Assualt Weapon Being Carried By Protestor At Obama Townhall.

take this back 5 years. imagine someone drew a joker pic of bush...imagine someone brought a gun to a bush meetin...would ya'll still be trippin? hell noyou'd probably agree with them

america was built on stuff like this and just because you don't agree with it ya'll think americans still don't got rights...
Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

take this back 5 years. imagine someone drew a joker pic of bush...imagine someone brought a gun to a bush meetin...would ya'll still be trippin? hell no you'd probably agree with them

america was built on stuff like this and just because you don't agree with it ya'll think americans still don't got rights...
In a nation that has seen numerous presidents fall to the guns of assassins you would think it's people would be a bit more cautious. Thisisn't even about race, to me it's common sense that it should not be ok to bring a gun anywhere the president is.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

take this back 5 years. imagine someone drew a joker pic of bush...imagine someone brought a gun to a bush meetin...would ya'll still be trippin? hell no you'd probably agree with them

america was built on stuff like this and just because you don't agree with it ya'll think americans still don't got rights...
In a nation that has seen numerous presidents fall to the guns of assassins you would think it's people would be a bit more cautious. This isn't even about race, to me it's common sense that it should not be ok to bring a gun anywhere the president is.

my post really wasn't in reference to the gun issue...i think guns are a bad post was in reference to the double standard that seems toexist well within liberal politics - if this were a bush meeting a year ago, i highly doubt this topic would have ever even been made...and, if it were made,how many obama fanatics would be all for it?
Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

take this back 5 years. imagine someone drew a joker pic of bush...imagine someone brought a gun to a bush meetin...would ya'll still be trippin? hell no you'd probably agree with them

america was built on stuff like this and just because you don't agree with it ya'll think americans still don't got rights...
In a nation that has seen numerous presidents fall to the guns of assassins you would think it's people would be a bit more cautious. This isn't even about race, to me it's common sense that it should not be ok to bring a gun anywhere the president is.

my post really wasn't in reference to the gun issue...i think guns are a bad post was in reference to the double standard that seems to exist well within liberal politics - if this were a bush meeting a year ago, i highly doubt this topic would have ever even been made...and, if it were made, how many obama fanatics would be all for it?
Liberals don't like Bush, we know. That doesn't mean they want the President of the US in danger. It's not a double standard to beless vocal for a president you don't favor. I'm sure if you asked most liberals they would tell you that they are not ok with guns around anypresident, including Bush.
Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

take this back 5 years. imagine someone drew a joker pic of bush...imagine someone brought a gun to a bush meetin...would ya'll still be trippin? hell no you'd probably agree with them

america was built on stuff like this and just because you don't agree with it ya'll think americans still don't got rights...
In a nation that has seen numerous presidents fall to the guns of assassins you would think it's people would be a bit more cautious. This isn't even about race, to me it's common sense that it should not be ok to bring a gun anywhere the president is.

my post really wasn't in reference to the gun issue...i think guns are a bad post was in reference to the double standard that seems to exist well within liberal politics - if this were a bush meeting a year ago, i highly doubt this topic would have ever even been made...and, if it were made, how many obama fanatics would be all for it?
Liberals don't like Bush, we know. That doesn't mean they want the President of the US in danger. It's not a double standard to be less vocal for a president you don't favor. I'm sure if you asked most liberals they would tell you that they are not ok with guns around any president, including Bush.

i don't know if that's something i believe...remember what we had on bush's innauguration day...people gunnin rocks at his limo, staging massiveprotests all over the place. one guy in the country of georgia threw a grenade at him. another in iraq threw his shoes at him. to liberals, this kind ofbehavior is 'funny' when it happens to bush, but it's simply 'unacceptable' when it happens to Obama. btw, i voted for Obama and i likethat guy, but i can't handle the liberal media's portrayal of things
Hmmm I wonder if this would have been tolerated under the Bush regime.
Although people hate on Obama, I don't think he has had it worse then Bush did.

and like the others said I really don't see why you would bring assault rifles to a HEALTHCARE DEBATE.
Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

take this back 5 years. imagine someone drew a joker pic of bush...imagine someone brought a gun to a bush meetin...would ya'll still be trippin? hell no you'd probably agree with them

america was built on stuff like this and just because you don't agree with it ya'll think americans still don't got rights...
In a nation that has seen numerous presidents fall to the guns of assassins you would think it's people would be a bit more cautious. This isn't even about race, to me it's common sense that it should not be ok to bring a gun anywhere the president is.

my post really wasn't in reference to the gun issue...i think guns are a bad post was in reference to the double standard that seems to exist well within liberal politics - if this were a bush meeting a year ago, i highly doubt this topic would have ever even been made...and, if it were made, how many obama fanatics would be all for it?
Liberals don't like Bush, we know. That doesn't mean they want the President of the US in danger. It's not a double standard to be less vocal for a president you don't favor. I'm sure if you asked most liberals they would tell you that they are not ok with guns around any president, including Bush.

