Assualt Weapon Being Carried By Protestor At Obama Townhall.

Originally Posted by J Burner

Sorry Fame, I quoted you incorrectly. It was NostrandAe who said that. But still, I'll go with the SS on the issue, as if NT'ers have any clue on the status of the Secret Service. The guy wasn't anywhere near Obama, and wouldn't have been let inside the building. He didn't break any laws, yet you've got people here asking for his rights to be violated, simply because they don't agree with how he is excercising his rights, that is what is scarey. And that is exactly why he was out there with his AR, as a political statement.

But there is no way in H E double hockey sticks
that the SS will tell you if they screwed up.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Im well within my rights to take my gun to a Miley Cyrus concert.
actually... you're not.
a concert hall is a private venue....where the owner has every right to restrict what you can and cannot bring onto the property

dude was on PUBLIC property
you guys may not like it...but dude was within his legal rights to carry the weapon.
If it were an open concert held in a public place I would be able to.

Legal Rights withstanding do you not have a problem with this?

Every state has different gun laws and requirements to carry. Maybe you should educate yourself on the facts about gun laws, then make your comments on theissue.
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Im well within my rights to take my gun to a Miley Cyrus concert.
actually... you're not.
a concert hall is a private venue....where the owner has every right to restrict what you can and cannot bring onto the property

dude was on PUBLIC property
you guys may not like it...but dude was within his legal rights to carry the weapon.
If it were an open concert held in a public place I would be able to.

Legal Rights withstanding do you not have a problem with this?

Every state has different gun laws and requirements to carry. Maybe you should educate yourself on the facts about gun laws, then make your comments on the issue.

This coming from the guy that is gullible enough to believe everything at face value

I know of individual state gun laws and for public events such as concerts in GA prohibiting guns are mostly at the discretion of the venue promoter.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

This coming from the guy that is gullible enough to believe everything at face value

I know of individual state gun laws and for public events such as concerts in GA prohibiting guns are mostly at the discretion of the venue promoter.
Ok, you're right. The secret service lied, they didn't have it under control, the place was mayhem. I just think its hilarious thatyou've got a bunch of people, like you, talking about the business of the Secret Service as if you actually have the slightest clue. The SS said itdoesn't impact their plans in the slightest, but you're right, some random fool on NT is more credible.

And if you know of such laws, how is that you thought it was "well within your right to take a gun to a Miley Cyrus concert?"
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

This coming from the guy that is gullible enough to believe everything at face value

I know of individual state gun laws and for public events such as concerts in GA prohibiting guns are mostly at the discretion of the venue promoter.
Ok, you're right. The secret service lied, they didn't have it under control, the place was mayhem. I just think its hilarious that you've got a bunch of people, like you, talking about the business of the Secret Service as if you actually have the slightest clue. The SS said it doesn't impact their plans in the slightest, but you're right, some random fool on NT is more credible.

And if you know of such laws, how is that you thought it was "well within your right to take a gun to a Miley Cyrus concert?"
Got 'em.
People are within their rights to do this over there, but people need to realize and/or acknowledge the kind of message that's being sent here by thesekinds of people. It's clear sign of intimidation or at least that's what they're trying to accomplish under the guise of it being legal to carryassault weapons in that state.

Arizona, forever having been a hotbed of right wing militias and political extremism is home to the kind of people who will take the law into their own hands,as many people in those parts are still living somewhat of a frontier mentality. This kind of thinking is the fuse for other groups of extremists and potentialhomegrown terrorists to expand on the philosophy - a philosophy, which claims that rights are being infringed upon or even taken away by a government whothey'll never see eye to eye with.

The consequence of these kinds of threats is hardly an intimidated group or progressives/people on the left though. They (the right wing extremists) need torealize that they're far outnumbered despite what the news and BS media seem to imply (that this growing group of loons actually comprise a majority oreven slight majority of disaffected Americans in this country).
Originally Posted by J Burner

Arizona is an open carry state, he didn't break any laws, thats why he wasn't arrested. He wouldn't have been allowed inside. Even the Secret Service said it wasn't a big deal, the only people making a fuss about it are the idiot anti-gun freaks. One of them actually said something like "we can't have stuff like this at presidential events, because it takes the Secret Service focus off the president...etc. Then the secret service turns around and says "not a big deal, it doesn't affect us at all." Oh, and I thought everyone that didn't agree with Obama was a white, redneck racist....

