Anyone trying to become a doctor

wat about a cross between sports and medicine, that would be something i would be interested in...if anything
wat about a cross between sports and medicine, that would be something i would be interested in...if anything
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

utvol - lol saw those vids before... hilarious because our program has a couple attendings that instead of using clinical knowlege/skill will just irradiate the crap out of anyone that comes thru the doors.

anton - youre a 4th year right? what are you going into?

nah second, start third year in July
. Got a while to go, and boards lurking.
 good luck to yall in the match and congrats for making it this far. It's no easy task you should be proud.

Right now im leaning toward rads, or a surgical subspecialty. i'm honestly open to pretty much anything but the primary care specialties.
i'm the 4th year lol
anton seems like you've changed your mind every time one of these posts pops up...i was the same way lol

 I guess I'm gonna have to approach the clerkships with an open mind. We're done some clinical stuff this year and I've already eliminated OB/GYN. I don't hate it, its interesting and I will probably tolerate/enjoy the rotation but I just couldn't see myself doing it as a career. Same goes for peds, I love kids and will enjoy the rotations but I just can't do it for various reasons.
Primary care in general is not my cup of tea but we'll see have to wait and see.
Originally Posted by TypeRPinoY

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

Originally Posted by Three00ZeeX

utvol - lol saw those vids before... hilarious because our program has a couple attendings that instead of using clinical knowlege/skill will just irradiate the crap out of anyone that comes thru the doors.

anton - youre a 4th year right? what are you going into?

nah second, start third year in July
. Got a while to go, and boards lurking.
 good luck to yall in the match and congrats for making it this far. It's no easy task you should be proud.

Right now im leaning toward rads, or a surgical subspecialty. i'm honestly open to pretty much anything but the primary care specialties.
i'm the 4th year lol
anton seems like you've changed your mind every time one of these posts pops up...i was the same way lol

 I guess I'm gonna have to approach the clerkships with an open mind. We're done some clinical stuff this year and I've already eliminated OB/GYN. I don't hate it, its interesting and I will probably tolerate/enjoy the rotation but I just couldn't see myself doing it as a career. Same goes for peds, I love kids and will enjoy the rotations but I just can't do it for various reasons.
Primary care in general is not my cup of tea but we'll see have to wait and see.
Nikekidwonder wrote:
This is what am saying people talk that BS about "money don't make you happy" 
It definitely does and can make you happy but it depends on what you do for the money and how much your making 

If your making enough to money buy the things you need/like and live comfortably you will be happier than compared to 

If your not making enough to buy the things you need/like and live comfortably 

rashi wrote:
I know plenty of Docs making upper 6 figs and some in the 7 figs and are absolutely miserable.

Actually, I was making a vague allusion to the relative ability of money to make you happy.  I'm not a happier person because my financial picture is better, but I am happier because I don't have to worry about many things that I used to.  

In my experience, the only people I hear tossing off the old "money can't buy happiness" are people who have given up on something or settled and are saying it to justify their relative position or those who are staring down the barrel of death and grappling with an existential crisis (word to Kierkegaard). 

Nikekidwonder wrote:
This is what am saying people talk that BS about "money don't make you happy" 
It definitely does and can make you happy but it depends on what you do for the money and how much your making 

If your making enough to money buy the things you need/like and live comfortably you will be happier than compared to 

If your not making enough to buy the things you need/like and live comfortably 

rashi wrote:
I know plenty of Docs making upper 6 figs and some in the 7 figs and are absolutely miserable.

Actually, I was making a vague allusion to the relative ability of money to make you happy.  I'm not a happier person because my financial picture is better, but I am happier because I don't have to worry about many things that I used to.  

In my experience, the only people I hear tossing off the old "money can't buy happiness" are people who have given up on something or settled and are saying it to justify their relative position or those who are staring down the barrel of death and grappling with an existential crisis (word to Kierkegaard). 

Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Boilermaker X wrote:

keepzdasneakz wrote:
Money ain't gonna guarantee you happiness. Real talk, who knows if you're even cut out to be a doctor...they go through a whole bunch of !#+@. Go do pre-med and let us know how that works out. I was pretty much on track to do physical therapy but the unhappiness and lack of interest I have in the classes is not enough to keep me in this field...boutta do something else soon.
While I personally agree with this, saying so makes you sound like you failed at some life choices.  The only people who talk about how unrewarding money is are people without any and those preparing to die.  

(Trust me.  I've been poor like few people know and I've  I'll take unhappy in a safe home in a nice neighborhood any day.)

