Assualt Weapon Being Carried By Protestor At Obama Townhall.

Nov 15, 2007

PHOENIX - About a dozen people carrying guns, including one with a military-style rifle, milled among protesters outside the convention center where President Barack Obama was giving a speech.
Monday - the latest incident in which protesters have openly displayed firearms near the president.
Gun-rights advocates say they're exercising their constitutional right to bear arms and protest, while those who argue for more gun control say it could be a disaster waiting to happen.

Phoenix police said the gun-toters at Monday's event, including the man carrying an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle slung over his shoulder, didn't need permits. No crimes were committed, and no one was arrested.

The man with the rifle declined to be identified but told The Arizona Republic that he was carrying the assault weapon because he could. "In Arizona, I still have some freedoms," he said.

Phoenix police Detective J. Oliver, who monitored the man at the downtown protest, said police also wanted to make sure no one decided to harm him.

"Just by his presence and people seeing the rifle and people knowing the president was in town, it sparked a lot of emotions," Oliver said. "We were keeping peace on both ends."

Last week, during Obama's health care town hall in New Hampshire, a man carrying a sign reading "It is time to water the tree of liberty" stood outside with a pistol strapped to his leg.

"It's a political statement," he told The Boston Globe. "If you don't use your rights, then you lose your rights."

Police asked the man to move away from school property, but he was not arrested.

Fred Solop, a Northern Arizona University political scientist, said the incidents in New Hampshire and Arizona could signal the beginning of a disturbing trend.

"When you start to bring guns to political rallies, it does layer on another level of concern and significance," Solop said. "It actually becomes quite scary for many people. It creates a chilling effect in the ability of our society to carry on honest communication."

He said he's never heard of someone bringing an assault weapon near a presidential event. "The larger the gun, the more menacing the situation," he said.

Phoenix was Obama's last stop on a four-day tour of western states, including Montana and Colorado.

Authorities in Montana said they received no reports of anyone carrying firearms during Obama's health care town hall near Bozeman on Friday. About 1,000 people both for and against Obama converged at a protest area near the Gallatin Field Airport hangar where the event took place. One person accused of disorderly conduct was detained and released, according to the Gallatin Airport Authority.

Heather Benjamin of Denver's Mesa County sheriff's department, the lead agency during Obama's visit there, said no one was arrested.

Arizona is an "open-carry" state, which means anyone legally allowed to have a firearm can carry it in public as long as it's visible. Only someone carrying a concealed weapon is required to have a permit.

Paul Helmke, president of the Washington, D.C.-based Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, said people should not be allowed to bring guns to events where Obama is.

"To me, this is craziness," he said. "When you bring a loaded gun, particularly a loaded assault rifle, to any political event, but particularly to one where the president is appearing, you're just making the situation dangerous for everyone."

He said people who bring guns to presidential events are distracting the Secret Service and law enforcement from protecting the president. "The more guns we see at more events like this, there's more potential for something tragic happening," he said.

Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said armed demonstrators in open-carry states such as Arizona and New Hampshire have little impact on security plans for the president.

"In both cases, the subject was not entering our site or otherwise attempting to," Donovan said. "They were in a designated public viewing area. The main thing to know is that they would not have been allowed inside with a weapon."

Representatives of the National Rifle Association did not return calls for comment

Read more: please explain the significance of bringing an assault rifle to a townhall meeting about damn HEALTH CARE. So all of a sudden the 2nd amendment has tobe exercised in public arenas where the president meets when Obama becomes president huh. I could see if we were having a national debate about Gun Laws wherepeople may express their opposing views, sure bringing a gun to a rally wouldn't hurt but when the topic is about healthcare how idiotic is that. KnowingAmerica's history with guns and presidents and how the outcome usually ended, this is just taking it to the extreme. All these so call 2nd Amendmententhusiasts I wonder if they walk around with ASSUALT RIFLES when they go to the park with family or walking to the grocery store, why do I get this funnyfeeling they don't.
@ this black guy.

We what 7 months into Obama's presidency and these far right conservatives can't get over the fact the man is the President, it seems to really burnthem inside that America is changing.
As someone mentioned to me recently, if anything were to happen to Obama, this country would burn down. Yes a bit of hyperbole but it would make the riot inWatts look like a picnic.
Don't remember hearing about 2nd Amendment rights being expressed at public event while we had Health Care debates during the mid 90's duringClinton's tenure as president.

