Asics Love?!? Where is it?

The longer you wait the more time the seller has to transfer the money out of the account. If you bought the shoes a week ago , they should have been shipped out by now. Just file the dispute and don't close it no matter what the seller says.

I don't think it even matters if he transfers it out, PayPal will leave his account in the negative and PayPal themselves will pay the amount back. Regardless a week is stretching it, should have shipped out with 2-3 days tops.
Awesome pics sir ! How is the quality in hand and are they TTS ? 

The nubuck is soft but I'd definitely inspect your pairs. Seems the denim may rub into some pairs from shipping. Haven't tried them on yet but I go TTS size 10.5 on all my Asics.

Btw for those that didn't know, they come with an extra pair of creme laces
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The longer you wait the more time the seller has to transfer the money out of the account. If you bought the shoes a week ago , they should have been shipped out by now. Just file the dispute and don't close it no matter what the seller says.

Just filed it, **** him
@Zags & @****you001

Thanks, think im gonna go with my reg adi sizing, probably sacrifice width for the snug toe fit.


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So I just got the monkey time l&s glvs in today. Very pleased. I was worried how theyd fit as the only glvs I had were the get wets and midnight blooms. And the blooms fit me like ****, way too much heel lift. With these, there's none. Guess the blooms were just a fluke pair
So I just got the monkey time l&s glvs in today. Very pleased. I was worried how theyd fit as the only glvs I had were the get wets and midnight blooms. And the blooms fit me like ****, way too much heel lift. With these, there's none. Guess the blooms were just a fluke pair

love my pair. they're so easy to wear, and the leather is really nice.
there is aa pair for $245 but been trying to find them around $200 with no luck. what you pay for yours? they are starting to get harder to find so i may pull trigger.

I got mine for $185 shipped paypal invoice. I figured $20 above retail is not bad. I had originally offered him $175 lol and then he countered with $185.
Saw the UA in person, pretty underwhelming i should say. But the dotted japan denim pair is pretty dope! No wonder they are selling out so fast.
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