Anybody still/plan to spank their kids?

My kids will be spanked. There is absolutely no question about that. Nothing wrong with it.
My kids will be spanked. There is absolutely no question about that. Nothing wrong with it.

@ the author comparing spanking to riding around in a car with no seat belts. !+++
I don't know if I will or not, but I know that time outs and stuff like that didn't work at my house. We thought if that's all ill get for doing something bad. Ill eat that time, but none of us wanted that a#$ whoppin. I wasn't afraid of my mother it was the a@# whoppin that I was afraid of. Before my mom would spank me she would tell me why she was doing it. I think explaining helps when giving out the whoppin that way when the child goes to do that or anything bad again they will think twice.
I don't know if I will or not, but I know that time outs and stuff like that didn't work at my house. We thought if that's all ill get for doing something bad. Ill eat that time, but none of us wanted that a#$ whoppin. I wasn't afraid of my mother it was the a@# whoppin that I was afraid of. Before my mom would spank me she would tell me why she was doing it. I think explaining helps when giving out the whoppin that way when the child goes to do that or anything bad again they will think twice.
Spanking is a last resort type of thing. It means the parent has not being doing his/her job and the let the kid  grow up a dumb @*$. 
Spanking is a last resort type of thing. It means the parent has not being doing his/her job and the let the kid  grow up a dumb @*$. 
Originally Posted by ALDY


In my opinion..

Spanking/Hitting leads to children thinking that it's alright to Hit or Abuse others..

I'd rather show discipline by taking the "important" things away from the Child.

Which gets them to straighten out.. 

(Works for my little cousins all the time, they use to throw fits.. but they eventually learned that it would just make matters worse. Now when their parents threaten to take stuff away they automatically shut up & stop.

When I was younger my parents would punish me from cursing by having me take a Table Spoon Full of Tabasco..
Lesson learned at the time..

Fast forward to now.. I love Spicy Food & Tabasco.

Sounds like the most logical and least aggressive option so far

+1 repped
Originally Posted by ALDY


In my opinion..

Spanking/Hitting leads to children thinking that it's alright to Hit or Abuse others..

I'd rather show discipline by taking the "important" things away from the Child.

Which gets them to straighten out.. 

(Works for my little cousins all the time, they use to throw fits.. but they eventually learned that it would just make matters worse. Now when their parents threaten to take stuff away they automatically shut up & stop.

When I was younger my parents would punish me from cursing by having me take a Table Spoon Full of Tabasco..
Lesson learned at the time..

Fast forward to now.. I love Spicy Food & Tabasco.

Sounds like the most logical and least aggressive option so far

+1 repped
OK so if a 2 year old is having a temper tantrum in a restaurant and just cries louder if you scold them... exactly what is it that they tell you to do on how to handle this? My JO's child did this the other night and she took her to the bathroom and spanked the crap our of her. 10 minutes later, they came out and the baby behaved. So tell me again how spanking and fear doesn't work?
OK so if a 2 year old is having a temper tantrum in a restaurant and just cries louder if you scold them... exactly what is it that they tell you to do on how to handle this? My JO's child did this the other night and she took her to the bathroom and spanked the crap our of her. 10 minutes later, they came out and the baby behaved. So tell me again how spanking and fear doesn't work?
Originally Posted by knightngale

Spanking is a last resort type of thing. It means the parent has not being doing his/her job and the let the kid  grow up a dumb @*$. 

Agreed, I think if the parent can't appeal to the child's logic and verbally teach them from right and wrong, then physical punishment is failure on their part and teaches them nothing.  It's a last ditch effort, and convenient.

Like pets in general, they only learn that they don't want to get hit.  Sure, it's a temporary fix, but the child gains nothing from it, except for maybe greater contempt for their parent.
Originally Posted by knightngale

Spanking is a last resort type of thing. It means the parent has not being doing his/her job and the let the kid  grow up a dumb @*$. 

Agreed, I think if the parent can't appeal to the child's logic and verbally teach them from right and wrong, then physical punishment is failure on their part and teaches them nothing.  It's a last ditch effort, and convenient.

Like pets in general, they only learn that they don't want to get hit.  Sure, it's a temporary fix, but the child gains nothing from it, except for maybe greater contempt for their parent.
I would never physically hurt a child. There are other ways of punishment.
I would never physically hurt a child. There are other ways of punishment.
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by ALDY


In my opinion..

Spanking/Hitting leads to children thinking that it's alright to Hit or Abuse others..

I'd rather show discipline by taking the "important" things away from the Child.

Which gets them to straighten out.. 

(Works for my little cousins all the time, they use to throw fits.. but they eventually learned that it would just make matters worse. Now when their parents threaten to take stuff away they automatically shut up & stop.

When I was younger my parents would punish me from cursing by having me take a Table Spoon Full of Tabasco..
Lesson learned at the time..

Fast forward to now.. I love Spicy Food & Tabasco.

Sounds like the most logical and least aggressive option so far

+1 repped
I dont agree with the "take import things away" because as a kid if you have that many important things, your a spoiled little brat, that thing your parents did to you with the cursing/tabasco thing is
Originally Posted by kiendienn

Originally Posted by ALDY


In my opinion..

Spanking/Hitting leads to children thinking that it's alright to Hit or Abuse others..

I'd rather show discipline by taking the "important" things away from the Child.

Which gets them to straighten out.. 

(Works for my little cousins all the time, they use to throw fits.. but they eventually learned that it would just make matters worse. Now when their parents threaten to take stuff away they automatically shut up & stop.

When I was younger my parents would punish me from cursing by having me take a Table Spoon Full of Tabasco..
Lesson learned at the time..

Fast forward to now.. I love Spicy Food & Tabasco.

Sounds like the most logical and least aggressive option so far

+1 repped
I dont agree with the "take import things away" because as a kid if you have that many important things, your a spoiled little brat, that thing your parents did to you with the cursing/tabasco thing is
as evidenced by past threads about this, you will run the gamut with people's answers. some will be very passionate both ways.
I'm 35 with 2 kids (boys, 8 & 3). I've slapped their hands when they touched something they shouldn't have. I've spanked their butts when they won't listen.

Have I spanked them hard enough to leave a bruise? not at all.

Would I ever use a belt on one of my children? hell no, and shame on you who say you will...

At this point, do I just give them "the look" and they shape up? You bet your ***...

I can count on both hands the number of times I've had to spank both of my boys.

There's a difference between spanking your child and beating your child. using a belt or any other object counts as beating your child.

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