Whats even more disheartening is you don't hear a peep outta any Republican leadership in the rise of extreme actions by conservatives lately, Birthermovement.. Obama/Nazi Poster and now this. Its like their encouraging the fringe wing of their party to continue such asinine movements. It will take untilsomething tragic to happen at one of these townhalls for Republicans to speak out
Smh at this, like you said its a townhall meeting about healthcare, its obvious that dude was trying to stunt.

I'm surprised the secret service didn't do anything about this, like confiscate the rifle or something.

Something bad could have happened there.
^I guess you didn't read at all? SS could not do anything unless he went inside the building. Protesting peacefully and the right to bear arms is what heis allowed to do there.
Arizona is an open carry state, he didn't break any laws, thats why he wasn't arrested. He wouldn't have been allowed inside. Even the SecretService said it wasn't a big deal, the only people making a fuss about it are the idiot anti-gun freaks. One of them actually said something like "wecan't have stuff like this at presidential events, because it takes the Secret Service focus off the president...etc. Then the secret service turns aroundand says "not a big deal, it doesn't affect us at all." Oh, and I thought everyone that didn't agree with Obama was a white, redneckracist....
I don't agree with it, but they were well within their rights to carry the guns...if you want to make a gripe, how about getting on the State of Arizonafor allowing this to happen...
Originally Posted by vcshoxj6

^I guess you didn't read at all? SS could not do anything unless he went inside the building. Protesting peacefully and the right to bear arms is what he is allowed to do there.

That's stupid logic imo, what if the guy was waiting for Obama to come out of the building to shoot him?

I know the guy is practicing his right to bear arms but don't you think its ridiculous for a guy to carry a loaded assault rifle to a townhall meetingabout healthcare?

Its still too close for comfort. This is the president of the United States that were talking about. The SS should bend the rules to protect him at all cost.
Originally Posted by AirAlphabet

Originally Posted by vcshoxj6

^I guess you didn't read at all? SS could not do anything unless he went inside the building. Protesting peacefully and the right to bear arms is what he is allowed to do there.

That's stupid logic imo, what if the guy was waiting for Obama to come out of the building to shoot him?

I know the guy is practicing his right to bear arms but don't you think its ridiculous for a guy to carry a loaded assault rifle to a townhall meeting about healthcare?

Its still too close for comfort. This is the president of the United States that were talking about. The SS should bend the rules to protect him at all cost.

Crap like that statement is the REASON that dude is out therewith his AR. You want the secret service to violate a free citizens consititutional right just because you don't like the statement he'smaking. Get lost...
Originally Posted by J Burner

Arizona is an open carry state, he didn't break any laws, thats why he wasn't arrested. He wouldn't have been allowed inside. Even the Secret Service said it wasn't a big deal, the only people making a fuss about it are the idiot anti-gun freaks. One of them actually said something like "we can't have stuff like this at presidential events, because it takes the Secret Service focus off the president...etc. Then the secret service turns around and says "not a big deal, it doesn't affect us at all." Oh, and I thought everyone that didn't agree with Obama was a white, redneck racist....
Did you ever stop to think that maybe its in the SS best interest to say they have the situation covered even if they don't. What would itlook like for the SS to admit that protesters who bring guns to rallies make the job more difficult, thats one thing the SS doesn't do... admit weakness.Nobody would feel safe going to a public rally and hearing the SS doesn't have adequate resources to keep individuals safe. Would you have attendedObama's Inauguration if a report came out that the SS didn't have enough resources to keep you and other individuals safe.

I don't agree with it, but they were well within their rights to carry the guns
Im well within my rights to take my gun to a Miley Cyrus concert.... now would it be smart to carry an assualt weapon where there are nothing butkids in attendence, thats brinking on idiotic. Just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean basic common sense should be avoided. Stufflike this does a great disservice to people who uphold their consitutional rights in a legitimate way.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

I don't agree with it, but they were well within their rights to carry the guns
Im well within my rights to take my gun to a Miley Cyrus concert.... now would it be smart to carry an assualt weapon where there are nothing but kids in attendence, thats brinking on idiotic. Just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean basic common sense should be avoided. Stuff like this does a great disservice to people who uphold their consitutional rights in a legitimate way.