It's the mindset that I have a problem with. I understand he didn't break any laws, but it was completely unnecessary.
He accomplished what he wanted to us talking about him. But why cause a distraction from a more important
issue plaguing America.
From the Southern Law Poverty Center on the Return ofMilitias:

The current resurgence has several apparent causes. In the largest sense, it is again a response to real societal stresses and strains, from the seemingly inevitable rise of multiculturalism to the faltering economy to another liberal administration, this one headed by a black man. Similar factors have driven the number of race-based hate groups, as distinct from Patriot groups, from 602 in 2000 to 926 in 2008, according to research by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

"This frequently happens when elections favor the political left and the society is seen as moving toward greater social equality or away from traditional societal hierarchies," Chip Berlet, a long-time analyst of the radical right at Political Research Associates, said in a June newsletter. "In this scenario, it is easier for right-wing demagogues to successfully demonize liberals," immigrants and others.

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

People are within their rights to do this over there, but people need to realize and/or acknowledge the kind of message that's being sent here by these kinds of people. It's clear sign of intimidation or at least that's what they're trying to accomplish under the guise of it being legal to carry assault weapons in that state.

Arizona, forever having been a hotbed of right wing militias and political extremism is home to the kind of people who will take the law into their own hands, as many people in those parts are still living somewhat of a frontier mentality. This kind of thinking is the fuse for other groups of extremists and potential homegrown terrorists to expand on the philosophy - a philosophy, which claims that rights are being infringed upon or even taken away by a government who they'll never see eye to eye with.

The consequence of these kinds of threats is hardly an intimidated group or progressives/people on the left though. They (the right wing extremists) need to realize that they're far outnumbered despite what the news and BS media seem to imply (that this growing group of loons actually comprise a majority or even slight majority of disaffected Americans in this country).
Funny, because if the picture was of a white man, you'd be telling us that he's just a racist and can't stand the fact that a blackman is president. But because he's black, there goes ur race card, so the liberals must resort to calling him an extremist. If you read the article,you'd realize that no one did anything violent, the protest was completely peaceful, and no one was arrested. Oh yea...sounds like a bunch of extremistthugs out there intimidating people
. These people are doing this tomake a strong political statement; that they will exercise thier constitutional rights, whether you like it or not. They are exposing the idea that theliberal left would like to violate a persons rights because someone does not agree with their agenda. This thread (and your contributions in particular) isdoing a good job of proving them right...

And for the majority who don't bother to read the article, this guy was not on his own. It is part of an organized protest, lots of people broughttheir guns, and its happened in more than one state.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

People are within their rights to do this over there, but people need to realize and/or acknowledge the kind of message that's being sent here by these kinds of people. It's clear sign of intimidation or at least that's what they're trying to accomplish under the guise of it being legal to carry assault weapons in that state.

Arizona, forever having been a hotbed of right wing militias and political extremism is home to the kind of people who will take the law into their own hands, as many people in those parts are still living somewhat of a frontier mentality. This kind of thinking is the fuse for other groups of extremists and potential homegrown terrorists to expand on the philosophy - a philosophy, which claims that rights are being infringed upon or even taken away by a government who they'll never see eye to eye with.

The consequence of these kinds of threats is hardly an intimidated group or progressives/people on the left though. They (the right wing extremists) need to realize that they're far outnumbered despite what the news and BS media seem to imply (that this growing group of loons actually comprise a majority or even slight majority of disaffected Americans in this country).
Originally Posted by J Burner

Funny, because if the picture was of a white man, you'd be telling us that he's just a racist and can't stand the fact that a black man is president. But because he's black, there goes ur race card, so the liberals must resort to calling him an extremist. If you read the article, you'd realize that no one did anything violent, the protest was completely peaceful, and no one was arrested. Oh yea...sounds like a bunch of extremist thugs out there intimidating people
. These people are doing this to make a strong political statement; that they will exercise thier constitutional rights, whether you like it or not. They are exposing the idea that the liberal left would like to violate a persons rights because someone does not agree with their agenda. This thread (and your contributions in particular) is doing a good job of proving them right...

