Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I've never understood why people think that mind-altering drugs are the path to some form of enlightenment. They alter your perception of reality, yes, but why in the hell do people assume that the new reality is somehow more real than the one you see the rest of the time? It seems backwards to me. If you're having to ingest something, that seems to me to make it unnatural, and less real.

I also hate when people say things like "elevate your consciousness". What the hell does that actually mean? Also, the word "enlightenment". I feel like a lot of times people just regurgitate words that they've heard before and think sound good.

Why mind altering drugs are the path to enlightenment? They aren't necessarily the path to enlightenment but rather your own enlightenment. You discovermore and more about yourself and other things when you engage in activities of the sort. Sometimes, though, it's better to not have messed with it in thefirst place. If you were to look at brain scans of someone on drugs you'd see a bright array of colors which represent brain activity. This brain activitysometimes over stimulates and causes certain elements in your brain to get out of whack.

Unnatural and less real? Shrooms for example, are completely natural since they grow from the ground out of everyday natural occurring elements. Shrooms fallunder the category "psychedelics". Psychedelic states are also known as a sensory deprivation state. What that means is that they remove the sensoryfilter we have in our brains to see things for what they really are, patterns of energy and light. The best example I can use is Neo, from the movie thematrix, and what he saw before his whole fiasco to what he saw after, when his "filter" was removed. How he saw all the green 0's and 1's that formed walls and rooms and such. Drugs are what assist us to remove this sensory filter since we can not change our chemical balance to our liking.However, some of those who are in touch with spiritual forces claim to be able to and not only that but other mind boggling things.

hope this answered your questions somewhat.
Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I've never understood why people think that mind-altering drugs are the path to some form of enlightenment. They alter your perception of reality, yes, but why in the hell do people assume that the new reality is somehow more real than the one you see the rest of the time? It seems backwards to me. If you're having to ingest something, that seems to me to make it unnatural, and less real.

I also hate when people say things like "elevate your consciousness". What the hell does that actually mean? Also, the word "enlightenment". I feel like a lot of times people just regurgitate words that they've heard before and think sound good.

Shrooms are from the Earth, so I don't know if we can call that unnatural.

But with your question ... you can compare that to anything in life. I'm way off base but I see this whenever I, say, buy a new NBA 2k game.

The game is
status when first buying it ... for the whole year ... until NBA 2k10 comes out, & I play it for months.

I then go back to play NBA 2K9 & I see all the flaws in it that I didn't see last year.

When you begin to step outside your normal way of thinking (making things seem different than what they are), you might see things differently.

:kanye shrug:
Originally Posted by blueLAMBORGHINI

Originally Posted by The Yes Guy

I've never understood why people think that mind-altering drugs are the path to some form of enlightenment. They alter your perception of reality, yes, but why in the hell do people assume that the new reality is somehow more real than the one you see the rest of the time? It seems backwards to me. If you're having to ingest something, that seems to me to make it unnatural, and less real.

I also hate when people say things like "elevate your consciousness". What the hell does that actually mean? Also, the word "enlightenment". I feel like a lot of times people just regurgitate words that they've heard before and think sound good.

Shrooms are from the Earth, so I don't know if we can call that unnatural.

But with your question ... you can compare that to anything in life. I'm way off base but I see this whenever I, say, buy a new NBA 2k game.

The game is
status when first buying it ... for the whole year ... until NBA 2k10 comes out, & I play it for months.

I then go back to play NBA 2K9 & I see all the flaws in it that I didn't see last year.

When you begin to step outside your normal way of thinking (making things seem different than what they are), you might see things differently.

:kanye shrug:

that's not a bad analogy.

like it's been stated here before, you are conditioned by everything that you have encountered in your life. your way of thinking comes to existencebecause of what you've been thru, what %%%$%%*! you watch on tv, listen to on the radio, etc. certain drugs like shrooms just completely make you seethings in a whole different light. ive posted my shroom experience on here before. it was a hell of an eye-opener and life changing thing for me
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