Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by Noodles

To control the world... Use mass media, i.e. movies. say a movie does $100M in an opening weekend. say tickets are $10. 10 MM people, 10MM minds saw that movie and may expect that reality after viewing that movie... The thought's im having are too disturbing ti write further. Its mind control..... on the real, throw a rock in a lake, observe the ripples created. now my body is ~70% water. replace the rock with a sound vibration, fyi the frequency of hip hop instrumentals, drumbs, snares, put me in a trance, like im in a meditative state, thus activating the lower animal spheres of man on the tree of life/ chakras.

bottom line, protect your mind

word...everything has a frequency, if you were to come up with some type of crazy energy vision type thing that would let you see how things really are, all you would see is energy moving everywhere and interacting/mixing with one another. so this whole idea of everything being "one" is not too far fetched and hard to grasp when you accept the fact that we can only see so much and that we are limited in our understanding
I've been trying to put this thought in to words. I'm not much of a reader, but I Think I'm about to start getting some help. Eversince I was like 9 (I saw the Matrix when I was 17), I would think, "What if you put people in this chair and gave them a reality in which theywouldn't revolt, in which they would be happy. Their body would still be somewhere and give them a fake reality to keep them fro seeing the horrors of theworld; death, war, Scary truths."

I've thought about all the things we can't see. Diffrent dimensions, sound, waves, stuff we don't even know about or can wrap our brain around.

Recent;y I've been thinking, what if our brains sole purpose is to keep us from going crazy? Maybe it invents this reality. How do we know what is and whatisn't, if we can't even control 90% of our brain. I have countless amounts of ideas and theories about reality. What's the universe without a mind?How do I know which one is the "true" reality. Is there a true reality? Maybe they're all connected, but our lack of brain power doesn'tallow us to comprehend the truth.

It's crazy, but I think I'm done coming up with these theories. Since I've been on the internet I started to realize their are others out their whohave had the same ideas as me. I's weird because once you find out about this stuff is your reality. They're are people out there who have livedthey're entire lives in one of the "systems" and never even though of such theories. Would that technically mean it doesn't exist? If theynever heard any of these theories some of us know about would they exist?

I think it's time for me to start an official journey and start using some help.
LilStar that was a very good point in the last part about getting away from our normal perception of reality. But in the quest for finding the higher power, inthe end wouldn't it just be your set of beliefs? What you pick and choose, identify as real? There really is no absolute, except for the one you compose.
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

LilStar that was a very good point in the last part about getting away from our normal perception of reality. But in the quest for finding the higher power, in the end wouldn't it just be your set of beliefs? What you pick and choose, identify as real? There really is no absolute, except for the one you compose.
it is my belief that there is an all encompassing force that controls, or rather allows us to perceive ... whether i call that force god or youcall it the matrix or he calls it the color blue etc... ... doesnt matter ... once we attain understanding of that force, there is no perception ... there justis ... in other words, we will be in the absence of knowing when we reach that point ... we will just be ... we wont have the ability to say "hey, is thisthe power ive been seeking all this time?" but instead we will slip into a consciousness that will disregard perception and thought ...

i am starting to believe that our ultimate goal here as human beings on earth is to have the ability to slip from a state of perception to the absence ofperception ... to go from physical awareness to spiritual awareness ... to completely control our energy without effort ... and thats the most difficult partof enlightenment ... see, sometimes its harder for us as human beings to think positively than it is for us to think negatively ... we try so hard to do theirght thing and we often wear ourselves down ... when you are able to effortlessly choose positivity, you made it ...

