Big things are made of little things
I though that was evident?
of course those little things are made of more little things
When it all comes down to it, all these "things" must work together to create
a image, and that of course involves frequency.
Art of the Matrix.

I don't think it takes a you-tube video or mental awakening to understand that.
Somepeople on here are going straight 'Canibus' (over the head)

dgk3188 wrote:
word...everything has a frequency, if you were to come up with some type of crazy energy vision type thing that would let you see how things really are, all you would see is energy moving everywhere and interacting/mixing with one another. so this whole idea of everything being "one" is not too far fetched and hard to grasp when you accept the fact that we can only see so much and that we are limited in our understanding

Everytime me and my father have one of those 'close the door' discussions
he always tells me that there are somethings in this world that the human species will never understand or know of.
I didn't always get what he meant by that...
but slowly it is becoming more evident.

Example. Cats...
You take tap water and put it in front of a cat to drink and it will circle it
a good few minutes for even as much as taking a whiff of it.
This is because it sees chemicals that are not evident to our eyes rising and
evaporating from the liquid. Just something as small as that is just crazy.
word Alan Watts was an enlightened man.

im about to go out for a bit...hoping to catch up with ya'll later.

peace fam
I always love these posts where people come in and say things like, "Yea me and my dude had a real deep convo about this last week." Anytime somebodysays that, I know for sure that it was probably a REALLY bad conversation between two people who had no idea what they were talking about
Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

ive been listening to deepak chopra (who is heard in this clip) heavily in the recent weeks and i've come to firmly believe that there is a higher power (whatever you want to call it) ... that power has, in a sense, allowed us to be where we are and what we are and what we do ... but our thoughts dictate what is ... and our mind is merely a prisoner to our consciousness ... and the act of controlling our consciousness should be the ultimate goal of every human being on earth because once you control your conscious, you have the ability to control what is ...

im just starting to seek awareness ... i thought one of my strongest attributes in life is that i am aware of my surroundings and aware of what i think is ... but my awareness right now is nothing but my perception of reality ... once i become fully aware, i will lose this meaningless perception of what is and truly understand what is and be able to manipulate it ... not for gains in the perceived material world, but rather to understand why i am who i am and where i'm going when i;m no longer here ...

the actual science of the molecules and sub-atomic particles is scary for us in this perceived world ... people do not want to believe that random energy patterns are controlling our perceived lives ...

That sounds like me on Shrooms
Originally Posted by 5am6oody72

I always love these posts where people come in and say things like, "Yea me and my dude had a real deep convo about this last week." Anytime somebody says that, I know for sure that it was probably a REALLY bad conversation between two people who had no idea what they were talking about

nah man Huey P is more enLightened than Drake and Lurking2Long put together
Being in the matrix is a literal term btw as far as these theories and philosophies go. If you comprehend and/or are familiar with Plato's Allegory Of TheCave and The Divided Line then you can see how concepts like these are being repeated in different ways but are dealing with the same topic.

What we may all think to be reality may not be the ultimate true reality/the realm we are currently in and us as individuals are only a lesser/minisculepercentage of our true selfs.
Dynamic, I also wasn't able to comprehend what the guy you quoted posted. And I totally disagree with a lot of Plato's theories. Especially The Cave.He believed truth was not of our world. When in fact it is, the human body just can not see what is going on with the naked eye. I think Aristotle was more onthe right track.
Originally Posted by FrankReynolds420

And I totally disagree with a lot of Plato's theories. Especially The Cave. He believed truth was not of our world. When in fact it is, the human body just can not see what is going on with the naked eye. I think Aristotle was more on the right track.
That's the main problem with "seeing" things. Sight is dependent on light unlike the other senses and how they function. Assumingyour familiar with Plato then I won't go in to what he thought on this issue in regards to his metaphor of the Sun.

The Cave makes perfect sense to me. Things aren't always what you think they are. In the end it is possible for you to be dragged in to a new reality. Theonly problem I ever had with Allegory Of The Cave is that when can one truly know they have found the ultimate reality? The truth. You can live in a basementfor hundreds of years chained to a chair facing a wall and believe that to be your reality, then dragged up stairs chained to the couch watching tv and berevealed another reality eventually accepting it as such, and then be dragged outside to see the sky and the sun, nature, and it goes on and on from there.

I'd just like to know tho how you gonna say it is fact that we can know things in this world and not explain how? I'd personally like to know sincethen we'd be able to find absolutes and then use them to improve our quality of life or are only super beings with intellects far surpassing humans onlycapable of that?