This is what am saying people talk that BS about "money don't make you happy" 
It definitely does and can make you happy but it depends on what you do for the money and how much your making 

If your making enough to money buy the things you need/like and live comfortably you will be happier than compared to 

If your not making enough to buy the things you need/like and live comfortably 

I know plenty of Docs making upper 6 figs and some in the 7 figs and are absolutely miserable.

am sure their not as miserable as the people with no homes to live in
Are people who don't know were their next meal going to come from 

Are people who dream of living in a house that is forced to live in small apartments with bad living conditions 

Am not saying you have to make 6 figures or more to be happy am saying  you need to make enough to be comfortable 

And people who are comfortable are a lot happier than people who are not
Originally Posted by rashi

Originally Posted by Nikekidwonder

Boilermaker X wrote:

keepzdasneakz wrote:
Money ain't gonna guarantee you happiness. Real talk, who knows if you're even cut out to be a doctor...they go through a whole bunch of !#+@. Go do pre-med and let us know how that works out. I was pretty much on track to do physical therapy but the unhappiness and lack of interest I have in the classes is not enough to keep me in this field...boutta do something else soon.
While I personally agree with this, saying so makes you sound like you failed at some life choices.  The only people who talk about how unrewarding money is are people without any and those preparing to die.  

(Trust me.  I've been poor like few people know and I've  I'll take unhappy in a safe home in a nice neighborhood any day.)

This is what am saying people talk that BS about "money don't make you happy" 
It definitely does and can make you happy but it depends on what you do for the money and how much your making 

If your making enough to money buy the things you need/like and live comfortably you will be happier than compared to 

If your not making enough to buy the things you need/like and live comfortably 

I know plenty of Docs making upper 6 figs and some in the 7 figs and are absolutely miserable.

am sure their not as miserable as the people with no homes to live in
Are people who don't know were their next meal going to come from 

Are people who dream of living in a house that is forced to live in small apartments with bad living conditions 

Am not saying you have to make 6 figures or more to be happy am saying  you need to make enough to be comfortable 

And people who are comfortable are a lot happier than people who are not
I think people's idea of what a doctor is can be a bit distorted. You can make money as a doctor, but people think that you automatically make a whole lot of money. What people also fail to realize is that once you start practicing, you also have to pay for malpractice insurance. You make money as an MD, but you also pay a lot. After realizing the actual journey of what it takes to become an MD, I decided against it. I love medical science, but the stress level med students go through is too much. I personally think it's why you have so many MD's that aren't the friendliest around. You can find a balance, but I really think you have to love it. Our medical system is just so screwed up tho. But that is a topic for another day.....
I think people's idea of what a doctor is can be a bit distorted. You can make money as a doctor, but people think that you automatically make a whole lot of money. What people also fail to realize is that once you start practicing, you also have to pay for malpractice insurance. You make money as an MD, but you also pay a lot. After realizing the actual journey of what it takes to become an MD, I decided against it. I love medical science, but the stress level med students go through is too much. I personally think it's why you have so many MD's that aren't the friendliest around. You can find a balance, but I really think you have to love it. Our medical system is just so screwed up tho. But that is a topic for another day.....
rather be rich and Unhappy, then broke and Unhappy.....
but if you lyin and you tryin to prove that your sayin the Troof.. .. all u gota say is   " ill suck a ****"  and your off the hook
rather be rich and Unhappy, then broke and Unhappy.....
but if you lyin and you tryin to prove that your sayin the Troof.. .. all u gota say is   " ill suck a ****"  and your off the hook
IM just glad so many of us have already made it and obtained an MD and in all diff specialties, with many more on our heels. We could start our own group of all specialites (NT Medicine) Im the radiologist so I can read all the films, we got our ER doc in Three00z, we have cardiologist/peds in hodog. So we need a surgeon, ob/gyn <---anton thats all you, an internal med doc and we can build from there. Talk about the illegality of self referral.
IM just glad so many of us have already made it and obtained an MD and in all diff specialties, with many more on our heels. We could start our own group of all specialites (NT Medicine) Im the radiologist so I can read all the films, we got our ER doc in Three00z, we have cardiologist/peds in hodog. So we need a surgeon, ob/gyn <---anton thats all you, an internal med doc and we can build from there. Talk about the illegality of self referral.
Originally Posted by Boilermaker X

newmoanyuh wrote:
Thinking about becoming a neurosurgeon, but I know I won't be winning 'til I'm in my 30's at the earliest, with no time off anywhere in between
.  I think I'm going to wait until after I'm done with my BA to decide if I'm going to med. school... If not, I'll still have my other major/alternate life-plan.
BA to neurosurgeon?  Interesting choice. 

Yeah, most people look at me crazy when they find I'm a Chinese major and I want to become a neurosurgeon
but it makes complete sense to me:
My career choices aren't limited
I'm set apart from the other med. school applicants
and I have more options abroad.
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