Have you guys ever thought to yourself? like why? and look at your hand a move and look at your surroundings and thought like why is 'that' that? orlooked out into space and wondered if it's real or not?
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

LilStar that was a very good point in the last part about getting away from our normal perception of reality. But in the quest for finding the higher power, in the end wouldn't it just be your set of beliefs? What you pick and choose, identify as real? There really is no absolute, except for the one you compose.
it is my belief that there is an all encompassing force that controls, or rather allows us to perceive ... whether i call that force god or you call it the matrix or he calls it the color blue etc... ... doesnt matter ... once we attain understanding of that force, there is no perception ... there just is ... in other words, we will be in the absence of knowing when we reach that point ... we will just be ... we wont have the ability to say "hey, is this the power ive been seeking all this time?" but instead we will slip into a consciousness that will disregard perception and thought ...

i am starting to believe that our ultimate goal here as human beings on earth is to have the ability to slip from a state of perception to the absence of perception ... to go from physical awareness to spiritual awareness ... to completely control our energy without effort ... and thats the most difficult part of enlightenment ... see, sometimes its harder for us as human beings to think positively than it is for us to think negatively ... we try so hard to do the irght thing and we often wear ourselves down ... when you are able to effortlessly choose positivity, you made it ...

Thats the thing I have been struggling with. I left one preception of reality with the thought that this reality isnt what I want. I couldnt help but feelemotional, irrational. I have discovered the physical truth of my being but to find that took a whole lot of the willingness to live out of me.
I felt and still to a certain extent feel walls closing in. I was feeling other peoples energy toward me on a level I couldnt handle. I was trying so hard tobe perfect that I was literally annoying friends, to the point where I am in physical seclusion out of not wanting to deal with outsiders. But I still havethis energy that leaves even my most loved ones in confusion....

If you are really feeling whats being said, then do you think that our minds are putting us closer to doomsday?
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

LilStar that was a very good point in the last part about getting away from our normal perception of reality. But in the quest for finding the higher power, in the end wouldn't it just be your set of beliefs? What you pick and choose, identify as real? There really is no absolute, except for the one you compose.
it is my belief that there is an all encompassing force that controls, or rather allows us to perceive ... whether i call that force god or you call it the matrix or he calls it the color blue etc... ... doesnt matter ... once we attain understanding of that force, there is no perception ... there just is ... in other words, we will be in the absence of knowing when we reach that point ... we will just be ... we wont have the ability to say "hey, is this the power ive been seeking all this time?" but instead we will slip into a consciousness that will disregard perception and thought ...

i am starting to believe that our ultimate goal here as human beings on earth is to have the ability to slip from a state of perception to the absence of perception ... to go from physical awareness to spiritual awareness ... to completely control our energy without effort ... and thats the most difficult part of enlightenment ... see, sometimes its harder for us as human beings to think positively than it is for us to think negatively ... we try so hard to do the irght thing and we often wear ourselves down ... when you are able to effortlessly choose positivity, you made it ...

Thats the thing I have been struggling with. I left one preception of reality with the thought that this reality isnt what I want. I couldnt help but feel emotional, irrational. I have discovered the physical truth of my being but to find that took a whole lot of the willingness to live out of me.
I felt and still to a certain extent feel walls closing in. I was feeling other peoples energy toward me on a level I couldnt handle. I was trying so hard to be perfect that I was literally annoying friends, to the point where I am in physical seclusion out of not wanting to deal with outsiders. But I still have this energy that leaves even my most loved ones in confusion....

If you are really feeling whats being said, then do you think that our minds are putting us closer to doomsday?
simply wondering, do you smoke or drink? If so how often?
Originally Posted by 13saldana13

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

LilStar that was a very good point in the last part about getting away from our normal perception of reality. But in the quest for finding the higher power, in the end wouldn't it just be your set of beliefs? What you pick and choose, identify as real? There really is no absolute, except for the one you compose.
it is my belief that there is an all encompassing force that controls, or rather allows us to perceive ... whether i call that force god or you call it the matrix or he calls it the color blue etc... ... doesnt matter ... once we attain understanding of that force, there is no perception ... there just is ... in other words, we will be in the absence of knowing when we reach that point ... we will just be ... we wont have the ability to say "hey, is this the power ive been seeking all this time?" but instead we will slip into a consciousness that will disregard perception and thought ...

i am starting to believe that our ultimate goal here as human beings on earth is to have the ability to slip from a state of perception to the absence of perception ... to go from physical awareness to spiritual awareness ... to completely control our energy without effort ... and thats the most difficult part of enlightenment ... see, sometimes its harder for us as human beings to think positively than it is for us to think negatively ... we try so hard to do the irght thing and we often wear ourselves down ... when you are able to effortlessly choose positivity, you made it ...