I can understand how some ppl can disagree with his theories especially when it comes to the world of forms that essentially no one can reach in our life timeand connect the two worlds but I don't seehow you can write it off (in regards with you totally disagreeing with him).
Originally Posted by dgk3188

word...everything has a frequency, if you were to come up with some type of crazy energy vision type thing that would let you see how things really are, all you would see is energy moving everywhere and interacting/mixing with one another. so this whole idea of everything being "one" is not too far fetched and hard to grasp when you accept the fact that we can only see so much and that we are limited in our understanding


that "thing" exist.....
You're slowly opening a new door of perception for me about the cave. And the sad thing is Zik, we'll never know the ultimate reality, people like uswill always be on the hunt for the "truth". We will never FIND the truth, only create our own version, if that makes sense. One day I hope I becomesatisfied with my views. But something new is always pressing me. And the reason why I said in fact it is, is because in Plato's day, they were not nearlyas knowledgeable as we are today of the unseen environment.

For example, telescopes and microscopes enable us to gather light from and magnify faint objects. Plato believed "reality was unreachable". I thinkhe became very confused with perception, thus creating that idea. We have a greater knowledge of the "unseen", we add that to our perception, i'mnot so sure that clarifies anything. I just do believe reality is reachable. He believed our bodies restrained us, which is in a sense true, but our bodiesalso sustain us. No one knows what happens after death, maybe he will prove to be correct in thinking what's really real is outside our body. But while weexist in human form, reality is reachable, it's just not the reality we are all hoping for.
In a way we are but then again we are not. We live in a world in which we are told how to behave and expected to follow rules without questioning. We areexploited to materialistic things that make us lose perception of what really is going on.
Kicktionair, Zik, who ever else is interested. I don't know if you guys smoke or anything, but if you do roll one up and read this. If you don't, toeach his own, read it anyway. You ever reach like stage 5 while tripping, that very god like feeling, where you almost feel your place in this world? The"cosmic consciousness"? You feel miniscule, you know you are one out of 6 billion whatever people, but you still hold so much power. Check this outit's called "Psychedelics and the Religious Experience" by Alan Watts. It's a little long, but fo sho worth the read.
and I will read

I get where you're coming from with where we are now and where he was when he came up with his theories. I aint trying to make it seem like I'm sayinghe's right either(since that would defeat the whole purpose of what he theorized anyway) just that it can still be brought up as a valid point andsomething to consider. We're all just judging and attempting to analyze these theories from our own experiences so it's logical we might lean to onetrain of thought and not fully acknowledge opposing ones. It's just sometimes the very thing that was so unlikely to all of us, the hard pill to swallow soto speak may be the key.

And yea the "hunt" is a long one.
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Originally Posted by LilStarZ07

ive been listening to deepak chopra (who is heard in this clip) heavily in the recent weeks and i've come to firmly believe that there is a higher power (whatever you want to call it) ... that power has, in a sense, allowed us to be where we are and what we are and what we do ... but our thoughts dictate what is ... and our mind is merely a prisoner to our consciousness ... and the act of controlling our consciousness should be the ultimate goal of every human being on earth because once you control your conscious, you have the ability to control what is ...

im just starting to seek awareness ... i thought one of my strongest attributes in life is that i am aware of my surroundings and aware of what i think is ... but my awareness right now is nothing but my perception of reality ... once i become fully aware, i will lose this meaningless perception of what is and truly understand what is and be able to manipulate it ... not for gains in the perceived material world, but rather to understand why i am who i am and where i'm going when i;m no longer here ...

the actual science of the molecules and sub-atomic particles is scary for us in this perceived world ... people do not want to believe that random energy patterns are controlling our perceived lives ...

That sounds like me on Shrooms

i dont have the mental capacity to touch on everything i want to touch on, but i want to address this statement specifically ...

mind altering drugs have been used as far back as we as a species can recall ... whether its the egyptians with the lotus flower or modern medicine today, weseem to rely on "transforming" our train of thought to mask the perceived reality we experience ... in doing so, we create an alternate perception ofwhat we think is ... but the majority of our species has no firm grasp on what really is ... we are simply bouncing back and forth from our normal perceptionsto our drug induced perceptions ... neither is any closer to the truth than the other, however we seem to often choose to alter our normal perceptions in orderto remove ourselves from our current state of mind ... in actuality, we have the power to achieve any state of mind we want in the absence of external forces... but its easier to forget, or as i like to say "focus less" on something when we induce it rather than think it ... its this idea of"focusing less" that i am currently experimenting with ... i dont want to take my vaporizer out anymore after a bad day of work, but rather i want toremove my mind from the situation naturally ... not forget about the situation, but recognize that i had a bad day while at the same time realizing there aregood days ... not in the future, but in the present ... my ultimate goal is to know the existence of opposition as it happens and choose the appropriateoutcome on my terms ...

so when you say something like "sounds like me on shrooms" you are exactly right ... because shrooms allow you to "focus less" on whateveryour normal perception is ... drug addicts ultimately get high to escape their normal perception of reality ... recreational drug users get high to escapetheir normal perception of reality ... and while under the influence of drugs, its sometimes easier to "focus less" and in turn you ultimately knowmore about what is ... but many of us dont know that ... we are getting high to get high because it makes us "feel better" ... smh at myself

theres so many thoughts going through my head , i really cant get them out ... there is a higher power ... it manifests itself in each and every one of us ...and i need to know what that power is ...
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