Asian Culture Discussion Thread

Is your and KHUFU KHUFU ‘s point that racist anti black posts go unchecked too often? If that’s your accusation, then bring up more examples of where it has gone unchecked and is shown as an accepted sentiment in here. I haven’t been in here for almost a year but I know for a fact that moe200069 moe200069 (tagging him since he seems to be involved in this debate with you a lot) and other posters have consistently called out the anti-black social media accounts you’re referring to and have posted links to more diverse and unified accounts. As I mentioned before, I’ve personally argued with people in this thread myself regarding racist comments and ideas.

Ever since @computersputin started antagonizing by singling out black people it seems like all Asian posters on NT have been constantly reminded of being accomplices to white supremacy whenever a person of Asian descent is attacked. Innocent statements like nomadicsole21 nomadicsole21 made are now being twisted into anti-black, pro white supremacy posts somehow. This is absolutely not consistent with what he has been posting or what the vast majority have been discussing in here for YEARS now. A good number of us have called him out as well as the racist propaganda being spread on social media.

Don't group Khufu and my statements together. I don't know if you're doing that because you have assumed that I am black and he is black... whatever the case is- don't do that. He has been discussing some specific and different things than I have.

Also- I saw a lot of encouraging of ComputersPutin's racist ways via laughing emojis and reps. I did not see anyone really discouraging that out loud which was troublesome.

You said that you haven't been here for a year so if you want to look for proof or quotes, you're on your own. I don't come to NT to keep YOU abreast of current events, you have got to be kidding me assuming that I'm gonna do that just to satisfy your doubts. No way!

I have kept my comments fairly basic- don't be anti black in the pursuit of getting a message out/ Stop violence against Asians.

And last time I'll say this:

It's not my job to bring anyone up to speed on what has been going on here.

I brought everything that I found to be problematic to Meth's attention. I don't know if computersputin and royster got banned from the thread as a result. But if you want names, those are the first two that come to mind.

Some posts have been deleted by mods, others remain. Feel free to look them up.

My proposal is let's get the thread on track-

I think since some people here claim to be so concerned and wanting to know whats been going on, pay closer attention to the thread if that's something you want to invest your time in.

If you see some racist BS- call it out.

If you don't want to do that, don't. You aren't obligated to do anything. But what you can't do is be racist here or promote anti-blackness.

But this convo about stopping violence against Asians should continue and be front and center. I'm just asking one last time that it be had without being anti-black.

Anyone have a problem with this?

For those that randomly jump in the thread without reading a least a few pages back this is my message, this is what I support, this is what I'm about. Stop asking me and playing dumb.
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Khufu just curious do you think white people are genetically or inherently racist and/or create oppressive systems?
I think we are all. Classism, colorism, featurism, etc. I think it's been around we saw our relation and compared it to others, but rn White Supremacy is the umbrella for all that.
Khufu just curious do you think white people are genetically or inherently racist and/or create oppressive systems?

I’ve started to watch a lot of other documentaries and what I’m seeing is that racism, slavery, and oppression are uniform to all races. It’s opportunity and timing that are the common denominator. White people don’t seem any more racist than I’d consider Asian people to be inherently better at test taking. It’s simply the environment and current status. That’s why I don’t really blame individual white people - they are part of a system. And it benefits them. Change isn’t easy and is usually involves plenty of tears, blood, and sweat.

I think that’s actually what’s most dangerous. A lot of people (including “model” minorities) think the system is good enough as is. And that’s because it works for a large enough percentage of people in the system. Has nothing to do with race and everything to do with existing momentum and inertia. If someone’s parents worked really hard and suffered so that their kids can reap the benefits of the system - why would the kid in that case work so hard to overthrow that system. The only thing they directly know firsthand is the level of effort their family put in to get comfortable. Everything else would be a distant second from a perspective point of view.

Just being real here for a minute. I’d rather not discuss this stuff because it honestly seems so simple. If anything is going to change in this country it has to be through either voting and incremental changes or through a straight up uprising. And an uprising won’t happen because there’s way more than 50% of people in this country who either have it good or have it good enough when they’re economically comparing themselves to the rest of the world.
First of all, racism did not always exist. That is the position of the white supremacist, one that defers their issue to something cultural, of which it is not. White people created racism, and the proof lies in the fact that race as an identity, never existed until THEY created it. Before such, people identified with tribes. We do know that everyone came from one source, and that would be what is called the Black woman today. They were the first people on the planet. They also were self replicating organisms. Men came later, with proof being the X chromosome of which is tens of thousands of years older than the Y chromosome. As people spread throughout the world, adaptation, evolution happened due to geography changes, skin became lighter on humans, hair straighter, physiques changed, all due to climate and other factors. After such there had always been wars, there had always been strife between tribes, but nothing had been more devastating than which happened to women, who were once in control and revered. White men alone, are not solely responsible for that.

