Asian Culture Discussion Thread

This one here pissed me off..

nomadicsole21 said:
They dont know our story because we are the "model minority". They see our success but never saw the atrocities, the set backs and back breaking work our people put in to get where we are at now.
How are you pissed at this comment? Ignorant people don't know what Asian Americans have been through and see the top 1% and think all Asian Americans skate by. If you have any sense of empathy and understanding of my statement, how do my words piss you off. Are you offended because you don't understand us or don't know the issues we face in America? If you're offended you're part of the problem.
I don’t want quotations, just names. You might have a problem with just a few posters and but wanna paint it as the major sentiment of this thread. Stop looking at those dumb posts on IG. I belong to some Asian group chats and our sole main focus is to stop the violence against our people, not being anti black.

Good for you. I'm glad to hear that.

Have you taken into consideration that being so singularly focused in your group chats could create an environment where you're inadvertently being anti-black or anti-LGBTQ or otherwise? Just something to consider.

If it is regulars and it is unchecked and goes on and on for months it is an overwhelming sentiment in the thread, unless of course you don't care about the issue.

Your willingness to enter a back and forth about it with me makes me think that you don't really care about it, you may just want to debate the fact that it exists. If that's what you want you've got the wrong guy.

I'm not entertaining that.

And what do you want names for? If you're really interested scroll back through the thread. I have called specific people out, tagged them and discussed it many times.
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KHUFU KHUFU My grandparents first job when they came to America was picking strawberries and worms for bait for local fishermen here in Portland. They had 12 people living in a 2 bedroom house. This was after being persecuted by the communists in the jungles after the US left them all to die when Vietnam ended. My post "pissed you off" so if you're pissed, sorry bro maybe go troll another thread where you won't get pissed off.
Like the Jewish Defense League ?

We're so diverse that we have underlying issues with each other too. Even with our own nationalities at times.
Hey, sorry for the late reply. I'm check in from time to time, but yea I agree. Back in my college days, they dumped everyone in and called it the ASA. To take action, I think they need regions and some sort of organization to it. I joined the forum back in Jan, started asking some questions and people that have been on here for a long time got a little touchy. Something needs to be done and I don't mind helping organize or helping out.
This thread is becoming unbearable to read and follow.

a lot of the finger pointing, anger, antagonizing and just problematic generalizations that i've seen play out in real life between Asian and Black communities is showing up here.

it's important to have these conversations but i also think the past few weeks of this thread, the thread specifically for the Atlanta shooting, and at recent moments within the Black Culture Thread have been hella divisive between the Asian and Black communities here on NT. for the most part, folks have planted their stakes in the ground and won't move from them. i don't know if i'm a better, more informed person for having participated in these threads

I'll say this: social media pages like Asian Dawn absolutely have a terribly racist, anti-Black way of promoting their pro-Asian agenda. I think we can choose to follow news sources that aren't polarizing and don't pit marginalized communities against each other. what's also messed up is implying to Asian folks that the recent anti-Asian racism is somehow of our own doing, and that because of Asians' perceived assimilation and "proximity to whiteness" that we are somehow deserving of the violence.
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KHUFU KHUFU My grandparents first job when they came to America was picking strawberries and worms for bait for local fishermen here in Portland. They had 12 people living in a 2 bedroom house. This was after being persecuted by the communists in the jungles after the US left them all to die when Vietnam ended. My post "pissed you off" so if you're pissed, sorry bro maybe go troll another thread where you won't get pissed off.
If I were trolling, I would have been removed from the thread. You still did not address as to who THEY are.

You should have simply said you people.
How are you pissed at this comment? Ignorant people don't know what Asian Americans have been through and see the top 1% and think all Asian Americans skate by. If you have any sense of empathy and understanding of my statement, how do my words piss you off. Are you offended because you don't understand us or don't know the issues we face in America? If you're offended you're part of the problem.
Who are the THEY that you were referring to?
Just use NT search button, why should I work for you?
How does the search button work for this?

nomadicsole21 said:
They dont know our story because we are the "model minority". They see our success but never saw the atrocities, the set backs and back breaking work our people put in to get where we are at now.

Who are THEY?!
At a time when Asian people are mourning and in fear of violence and it’s consequences, it seems like some NON-Asian people decided to come in here and decided it was a good time to speak FOR Asians, make blanket statements ABOUT Asians, denigrating us, and even blaming us for said violence.