i don't know if that's something i believe...remember what we had on bush's innauguration day...people gunnin rocks at his limo, staging massive protests all over the place. one guy in the country of georgia threw a grenade at him. another in iraq threw his shoes at him. to liberals, this kind of behavior is 'funny' when it happens to bush, but it's simply 'unacceptable' when it happens to Obama. btw, i voted for Obama and i like that guy, but i can't handle the liberal media's portrayal of things

good points jtplatinum
Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

Originally Posted by RavageBX

Originally Posted by JTPlatnum

take this back 5 years. imagine someone drew a joker pic of bush...imagine someone brought a gun to a bush meetin...would ya'll still be trippin? hell no you'd probably agree with them

america was built on stuff like this and just because you don't agree with it ya'll think americans still don't got rights...
In a nation that has seen numerous presidents fall to the guns of assassins you would think it's people would be a bit more cautious. This isn't even about race, to me it's common sense that it should not be ok to bring a gun anywhere the president is.

my post really wasn't in reference to the gun issue...i think guns are a bad post was in reference to the double standard that seems to exist well within liberal politics - if this were a bush meeting a year ago, i highly doubt this topic would have ever even been made...and, if it were made, how many obama fanatics would be all for it?
Liberals don't like Bush, we know. That doesn't mean they want the President of the US in danger. It's not a double standard to be less vocal for a president you don't favor. I'm sure if you asked most liberals they would tell you that they are not ok with guns around any president, including Bush.

i don't know if that's something i believe...remember what we had on bush's innauguration day...people gunnin rocks at his limo, staging massive protests all over the place. one guy in the country of georgia threw a grenade at him. another in iraq threw his shoes at him. to liberals, this kind of behavior is 'funny' when it happens to bush, but it's simply 'unacceptable' when it happens to Obama. btw, i voted for Obama and i like that guy, but i can't handle the liberal media's portrayal of things
Is it the Liberals or the liberal media doing it? because to tell you the truth they are starkly different and that is IF you consider the medialiberal.. CNN is not liberal at all (just watch it for a few days, if it was left leaning half the %++! they put on would be off the air, within a secondbecause it is just nonsense propaganda from the right, it isn't a political strategy they are repeating they are talking about Death Panels like it is alegitimate concern or issue of the bill), Fox News is definitely not liberal the most liberal guy Alan Colmes was fired but never even got in a word when hewas an employee, now Shep Smith is the most liberal guy on Fox and that is only because he says things that make sense from time to time. We know where MSNBCstands but before anyone wants to say they give Obama a free pass just watch Olbermann or Maddow there are plenty of referencing points where they bash Obamaand tell if what he did was a lie or if he broke a campaign promise or when Obama is flat out wrong.

The shoe situation is a different country, so chalk that up to someone else.

all the rest of the things except massive protests are unacceptable..

Now to the two different crowds.. The Bush haters vs. Obama haters.. Signs against Bush saying he stole the election = acceptable, signs against Bush saying heknew 9/11(implying he planned it)= unacceptable.. Signs against Obama saying they don't like his health care that are factual = acceptable.. Signs againsthis health care that are absurd(death panels, killing grandma) = unacceptable. Signs calling him Hitler, a Kenyan citizen, saying water the tree of libertywith the blood of tyrants and patriots while having a gun is UNACCEPTABLE.

To address your earlier points; it is not the Joker picture that is bothering, but it is the message it conveys when Socialism is put underneath it, it isimplying he is the bad guy, BE AFRAID. Not hey this is a cool piece of artwork.

No, NO ONE WOULD SAY THAT IT IS RIGHT TO BRING A GUN TO A BUSH RALLY.. And if they did they need their head examined and need to go back through the educationsystem again. But you say this country was built on stuff like this and that? What stuff? Threatening a man's life because he doesn't vote his way?There are 300 million people in this country, it is fine to disagree with the president BUT to bring a gun to a rally in order to show him a message "Heyif you don't vote with me, I will use this?" That is not what this country is about. I dare anyone to say that is not what those people are trying todo.

You say it is not what you believe, BUT say you can't handle the "Liberal media".. What about the Conservative Media; it was all dandy now butwhen Liberals were protesting the Patriot act and an Unnecessary war that is killing our soldiers in a country we weren't attacked or threatened by, Foxcame out and said it is wrong. No one in the "Liberal Media" is saying you can't disagree with the president, what they are saying is hey if youdisagree, disagree respectfully. Ask questions in a polite fashion. And if you disagree at least know what you are disagreeing about. But if you are going topaint the brush that it is the liberal media (although it is an untrue statement), know what the hell they are saying...
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