I'm not disagreeing with you, but you CAN'T ignore the fact that they were within their matter how much of a factor the"lack" of common sense played in this whole scenario.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by J Burner

Arizona is an open carry state, he didn't break any laws, thats why he wasn't arrested. He wouldn't have been allowed inside. Even the Secret Service said it wasn't a big deal, the only people making a fuss about it are the idiot anti-gun freaks. One of them actually said something like "we can't have stuff like this at presidential events, because it takes the Secret Service focus off the president...etc. Then the secret service turns around and says "not a big deal, it doesn't affect us at all." Oh, and I thought everyone that didn't agree with Obama was a white, redneck racist....
Did you ever stop to think that maybe its in the SS best interest to say they have the situation covered even if they don't. What would it look like for the SS to admit that protesters who bring guns to rallies make the job more difficult, thats one thing the SS doesn't do... admit weakness. Nobody would feel safe going to a public rally and hearing the SS doesn't have adequate resources to keep individuals safe. Would you have attended Obama's Inauguration if a report came out that the SS didn't have enough resources to keep you and other individuals safe.

I don't agree with it, but they were well within their rights to carry the guns
Im well within my rights to take my gun to a Miley Cyrus concert.... now would it be smart to carry an assualt weapon where there are nothing but kids in attendence, thats brinking on idiotic. Just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean basic common sense should be avoided. Stuff like this does a great disservice to people who uphold their consitutional rights in a legitimate way.

but QFT.
And leave it to J burner to believe everything someone tells him.
Originally Posted by NostrandAve68

Originally Posted by J Burner

Arizona is an open carry state, he didn't break any laws, thats why he wasn't arrested. He wouldn't have been allowed inside. Even the Secret Service said it wasn't a big deal, the only people making a fuss about it are the idiot anti-gun freaks. One of them actually said something like "we can't have stuff like this at presidential events, because it takes the Secret Service focus off the president...etc. Then the secret service turns around and says "not a big deal, it doesn't affect us at all." Oh, and I thought everyone that didn't agree with Obama was a white, redneck racist....
Did you ever stop to think that maybe its in the SS best interest to say they have the situation covered even if they don't. What would it look like for the SS to admit that protesters who bring guns to rallies make the job more difficult, thats one thing the SS doesn't do... admit weakness. Nobody would feel safe going to a public rally and hearing the SS doesn't have adequate resources to keep individuals safe. Would you have attended Obama's Inauguration if a report came out that the SS didn't have enough resources to keep you and other individuals safe.

I don't agree with it, but they were well within their rights to carry the guns
Im well within my rights to take my gun to a Miley Cyrus concert.... now would it be smart to carry an assualt weapon where there are nothing but kids in attendence, thats brinking on idiotic. Just because you have the right to do something doesn't mean basic common sense should be avoided. Stuff like this does a great disservice to people who uphold their consitutional rights in a legitimate way.


Common sense is not so common now a days.
yea, i think they have everything under control...

but i dont understand the logic in bringing an AR to a healthcare forum...
Originally Posted by TheGr8BlkHope

yea, i think they have everything under control...

but i dont understand the logic in bringing an AR to a healthcare forum...
For some reason..... I

So now the SS will deliberately put people's lives at risk by saying they have a situation under control, when they don't? Sorry, I'll believe theword of the SS over Niketalk on this issue.

Originally Posted by J Burner

So now the SS will deliberately put people's lives at risk by saying they have a situation under control, when they don't? Sorry, I'll believe the word of the SS over Niketalk on this issue.

Fam you cant be serious?

And I never said it was within my rights to take a gun to a miley cyrus concert.
Im well within my rights to take my gun to a Miley Cyrus concert.
actually... you're not.
a concert hall is a private venue....where the owner has every right to restrict what you can and cannot bring onto the property

dude was on PUBLIC property
you guys may not like it...but dude was within his legal rights to carry the weapon.
Sorry Fame, I quoted you incorrectly. It was NostrandAe who said that. But still, I'll go with the SS on the issue, as if NT'ers have any clue on thestatus of the Secret Service. The guy wasn't anywhere near Obama, and wouldn't have been let inside the building. He didn't break any laws, yetyou've got people here asking for his rights to be violated, simply because they don't agree with how he is excercising his rights, that iswhat is scarey. And that is exactly why he was out there with his AR, as a political statement.
Originally Posted by Dirtylicious

Im well within my rights to take my gun to a Miley Cyrus concert.
actually... you're not.
a concert hall is a private venue....where the owner has every right to restrict what you can and cannot bring onto the property

dude was on PUBLIC property
you guys may not like it...but dude was within his legal rights to carry the weapon.
If it were an open concert held in a public place I would be able to.

Legal Rights withstanding do you not have a problem with this?
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