Thats the thing I have been struggling with. I left one preception of reality with the thought that this reality isnt what I want. I couldnt help but feel emotional, irrational. I have discovered the physical truth of my being but to find that took a whole lot of the willingness to live out of me.
I felt and still to a certain extent feel walls closing in. I was feeling other peoples energy toward me on a level I couldnt handle. I was trying so hard to be perfect that I was literally annoying friends, to the point where I am in physical seclusion out of not wanting to deal with outsiders. But I still have this energy that leaves even my most loved ones in confusion....

If you are really feeling whats being said, then do you think that our minds are putting us closer to doomsday?
simply wondering, do you smoke or drink? If so how often?

Not anymore, I smoke cigs though.

Weed it does nothing for me, besides make me hungry, it makes my judgement of people questionable.
I was on a wine kick but alcohol has its issues with me on a personal level, so I avoid drinking mostly.
I used to ingest alcohol everyday though
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

ive been listening to deepak chopra (who is heard in this clip) heavily in the recent weeks and i've come to firmly believe that there is a higher power (whatever you want to call it) ... that power has, in a sense, allowed us to be where we are and what we are and what we do ... but our thoughts dictate what is ... and our mind is merely a prisoner to our consciousness ... and the act of controlling our consciousness should be the ultimate goal of every human being on earth because once you control your conscious, you have the ability to control what is ...

im just starting to seek awareness ... i thought one of my strongest attributes in life is that i am aware of my surroundings and aware of what i think is ... but my awareness right now is nothing but my perception of reality ... once i become fully aware, i will lose this meaningless perception of what is and truly understand what is and be able to manipulate it ... not for gains in the perceived material world, but rather to understand why i am who i am and where i'm going when i;m no longer here ...

the actual science of the molecules and sub-atomic particles is scary for us in this perceived world ... people do not want to believe that random energy patterns are controlling our perceived lives ...

That sounds like me on Shrooms

i dont have the mental capacity to touch on everything i want to touch on, but i want to address this statement specifically ...

mind altering drugs have been used as far back as we as a species can recall ... whether its the egyptians with the lotus flower or modern medicine today, we seem to rely on "transforming" our train of thought to mask the perceived reality we experience ... in doing so, we create an alternate perception of what we think is ... but the majority of our species has no firm grasp on what really is ... we are simply bouncing back and forth from our normal perceptions to our drug induced perceptions ... neither is any closer to the truth than the other, however we seem to often choose to alter our normal perceptions in order to remove ourselves from our current state of mind ... in actuality, we have the power to achieve any state of mind we want in the absence of external forces ... but its easier to forget, or as i like to say "focus less" on something when we induce it rather than think it ... its this idea of "focusing less" that i am currently experimenting with ... i dont want to take my vaporizer out anymore after a bad day of work, but rather i want to remove my mind from the situation naturally ... not forget about the situation, but recognize that i had a bad day while at the same time realizing there are good days ... not in the future, but in the present ... my ultimate goal is to know the existence of opposition as it happens and choose the appropriate outcome on my terms ...

so when you say something like "sounds like me on shrooms" you are exactly right ... because shrooms allow you to "focus less" on whatever your normal perception is ... drug addicts ultimately get high to escape their normal perception of reality ... recreational drug users get high to escape their normal perception of reality ... and while under the influence of drugs, its sometimes easier to "focus less" and in turn you ultimately know more about what is ... but many of us dont know that ... we are getting high to get high because it makes us "feel better" ... smh at myself

theres so many thoughts going through my head , i really cant get them out ... there is a higher power ... it manifests itself in each and every one of us ... and i need to know what that power is ...
damn, you hit the nail on the head with that one. more and more im straying away from the weed and alcohol because of this exactly. at the end ofthe day it's an escape and an attachment. i've done shrooms as well, but i think that the drugs have already played their role in "waking"me up and its time to give them up
Originally Posted by dgk3188