The people who call themselves white, created a system that ignores all of what I have stated, they hide the info. They do it on purpose. It is the missing information if you will, of what was truly done. The reason it was done is to control resources, and then attempting to maintain power and influence over the world. If people knew the truth, people truly being educated, and women were placed back into their proper place?

This whole thing would be over.

The gene they carry is indeed the weaker gene, the recessive gene. They do know that if everyone will come together? They are indeed done. Whiteness will be eliminated.

Everybody then would be what they consider to be Black.
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I’m sorry i asked
i’m going to regret asking this KHUFU. Why don’t you just move out of the US and go somewhere that better aligns with your belief system?

I have lived outside the US a lot of my adult life. Am back here now for 5-10 years since i can economically set myself up here better than anywhere else. Once i have enough saved up i’ll be off again internationally for a decade or two.
Is your and KHUFU KHUFU ‘s point that racist anti black posts go unchecked too often? If that’s your accusation, then bring up more examples of where it has gone unchecked and is shown as an accepted sentiment in here. I haven’t been in here for almost a year but I know for a fact that moe200069 moe200069 (tagging him since he seems to be involved in this debate with you a lot) and other posters have consistently called out the anti-black social media accounts you’re referring to and have posted links to more diverse and unified accounts. As I mentioned before, I’ve personally argued with people in this thread myself regarding racist comments and ideas, and many of us have put these types of people on blast when they thought they could hide in the DMs they sent.

Ever since @computersputin started antagonizing by singling out black people it seems like all Asian posters on NT have been constantly reminded of being accomplices to white supremacy whenever a person of Asian descent is attacked. Innocent statements like nomadicsole21 nomadicsole21 made are now being twisted into anti-black, pro white supremacy posts somehow. This is absolutely not consistent with what he has been posting or what the vast majority have been discussing in here for YEARS now. A good number of us have called him out as well as the racist propaganda being spread on social media; if your point is there needs to be more, then I agree, I’m not satisfied until EVERY racist drops dead. But please do not think that it’s a common or widely accepted thing in this thread. If you don’t want to search through this thread, that’s fine, but you can’t dismiss what has actually happened in here over the years
I only want to say this, do not forget as to who the enemy is.

The idiots who are attacking you are victims of the same system, that seems to not be protecting you.

There are many people on this site who do not wish to hear that. But these are also many men who feel that misogyny isn't an issue here as well.
i’m going to regret asking this KHUFU. Why don’t you just move out of the US and go somewhere that better aligns with your belief system?

I have lived outside the US a lot of my adult life. Am back here now for 5-10 years since i can economically set myself up here better than anywhere else. Once i have enough saved up i’ll be off again internationally for a decade or two.
I have no idea what’s going on in this thread. It’s like going to the NBA thread and reading about tennis.

Is this thread not for Asian people (and non Asian people who are interested) to discuss stuff related to Asian culture. I don’t get the weird tangent this thread has taken. Was going to ask something about why there are not more Tasty Pots around as restaurants.

get you some boiling point
My grandparents first job when they came to America was picking strawberries and worms for bait for local fishermen here in Portland. They had 12 people living in a 2 bedroom house. This was after being persecuted by the communists in the jungles after the US left them all to die when Vietnam ended.

I think California recently passed a bill to get high schools to adopt a history curriculum that includes content pertaining to Secret Wars initiated by the CIA. it's not enough, but it's something.

it's a a damn shame that high school curriculum has made Asian/Asian American and Pacific Islander story and history invisible. took four years of history between 9th-12th grade and the only time they mentioned asian people: WW2, Hiroshima, and the Viet Cong enenmies. nothing about the Foreign Miners' Tax, Gentlemen's Agreement, chinese men being lynched by whites, the Chinese Exclusion Act, japanese internment camps... none of that **** :smh:
Yea. This thread is no longer about Asian culture.