Seems racist.
At a time when Asian people are mourning and in fear of violence and it’s consequences, it seems like some NON-Asian people decided to come in here and decided it was a good time to speak FOR Asians, make blanket statements ABOUT Asians, denigrating us, and even blaming us for said violence.
At a time that asians are being attacked and then mourning the inequality that exists globally, it seems that some people want unity at their convenience.

That, is way too expensive a price for some of us to pay for your loyalty.
At a time that asians are being attacked and then mourning the inequality that exists globally, it seems that some people want unity at their convenience.

That, is way too expensive a price for some of us to pay for your loyalty.
Who is us and who is asking for your loyalty?
Good for you. I'm glad to hear that.

Have you taken into consideration that being so singularly focused in your group chats could create an environment where you're inadvertently being anti-black or anti-LGBTQ or otherwise? Just something to consider.

If it is regulars and it is unchecked and goes on and on for months it is an overwhelming sentiment in the thread, unless of course you don't care about the issue.

Your willingness to enter a back and forth about it with me makes me think that you don't really care about it, you may just want to debate the fact that it exists. If that's what you want you've got the wrong guy.

I'm not entertaining that.

And what do you want names for? If you're really interested scroll back through the thread. I have called specific people out, tagged them and discussed it many times.
I’ve seen some super overt anti-Asian racism on this site that doesn’t get checked either. But I don’t spend every single day on the black culture thread telling them they’re anti-Asian.
I’ve seen some super overt anti-Asian racism on this site that doesn’t get checked either. But I don’t spend every single day on the black culture thread telling them they’re anti-Asian.


You’d be well within your rights to call it out.

why didn’t you call it out?

Does the fact that you didn’t call it out mean that other people shouldn’t either? We should all be more like you? 🤣

What’s your point ?

It just sounds like you’re bothered by the fact that it gets called out.

Meth said it himself, calling it out is acceptable.
Who is us and who is asking for your loyalty?
The problem is white male supremacy, as it always has been. I have been reading about this unified multi racial initiative. Well, if that is going to happen, all biases need to be addressed, and the true enemy must be faced. Don't come with the, "you must be a racist if you don't like white people, " vibe. The problem is ALL who benefit from the system of white supremacy.
If you aren't ready to do battle with the real enemy? Then you are simply half steppin', no time for half way crooks.
The problem is white male supremacy, as it always has been. I have been reading about this unified multi racial initiative. Well, if that is going to happen, all biases need to be addressed, and the true enemy must be faced. Don't come with the, "you must be a racist if you don't like white people, " vibe. The problem is ALL who benefit from the system of white supremacy.
If you aren't ready to do battle with the real enemy? Then you are simply half steppin', no time for half way crooks.
But why are you as a non Asians telling Asians how should think and behave? Why do you feel you have a place to tell Asians how to be when you’ve never experience Asian plight.

Would you not consider it disrespectful for someone not of your background or unique life experiences to tell you how you should live and behave?

You seem to have all the answers FOR Asians and yet, you are not Asian.
But why are you as a non Asians telling Asians how should think and behave? Why do you feel you have a place to tell Asians how to be when you’ve never experience Asian plight.

Would you not consider it disrespectful for someone not of your background or unique life experiences to tell you how you should live and behave?

You seem to have all the answers FOR Asians and yet, you are not Asian.
Where am I telling asians how to think and behave? You don't think that we have a common enemy in white supremacy?

If you do not? I am sorry to have bothered you with my questions.
I have no idea what’s going on in this thread. It’s like going to the NBA thread and reading about tennis.

Is this thread not for Asian people (and non Asian people who are interested) to discuss stuff related to Asian culture. I don’t get the weird tangent this thread has taken. Was going to ask something about why there are not more Tasty Pots around as restaurants.

You’d be well within your rights to call it out.

why didn’t you call it out?

Does the fact that you didn’t call it out mean that other people shouldn’t either? We should all be more like you? 🤣

What’s your point ?

It just sounds like you’re bothered by the fact that it gets called out.

Meth said it himself, calling it out is acceptable.

:lol: Nice twist. Why don’t you call out anti Asian posts in the BCT? Isn’t that your problem with us.
Where am I telling asians how to think and behave? You don't think that we have a common enemy in white supremacy?

If you do not? I am sorry to have bothered you with my questions.
What is your agenda in the Asian Culture Discussion Thread? You’ve spent a lot of time in here making comments that are disparaging towards asians as a non-asian.
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