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

ive been listening to deepak chopra (who is heard in this clip) heavily in the recent weeks and i've come to firmly believe that there is a higher power (whatever you want to call it) ... that power has, in a sense, allowed us to be where we are and what we are and what we do ... but our thoughts dictate what is ... and our mind is merely a prisoner to our consciousness ... and the act of controlling our consciousness should be the ultimate goal of every human being on earth because once you control your conscious, you have the ability to control what is ...

im just starting to seek awareness ... i thought one of my strongest attributes in life is that i am aware of my surroundings and aware of what i think is ... but my awareness right now is nothing but my perception of reality ... once i become fully aware, i will lose this meaningless perception of what is and truly understand what is and be able to manipulate it ... not for gains in the perceived material world, but rather to understand why i am who i am and where i'm going when i;m no longer here ...

the actual science of the molecules and sub-atomic particles is scary for us in this perceived world ... people do not want to believe that random energy patterns are controlling our perceived lives ...

That sounds like me on Shrooms

i dont have the mental capacity to touch on everything i want to touch on, but i want to address this statement specifically ...

mind altering drugs have been used as far back as we as a species can recall ... whether its the egyptians with the lotus flower or modern medicine today, we seem to rely on "transforming" our train of thought to mask the perceived reality we experience ... in doing so, we create an alternate perception of what we think is ... but the majority of our species has no firm grasp on what really is ... we are simply bouncing back and forth from our normal perceptions to our drug induced perceptions ... neither is any closer to the truth than the other, however we seem to often choose to alter our normal perceptions in order to remove ourselves from our current state of mind ... in actuality, we have the power to achieve any state of mind we want in the absence of external forces ... but its easier to forget, or as i like to say "focus less" on something when we induce it rather than think it ... its this idea of "focusing less" that i am currently experimenting with ... i dont want to take my vaporizer out anymore after a bad day of work, but rather i want to remove my mind from the situation naturally ... not forget about the situation, but recognize that i had a bad day while at the same time realizing there are good days ... not in the future, but in the present ... my ultimate goal is to know the existence of opposition as it happens and choose the appropriate outcome on my terms ...

so when you say something like "sounds like me on shrooms" you are exactly right ... because shrooms allow you to "focus less" on whatever your normal perception is ... drug addicts ultimately get high to escape their normal perception of reality ... recreational drug users get high to escape their normal perception of reality ... and while under the influence of drugs, its sometimes easier to "focus less" and in turn you ultimately know more about what is ... but many of us dont know that ... we are getting high to get high because it makes us "feel better" ... smh at myself

theres so many thoughts going through my head , i really cant get them out ... there is a higher power ... it manifests itself in each and every one of us ... and i need to know what that power is ...
damn, you hit the nail on the head with that one. more and more im straying away from the weed and alcohol because of this exactly. at the end of the day it's an escape and an attachment. i've done shrooms as well, but i think that the drugs have already played their role in "waking" me up and its time to give them up
This is how I feel sometimes, and it seems to be true.

I am now in another state of knowing compared to years before. More open, aware of things.
If you are really feeling whats being said, then do you think that our minds are putting us closer to doomsday?

I honestly have had this thought in my mind for a while.
this mos def reminded me of Rene Descartes.. who basically said "i think, therefore I exist" and all he knew was that he was a thinking thing.Empiricists and Rationalists followed after... A many of philosophies state the failure of the senses to perceive reality. Like state earlier the eye only seesobjects or shadows of forms(plato) through the reflection of the sun. Which is why I'm starting to believe the Egyptians claimed Re/Ra(Sun-disked god) asthe supreme god(Where Rakim gets his name from.. Kim is another name for egypt).. The matrix is most definitely real and the amount of fear and control used bygovernments to preserve order is horrendous. I still am in disbelief as to how so many people don't know the truth about the Bush-Gore situation. 2000 wasa sad year for America.

