and we're done

If the NBA were as rigged as some say, why would they keep down one of the most popular franchises in the biggest city in the country?

Because a ref has never been sent to federal prison for betting on games? You truly think he was a rogue ref? Stern just doesn't clean up. Or they are just terrible all time awful at their job. Neither one is that good

I wanna know why Woodson didn't mention it once

You seem to miss the point... say the refs do in fact take direction from Stern. