As intelligence increases, does happiness decrease?

Jul 2, 2012
As you become more knowledgable you become more aware and therefore takes a greater effort to find happiness?


Some of the happiest people I've met, are dumb as rocks.

I think its true.
i dont necessarily think being intelligent will make you unhappy, but i do believe that the more intelligent someone is, the more problems they are likely to realize they face as opposed to someone who doesn't have that same level of thinking and analysis. like they say, ignorance is bliss...
I thought about this before. Smart people always seem to be entrenched in a world of worries. While all the people I view as dumb always seem to be happier.

Like someone else mentioned , ignorance is bliss. There's more truth to this than people give credit.
Intelligence? Maybe not. Thats only a measure of creativity more than anything. 

Sheer knowledge? I'd say absolutely. It just makes it harder to be impressed or to tolerate things that are untrue. 
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the smarter you get, the more you see what's wrong...

the smarter you get, the more you realize there's nothing you can do about it.

the smarter you get, the less damb you give about things you cant fix

i dont agree w/ the statement.

according to niketalk... smart rich guys are sulking in all their possessions and yambs...

while broke dumb guys are happy...

:rolleyes :rolleyes
100% True.

I've met so many dumb people, so many space cadets who are just so god damn happy.
I dont think so.. Happiness takes work and if you fall into certain traps through your own stupidity it can result in a very unhappy life... Worrying over the worlds problems because you know they exist doesnt make yoy smart and its not productive.. Its also arrogant to assume people under certain circumstances are miserable all the time and need your pity...
Depressive Realism

Depressive realism is the proposition that people with depression actually have a more accurate perception of reality, specifically that they are less affected by positive illusions of illusory superiority, the locus of control and optimism bias. The concept refers to people with borderline or moderate depression.Depressive realism is the proposition that people with depression actually have a more accurate perception of reality, specifically that they are less affected by positive illusions of illusory superiority, the locus of control and optimism bias. The concept refers to people with borderline or moderate depression.
the smarter you get, the more you see what's wrong...
the smarter you get, the more you realize there's nothing you can do about it.
the smarter you get, the less damb you give about things you cant fix
i dont agree w/ the statement.
according to niketalk... smart rich guys are sulking in all their possessions and yambs...
while broke dumb guys are happy...
There is no correlation between intelligence and financial success. It has a lot more to do with how much of a "go-getter" you are than how smart you are.
An intelligent man realizes that "happiness" is in the eye of the beholder. One man's happiness is another man's hell.
There's always an exception to any generalization. But judging by Big Bang Theory it's prolly true.
There is no correlation between intelligence and financial success. It has a lot more to do with how much of a "go-getter" you are than how smart you are.
that's very true...

but you cant deny that success and intelligence ON AVERAGE increase at a similar rate. rich people tend to be smarter.. that's common sense.
I understand were you guys are coming from I somewhat agree. But just because you know know how solve the hardest calculus problem does not mean you can't enjoy a good action flick or smoke some haze. It just depends on what one worries about and how contempt they are with life.

The more you know the more you want to find out about life and that's why the wise and truth seekers are contempt with seeking wisdom and knowledge until they can no more.
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