For if reality is the conscious..(Using Plato's Allegory of the Cave) The Media is those who are casting the shadows over the fire while we watch andlisten to television, movies and various other forms a entertainment. During the early 20th century movies emerged because the gov't believed that they hadto keep Americans busy not allowing them to think, reason or enjoy the beauty of thought. It did "relieve the stresses of the war" but reality begunto be constructed.

As stated throughout the movie(The Matrix) all you know is that you are thinking.

just reason.
Originally Posted by DROOPY7

If you are really feeling whats being said, then do you think that our minds are putting us closer to doomsday?

I honestly have had this thought in my mind for a while.
our thoughts put out a frequency as well, so if the collective consciousness is thinking about destruction, diseases, sickness, etc...then yes itsgoing to happen.

it's the Law of Attraction. and the media plays a big part in what we're thinking about.

you guys should read this book too...some people will have a hard time believing what this book claims, but at least you can take away from it the fact thatyour thoughts play a VERY important part of your life. its about being aware of what your thinking about, which is why meditation is such an important thing.while in meditation you are an "observer" and no longer are one with your thoughts.
dgk, what you said about quitting because it opened your mind up already is true. There's an old saying..."Once you get the message, hang up thephone." And also, Lilstar, there is no absolutes. That is YOUR path. You can't say that should be OUR goal as human beings, that's YOUR goal. Holdyour self a special entity. For you are YOU. I am I. So on and so forth. We are all in search of "enlightenment" for the most part, and there arevarious forms of enlightenment. Everyones enlightenment differs.

Certain things have shaped the way we think, most of the time with out us even knowing. As much as we try(and by we I mean the people on a spiritual path) torid ourselves of our conditioning, there are still things that dictate the way we tick and tock. And I don't think it would be healthy to RID yourself ofperception and thought. It is very good to have that ability, but we still live on Earth. I've often struggled with this thought. Is a man what he thinksabout all day, or is a man what he does all day? "All that you touch, and all that you see, is all your life will ever be." I don't even wantthat to be true, but in the end, it is.
Here's a thought. If our bodies are comprised of atoms and molecules, energy for a simpler term. Does this mean that technically we never really die and weare never really born? If energy can't be destroyed or created, then how is one given life or death?

Maybe the energy in our bodies manifests itself in some form or another and allows us to continue to live in this world, a la reincarnation and what not.
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Here's a thought. If our bodies are comprised of atoms and molecules, energy for a simpler term. Does this mean that technically we never really die and we are never really born? If energy can't be destroyed or created, then how is one given life or death?

Maybe the energy in our bodies manifests itself in some form or another and allows us to continue to live in this world, a la reincarnation and what not.
I believe sticky fingaz of Onyx has an opinion, lyrics from the black trash lp. Yes I'm aware I'm quoting a rapper


It can't be it must be the drugs I'm high

And if you are then why are we born if we live to die?

Is there life after death? What were we before birth?

Why is this whole earth plagued and cursed?

Is killing a sin is there life in other planets?

Is adultery wrong did you write the ten commandments?


Excuse me my son, one question at a time

We were never born, and we will never die

In the essence, there Is no such thing as death

How could I write commandments and not have them kept?

The soul is eternal you just change form

Then you come back with a new face on

You can not limit love unless you lack understanding

To answer you yes there is life in other planets

The futures a mystery the past is history

Today is a gift that's why it is called the present

Life is so simple unless you make it confusing

The wise ones stand us and the clever we are using


Wait - God, there is so much I want to ask you

God, God? Where are you? God I need to talk to you
Originally Posted by Mitchellicious

Here's a thought. If our bodies are comprised of atoms and molecules, energy for a simpler term. Does this mean that technically we never really die and we are never really born? If energy can't be destroyed or created, then how is one given life or death?