And for the majority who don't bother to read the article, this guy was not on his own. It is part of an organized protest, lots of people brought their guns, and its happened in more than one state.
I didn't mention anything about race, so why would you reply to my statement and involve race? You're the one bringing up the race cardyet I mentioned nothing of the sort. What I did mention was differing philosohies and political views, which are at the heart of the matter, but if you do wantto bring up race, please explain why the majority of the people out there causing noise and protesting happen to be White (and very angry White people atthat)?

And why would you go on to say "If you read the article, ...?" I did read the article. Is that not apparent? I didn't mention there was violenceand mayhem being perpetrated by these people, but you're really not being honest with yourself or anyone else here by stating that this"spectacle" was anything other than an act of intimidation - a way to fan the already hot flames of indignation by a public who see themselves atextreme odds with the current government. So in essence that's what makes this so much more than a simple "political statement" or an"exercise of constitutional rights" as you claim.

If this was about Obama making an appearance to talk about gun control or the repeal of the right to bear arms, I can perhaps give you some benefit of thedoubt, but this is about health policy and the economics that will be affecting all US citizens, not just the ones who feel so maligned by the President thattheir way of showing opposition and political clout is to march outside the venue where he is speaking with fully automatic weapons.

If you don't see that as an extremist position to take, then I have no trouble lumping you in with the rest of the crazies who for nearly a year haveattempted to hold hostage by some way, shape of form, whether it's misinformation, intimidation or straight up lies that the government as headed by Obamais the second coming of the antichrist.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Originally Posted by Supermanblue79

Constitutional Right? Yes.
Necessary? No.

indeed.... but isn't that what civil disobedience and protest is about?
I agree.
But apples is to oranges as healthcare is to Assult Rifles?

The Constitution is clear in the express rights of Americans to keep and bear arms...and no reasoning is necessary to exercise this right.
Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by J Burner

Funny, because if the picture was of a white man, you'd be telling us that he's just a racist and can't stand the fact that a black man is president. But because he's black, there goes ur race card, so the liberals must resort to calling him an extremist. If you read the article, you'd realize that no one did anything violent, the protest was completely peaceful, and no one was arrested. Oh yea...sounds like a bunch of extremist thugs out there intimidating people
. These people are doing this to make a strong political statement; that they will exercise thier constitutional rights, whether you like it or not. They are exposing the idea that the liberal left would like to violate a persons rights because someone does not agree with their agenda. This thread (and your contributions in particular) is doing a good job of proving them right...

And for the majority who don't bother to read the article, this guy was not on his own. It is part of an organized protest, lots of people brought their guns, and its happened in more than one state.
I didn't mention anything about race, so why would you reply to my statement and involve race? You're the one bringing up the race card yet I mentioned nothing of the sort. What I did mention was differing philosohies and political views, which are at the heart of the matter, but if you do want to bring up race, please explain why the majority of the people out there causing noise and protesting happen to be White (and very angry White people at that)?

And why would you go on to say "If you read the article, ...?" I did read the article. Is that not apparent? I didn't mention there was violence and mayhem being perpetrated by these people, but you're really not being honest with yourself or anyone else here by stating that this "spectacle" was anything other than an act of intimidation - a way to fan the already hot flames of indignation by a public who see themselves at extreme odds with the current government. So in essence that's what makes this so much more than a simple "political statement" or an "exercise of constitutional rights" as you claim.

If this was about Obama making an appearance to talk about gun control or the repeal of the right to bear arms, I can perhaps give you some benefit of the doubt, but this is about health policy and the economics that will be affecting all US citizens, not just the ones who feel so maligned by the President that their way of showing opposition and political clout is to march outside the venue where he is speaking with fully automatic weapons.

