Asics Love?!? Where is it?

i think the dolphins are OK, i like the colors and can deal with the mesh, just wish it wasnt perforated leather
Again. So you guys are getting mad because Kith's being orderly in their release?

Just because you live an hour away, they shouldn't have to make particular release guidelines that are more convenient for you. Just looks like you're upset at the fact that you have to waste time & gas to attain a shoe that you, more or less, really don't 'need'...
gas??? Hahah you clearly don't live in NY. If you did you'd know there's no parking in Manhattan on a weekday (regardless the time of day) easily drop $50+ in a garage just staying a few hours. 2) if you lived in NY you'd know that most likely 98% of the posters don't live that close to KITH in manhattan. Probably a nearby borough like Brooklyn, Queens, or Staten Island like myself. 3) how is this anymore orderly then fcfs?? The same number of people who wanted when it was fcfs are going to want it when it's a ticket? Your just moving the mayhem up two days and then making yourself a target on launch day since anyone walking in the store is coming out with a pair (being as they opted for the orderly ticket system).

Point is.. It is a matter of convenience. We are paying him for his product. We have no idea how many pairs/tickets are being sold. We are risking taking off from class and work for a chance at this release.. Not a guarantee. So excuse me if by losing a half a days pay .. Not once but twice in one week I might be a little irked by the release procedure. (Excuse me Friday will be a little better since ill be leaving kith 3 hours earlier-- assuming I've got the ticket, bought my pair in my size and don't have to wait around to see if I can size swap since once again--- size isn't guaranteed.)
You clearly don't know when I'm responding to another member about his distance. (Regardless, gas and/or form of transit should be the least of his or your worries. Key thing is time & what it means to you.) 98% of the posters may not live close, but that 98% doesn't consist of the majority of people that actually purchase each & every release. Those that line-up at Supreme across the street are the same that line-up at Kith. A fair amount are locals. Who stated it was more orderly than first come, first serve? I believe I said it was basically the same. In regards to being a 'target', you do realize you are just as susceptible to getting robbed/mugged/etc. the day-of with a 'regular' release, yes?

Point is. It's not a matter of convenience. You are paying him because you want something. You are simply a consumer. Nothing more, nothing less. If you don't like his means of dispersing the shoes, don't support him. Simply put: If he altered the release to your liking, it would (in turn) affect others whether it be positively or negatively. This is common sense so I'm not sure if selfishness and/or greed is altering your judgement...

Can't believe I have to drop this a third time:
"You guy's are getting mad because Kith's being orderly in their release?"
i think the dolphins are OK, i like the colors and can deal with the mesh, just wish it wasnt perforated leather
actually I love the perforated suede... gum sole instead of orange would be better but still a really nice shoe to me.
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Here's some more. Also one taken with flash to see the 3M



Bonus :
Big Sean leaving the event. The jacket is 250 it's really nice but I'm here in miami where it never gets cold so I'm good. Also sean was made cool took pics with everyone also.
I was taking your response serious until you referred to a Supreme launch in your argument :rofl:
A bit of a cheap tactic to get away from actually responding to my post, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't expecting it...

Going over my previous post, it was actually you that I was referring to and not another member, but the point is still there...
Here's some more. Also one taken with flash to see the 3M

Bonus :
Big Sean leaving the event. The jacket is 250 it's really nice but I'm here in miami where it never gets cold so I'm good. Also sean was made cool took pics with everyone also.
That's actually pretty cool, most times you hear the famous just showing up to an event and leaving without talking to the fans, I personally like the miami pair more. Good to see that Miami had

a good release, from what I am reading.
Kids not bluffing. Line is already 70 deep if not more by now. People really are such losers, not one of these schmucks are employed I can bet you that.

Edit: this is also happening at the manhattan location, brilliant idea to just give the line list out to one of the resellers in line after closing. That is gonna work out great I can already tell.
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Welp, thanks for doing a better job with the release in Miami Ronnie. Would've been better if he said no line before 7am or something like he did in Miami.

Edit: yes.... I am complaining about the release in case you didn't realize that
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I just went to BK and it's 40+ without a list. Thats gonna be fun. He should just come out and say how many pairs are, cause i feel something bad is about to happen for a ticket
just called there's a line but he said its not full yet and they'll probably still have tickets available in the morning but he can't guarantee it and the higher you're up on the tickets obviously the better chance you have at getting your size. I.e. if there's 10x pairs of size 11 and the first 10 people who got a ticket want size 11 then the guy in the back who is a size 11 has to settle for another size.

I think that's been posted already just want to make sure it's understood
Kids not bluffing. Line is already 70 deep if not more by now. People really are such losers, not one of these schmucks are employed I can bet you that.
daammn.... so the tickets hes gonna give out tmrw are numbered right, meaning, you wont have to camp out on friday, just be there by the time ur number is called?
daammn.... so the tickets hes gonna give out tmrw are numbered right, meaning, you wont have to camp out on friday, just be there by the time ur number is called?
Exactly. Friday is just a line of people with tickets pray that anything close to your size is available by the time you get to the front
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