Maybe the energy in our bodies manifests itself in some form or another and allows us to continue to live in this world, a la reincarnation and what not.
word. just the fact alone that knowing energy cannot be destroyed should be enough fact to believe in reincarnation or something along the linesof that
Wow... NT has come a long way. I can't belive so many people are waking up. It's a beautiful thing. Conciousness is the key to unlock our untappedresources within ourselves. I believe in the laws of attraction , I use it from time to time. But with all these DIStractions around us it's hard to keepthat Mindframe. It all starts with awareness.
Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by 13saldana13

Originally Posted by gangsta207therevolution

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

LilStar that was a very good point in the last part about getting away from our normal perception of reality. But in the quest for finding the higher power, in the end wouldn't it just be your set of beliefs? What you pick and choose, identify as real? There really is no absolute, except for the one you compose.
it is my belief that there is an all encompassing force that controls, or rather allows us to perceive ... whether i call that force god or you call it the matrix or he calls it the color blue etc... ... doesnt matter ... once we attain understanding of that force, there is no perception ... there just is ... in other words, we will be in the absence of knowing when we reach that point ... we will just be ... we wont have the ability to say "hey, is this the power ive been seeking all this time?" but instead we will slip into a consciousness that will disregard perception and thought ...

i am starting to believe that our ultimate goal here as human beings on earth is to have the ability to slip from a state of perception to the absence of perception ... to go from physical awareness to spiritual awareness ... to completely control our energy without effort ... and thats the most difficult part of enlightenment ... see, sometimes its harder for us as human beings to think positively than it is for us to think negatively ... we try so hard to do the irght thing and we often wear ourselves down ... when you are able to effortlessly choose positivity, you made it ...

Thats the thing I have been struggling with. I left one preception of reality with the thought that this reality isnt what I want. I couldnt help but feel emotional, irrational. I have discovered the physical truth of my being but to find that took a whole lot of the willingness to live out of me.
I felt and still to a certain extent feel walls closing in. I was feeling other peoples energy toward me on a level I couldnt handle. I was trying so hard to be perfect that I was literally annoying friends, to the point where I am in physical seclusion out of not wanting to deal with outsiders. But I still have this energy that leaves even my most loved ones in confusion....

If you are really feeling whats being said, then do you think that our minds are putting us closer to doomsday?
simply wondering, do you smoke or drink? If so how often?

Not anymore, I smoke cigs though.

Weed it does nothing for me, besides make me hungry, it makes my judgement of people questionable.
I was on a wine kick but alcohol has its issues with me on a personal level, so I avoid drinking mostly.
I used to ingest alcohol everyday though
I guess we need to stay positive, because having this knowledge can be a curse if you don't know how to analyze and to use the information.They can make one feel sad and overall result in negative emotions. Stay positive and keep it that way, don't let it consume you, because if you let ittakeover then what's left? What's the point in knowing if we can't have happiness. Happiness and positive emotions are the greatest things onEarth, they're one of the greatest gifts IMO.

Someone quoted Onyx, " Today is a gift that's why it is called the present". It's full of truth, if we can't even enjoy our life'sand we let this "journey" consume us then what's the point of it all, to seek to a place where one is alone and unhappy? Chris McCandless taughtme otherwise.
Some of my relatives just lost their lives on a mud slide during a terrible typhoon just this month & I just can't see the connection of this"Holographic Universe" thing with what I've encountered lately. I believe in God but in a matrix? No way...
Originally Posted by Vsano

Some of my relatives just lost their lives on a mud slide during a terrible typhoon just this month & I just can't see the connection of this "Holographic Universe" thing with what I've encountered lately. I believe in God but in a matrix? No way...

It's not a theory, it's factual.
Everything we see is a hologram so to speak.
I've never understood why people think that mind-altering drugs are the path to some form of enlightenment. They alter your perception of reality, yes, butwhy in the hell do people assume that the new reality is somehow more real than the one you see the rest of the time? It seems backwards to me. If you'rehaving to ingest something, that seems to me to make it unnatural, and less real.

I also hate when people say things like "elevate your consciousness". What the hell does that actually mean? Also, the word"enlightenment". I feel like a lot of times people just regurgitate words that they've heard before and think sound good.
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