If you don't see that as an extremist position to take, then I have no trouble lumping you in with the rest of the crazies who for nearly a year have attempted to hold hostage by some way, shape of form, whether it's misinformation, intimidation or straight up lies that the government as headed by Obama is the second coming of the antichrist.
Excellent points.

While there was nothing wrong with what these people were doing per se, what's the point of bringing assault rifles to a health care forum?
I think we should start bringing guns/assault rifles to Country music concerts and just start hanging outside en masse with a boombox playing rap music. I've never understood this can carry openly law...why would anyone ever NEED to walk around with a gun in public. The conceal permit makes sense, thereare certain people that feel they need the protection of a gun and by concealing it they are not adding any fuel to the fire in public situations since it isconcealed. P

Personally, I think if you own a gun you should be forced to house it at a shooting range if it is anything more than a 9 mm, and if you own a 9 mm it shouldhave to be concealed at all times. Anything outside of this should be by special exception (ie someone who lives in the country not close to anybody and usestheir guns at home for fun/hunting wtv).
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

yea, i think they have everything under control...

but i dont understand the logic in bringing an AR to a healthcare forum...

to combat those damn opposers
Originally Posted by Boys Noize

Originally Posted by SIRIUS LEE HANDSOME

Originally Posted by J Burner

Funny, because if the picture was of a white man, you'd be telling us that he's just a racist and can't stand the fact that a black man is president. But because he's black, there goes ur race card, so the liberals must resort to calling him an extremist. If you read the article, you'd realize that no one did anything violent, the protest was completely peaceful, and no one was arrested. Oh yea...sounds like a bunch of extremist thugs out there intimidating people
. These people are doing this to make a strong political statement; that they will exercise thier constitutional rights, whether you like it or not. They are exposing the idea that the liberal left would like to violate a persons rights because someone does not agree with their agenda. This thread (and your contributions in particular) is doing a good job of proving them right...

And for the majority who don't bother to read the article, this guy was not on his own. It is part of an organized protest, lots of people brought their guns, and its happened in more than one state.
I didn't mention anything about race, so why would you reply to my statement and involve race? You're the one bringing up the race card yet I mentioned nothing of the sort. What I did mention was differing philosohies and political views, which are at the heart of the matter, but if you do want to bring up race, please explain why the majority of the people out there causing noise and protesting happen to be White (and very angry White people at that)?

And why would you go on to say "If you read the article, ...?" I did read the article. Is that not apparent? I didn't mention there was violence and mayhem being perpetrated by these people, but you're really not being honest with yourself or anyone else here by stating that this "spectacle" was anything other than an act of intimidation - a way to fan the already hot flames of indignation by a public who see themselves at extreme odds with the current government. So in essence that's what makes this so much more than a simple "political statement" or an "exercise of constitutional rights" as you claim.

If this was about Obama making an appearance to talk about gun control or the repeal of the right to bear arms, I can perhaps give you some benefit of the doubt, but this is about health policy and the economics that will be affecting all US citizens, not just the ones who feel so maligned by the President that their way of showing opposition and political clout is to march outside the venue where he is speaking with fully automatic weapons.

If you don't see that as an extremist position to take, then I have no trouble lumping you in with the rest of the crazies who for nearly a year have attempted to hold hostage by some way, shape of form, whether it's misinformation, intimidation or straight up lies that the government as headed by Obama is the second coming of the antichrist.
Excellent points.

While there was nothing wrong with what these people were doing per se, what's the point of bringing assault rifles to a health care forum?
It has nothing to do with health care, it has to do with Obama's stance on gun control. Obama wants strong regulations on firearms, andespecially ammo. Obama's plan is to regulate ammo to the point of stupidity to bypass the 2nd Amendment.
I see nothing wrong wit it, as long as he was followin state laws.

I can imagine NYC wit laws like that, lol
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Whats even more disheartening is you don't hear a peep outta any Republican leadership in the rise of extreme actions by conservatives lately, Birther movement.. Obama/Nazi Poster and now this. Its like their encouraging the fringe wing of their party to continue such asinine movements. It will take until something tragic to happen at one of these townhalls for Republicans to speak out
You don't hear a peep because it's a fringe (and relatively insignificant) portion of society that causes all this ruckus.
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