Anybody still/plan to spank their kids?

Originally Posted by jmadidas2001

Oh, the irony...

Did any of you ACTUALLY read anything written here?  People that devote their ENTIRE lives to childhood development have concluded that spanking children does ZERO good for the child in the long run...all it does is get them to fear their parents in the moment and actually does harm the the long-term...

Anyone with the attitude that it is ever OK to lay a hand on a child, or an adult for that manner needs to grow up...this research is not based on opinion, but data collected over years and more than just this one researchers claims...

Ever wonder why the United States, as the leader of the free world, is still one of the most violent countries on earth?  Ever stop to think that maybe that is because we promote violence as a means to take care of our problems and we teach our children that being physical at an early age it is OK?  Break the Cycle...seriously...this sort of thinking needs to stop and it should start with our generation...

I appreciate you reading more than just the title.

REDUCE523 wrote:
I spank my kids and will continue doing so. I dont hit them often. But they know the threat is there. People might be against it but you know what if you want to pay the bills, feed my kids, pick them up from school, pay for there private school then you can tell me how to raise them. There is no right way to raise your kids me and my wife came out alright and we got our @%$$* whooped so I will go with it. I see the generation that has grown up with no spanking, and I dont want my kid to be like that.
be like what exactly?
I got hit, my mom got hit, and her parents got hit, don't see a reason to stop the cycle now since we all turned out great. With my mom, she wouldn't just spank me and then instill the fear of God in to me, she would explain why it would come to this and showed that everytime she spanked me, it hurt her emotionally and there was a couple times I remember hearing my mom cry in her room after spanking me or my sister. That helped me grow up and realize that behaving well wasn't only for me but for my family too. I don't have any kids but I don't see how somebody says they could logically reason with a 3 year old to help them understand what they are doing is wrong. Also somebody saying that the U.S. leads the world in violence might have to do with spanking their kids?, can't be serious, there are so many other factors that go into the U.S. being a violent country and we don't lead the world in violence, we just have a large jail population due to some idiotic laws.
I got hit, my mom got hit, and her parents got hit, don't see a reason to stop the cycle now since we all turned out great. With my mom, she wouldn't just spank me and then instill the fear of God in to me, she would explain why it would come to this and showed that everytime she spanked me, it hurt her emotionally and there was a couple times I remember hearing my mom cry in her room after spanking me or my sister. That helped me grow up and realize that behaving well wasn't only for me but for my family too. I don't have any kids but I don't see how somebody says they could logically reason with a 3 year old to help them understand what they are doing is wrong. Also somebody saying that the U.S. leads the world in violence might have to do with spanking their kids?, can't be serious, there are so many other factors that go into the U.S. being a violent country and we don't lead the world in violence, we just have a large jail population due to some idiotic laws.
Originally Posted by PUSHA C

soooooooo is spanking a black/minority thing?
I doubt it. My boy is Irish and some of the beatdowns he got were tremendous.

You could hear him screaming from down the block
Originally Posted by PUSHA C

soooooooo is spanking a black/minority thing?
I doubt it. My boy is Irish and some of the beatdowns he got were tremendous.

You could hear him screaming from down the block
You don't spank your kid because they sneaked an extra cookie before dinner. You spank them if they do something that is worth spanking. ex: Causing property damage, Physical damage to someone else, etc.

I feel that your child has to someone fearful (yet still respectful) of their parents, because they feel they could walk right over them if they don't.
You don't spank your kid because they sneaked an extra cookie before dinner. You spank them if they do something that is worth spanking. ex: Causing property damage, Physical damage to someone else, etc.

I feel that your child has to someone fearful (yet still respectful) of their parents, because they feel they could walk right over them if they don't.
i learned more from getting things taken away/grounded as opposed to getting grounded
spankings didn't really work for me i got used to them too so after a while i would just be standing there like when is this gonna be over
to in return do whatever it was to get in trouble for again

so if i ever ended up having kids i don't know what i would do
i learned more from getting things taken away/grounded as opposed to getting grounded
spankings didn't really work for me i got used to them too so after a while i would just be standing there like when is this gonna be over
to in return do whatever it was to get in trouble for again

so if i ever ended up having kids i don't know what i would do
if spanking and physical violent is as effective as many of you say, then anyone care to explain this?

i think the attempted choke/submission holds go further than regular spanking

your kids are going to grow out of the spanking stage and eventually out of the chokeholds and higher degree of violence, and all you'll have left is the result of your bad parenting [your daughter drinking at school and then gettin trucked by a cop in public followed by taken away in handcuffs, and you're out there lookin like another failed parent]
Good parenting outweighs violence, any day.
if spanking and physical violent is as effective as many of you say, then anyone care to explain this?

i think the attempted choke/submission holds go further than regular spanking

your kids are going to grow out of the spanking stage and eventually out of the chokeholds and higher degree of violence, and all you'll have left is the result of your bad parenting [your daughter drinking at school and then gettin trucked by a cop in public followed by taken away in handcuffs, and you're out there lookin like another failed parent]
Good parenting outweighs violence, any day.
Without a doubt. I have seen too many parents who just talk sternly to their kids. They threaten, and threaten and threaten. Take away stuff they think the kids care about. Doesn't work. There are times when it is appropriate to spank.
Without a doubt. I have seen too many parents who just talk sternly to their kids. They threaten, and threaten and threaten. Take away stuff they think the kids care about. Doesn't work. There are times when it is appropriate to spank.
I plan to, i was spanked as a kid and turned out fine. My sister and my brother in law are raising a three year old and there going with the no hitting approach. I can see it failing cause little man throws tantrums all the time. Whenever i started to throw a tantrum as a kid my mom or dad would check me real quick. I finally learned to not throw any tantrums knowing whats coming my way, i turned out fine. Not like they beat the hell out of me, usually a hit on the ##! and it was enough for me to know i better stop. 
I plan to, i was spanked as a kid and turned out fine. My sister and my brother in law are raising a three year old and there going with the no hitting approach. I can see it failing cause little man throws tantrums all the time. Whenever i started to throw a tantrum as a kid my mom or dad would check me real quick. I finally learned to not throw any tantrums knowing whats coming my way, i turned out fine. Not like they beat the hell out of me, usually a hit on the ##! and it was enough for me to know i better stop. 
i'm not gonna spank them, but i will discipline them tho. hitting children isn't going to accomplish anything now-a-days.
i'm not gonna spank them, but i will discipline them tho. hitting children isn't going to accomplish anything now-a-days.
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