status.

Thats not a legit question and you know it, so im not even going to respond to that. If you dont know that their is a big difference, you got problems.

When I talk about hypocrisy im talking about the fact that they say "their is no god" and try to push that message. That sounds kind of familiar to me!
how many advertisements have you seen pushing there is no god messages? yea exactly..

*Looks up at the page* yup still there
what? one ad that wasnt even shown in the US, but in Britain somewhere? try harder.
Originally Posted by CurtisCarter23

Go ask people from every religion and nationality about what kind of person they would want for their child and they will ALL tell you they PREFER their "own kind."

See, you were actually doing a good job then you wrote ^ that. Once you wrote that you became as credible as Jimmy Swaggart. To try and act likeALL parents would "prefer" their own "kind" is not only wrong but it gives me a better idea of who i am typing towards.When you say "Kind" i hope you are talking about the Human Race because to be honest we are well on the way to all being the same anyway. Thisobviously wont happen in my time on this planet but that day is coming and its already in motion.

My son is 50% White, 25% East Indian and 25% Mexican, and with the the way the human race is re-producing we will all be mixed a handful of generations downthe road.
My problem with religion is the church. Glorified guidelines which exploit sexism, racism, and in some cases the word itself.

My biggest hang up with Atheists, is that it is becoming the new religion. You collectively BELIEVE that there is no God, you BELIEVE that there is no hell.What seperates you from a chrisitan?...I know christians who don't pray, go to church, or impose on anyone else. Every person aside from the OP who hasbeen abrasive in this thread has claimed Athiest. I am a born again _______ and I could care less what anyone else believes, it is between themselves and theirGod. What bothers me is individuals ClAIMING to know there is no God, which is preposterous, people claiming it i a hoax, which is preposterous, claiming ithas no purpose which is also bogus.

I have never met an abrasive muslim or christian. On the other hand Athiests (I used to be one) can be some of the most condescending individuals known to man.
Originally Posted by kix4kix

My problem with religion is the church. Glorified guidelines which exploit sexism, racism, and in some cases the word itself.

My biggest hang up with Atheists, is that it is becoming the new religion. You collectively BELIEVE that there is no God, you BELIEVE that there is no hell. What seperates you from a chrisitan?...I know christians who don't pray, go to church, or impose on anyone else. Every person aside from the OP who has been abrasive in this thread has claimed Athiest. I am a born again _______ and I could care less what anyone else believes, it is between themselves and their God. What bothers me is individuals ClAIMING to know there is no God, which is preposterous, people claiming it i a hoax, which is preposterous, claiming it has no purpose which is also bogus.

I have never met an abrasive muslim or christian. On the other hand Athiests (I used to be one) can be some of the most condescending individuals known to man.
its called having an opinion. claiming there is no god is preposterous, but believing that a dude sits up in the sky and judges our every thoughtand action isnt? or even aliens living in mountains isnt? yea ok. now claiming there are no higher beings, that is preposterous...
Once again, you fail to READ my post.

Nothing wrong with believing that there is no God, where the dilemma is when people (you did earlier) Claim to KNOW there is no God.



ALIENS >>>>>




Originally Posted by kix4kix

Once again, you fail to READ my post.

Nothing wrong with believing that there is no God, where the dilemma is when people (you did earlier) Claim to KNOW there is no God.
i read it loud and clear. there isnt really any difference from someone claiming there is no god and believing there is no god. In the end, onethinks there is no god. people claim there is a god (which many people in this post have) and you see no wrong in that?
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