u got somebody telling people to literally “Murica. Love it or leave it”, in here. SWS type antics
I think California recently passed a bill to get high schools to adopt a history curriculum that includes content pertaining to Secret Wars initiated by the CIA. it's not enough, but it's something.

it's a a damn shame that high school curriculum has made Asian/Asian American and Pacific Islander story and history invisible. took four years of history between 9th-12th grade and the only time they mentioned asian people: WW2, Hiroshima, and the Viet Cong enenmies. nothing about the Foreign Miners' Tax, Gentlemen's Agreement, chinese men being lynched by whites, the Chinese Exclusion Act, japanese internment camps... none of that **** :smh:

I had a general idea about there being policies against Chinese and Japanese internment camps, but I didn’t know most of the specifics or the severity of what Asian immigrants went through until I took an Asian American studies class in college. I learned more about the American story of my own ethnicity and other Asians in 3 months of that class than I did in the remaining 17 years of going to school or living/spending time in mostly Asian cities. This ended up influencing me to do a lot more research on my own, but what about the millions of people who don’t take one of these elective courses during their education? I can see why people might believe the model minority myth when they’ve been led to believe that the biggest problem Asians face is how they’re portrayed in movies.
Wtf happened in this thread? This thread was intended for productive conversations around Asian culture. A few have come in here to try and turn this into some Black vs Asian thread. Ima just go ahead and say 99% of this thread are in solidarity with other minority groups. I will always go to bat for African Americans and the plight they've overcome and paving the way for other minorities. Take a look at my bookshelf and over half of them are around African American history. You got issues with specific people go DM then.
Yall want to start a "Asian-Americans are a problem" thread go do it elsewhere, this ain't it. One of yall already created several race threads so do that in there.

If you have nothing constructive to say about Asian culture start another thread to discuss that. If you believe Asian people are detrimental to black people start a thread to discuss that. This thread been fine for over half a decade with NT brethrens shooting the **** about stinky tofu and our over-bearing parents. We get along, stop trying to mess this up.

Racism is wrong, period. Let's agree on that and take your arguments elsewhere.
Methodical Management Methodical Management clean this up please
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I think California recently passed a bill to get high schools to adopt a history curriculum that includes content pertaining to Secret Wars initiated by the CIA. it's not enough, but it's something.

it's a a damn shame that high school curriculum has made Asian/Asian American and Pacific Islander story and history invisible. took four years of history between 9th-12th grade and the only time they mentioned asian people: WW2, Hiroshima, and the Viet Cong enenmies. nothing about the Foreign Miners' Tax, Gentlemen's Agreement, chinese men being lynched by whites, the Chinese Exclusion Act, japanese internment camps... none of that **** :smh:
Yeah it was big news to my people out there and we kinda get some light to shine in a very dark place in our history.

When I was a kid in elementary, I hated fictional books. I used to read books/biographies about Bruce Lee, Ho Chi Minh, Mao Zedong, WW2, Tiger Woods and stuff about the Vietnam War. My librarians looked at me like I was out of my damn mind :lol:

Wasn't until High School until I really, really understood my history and who I was. Thankfully the internet was booming so all the information I needed was online. Didn't learn **** in school, US history is so short I remember the bulk of our lessons were on Greeks and Romans and the Western Civilization.
Yo this thread is wild right now...


We can’t even agree that White Supremacy is clearly the issue/enemy.

My heart and prayers goes to the Asian community. You will rise above this.
Every time I see elderly Asian people I want to ask if they need help. Went for a walk yesterday and this older Asian lady was walking by herself. Was really thinking what's the right move here.
****** how our society has come to this point

What would yall do? On one hand I don't want to impose and make them feel weaker than they feel themselves. On the other hand, I'd regret it if something eventually happened.
Sidenote (because this thread went left) being a Latino from Flushing, most of the local businesses around me are Asian owned. So, I have been supporting a lot of these restaurants around the way during this pandemic. White Bear, The Coop, New Kissena are my Top 3 spots. Restaurants in general have taken a hit during Covid, especially Asian ones.
Every time I see elderly Asian people I want to ask if they need help. Went for a walk yesterday and this older Asian lady was walking by herself. Was really thinking what's the right move here.
****ed how our society has come to this point

What would yall do? On one hand I don't want to impose and make them feel weaker than they feel themselves. On the other hand, I'd regret it if something eventually happened.
I would definitely talk to them. Especially if its not a busy street. Let them know they really shouldnt be outside alone anymore at any time of day.
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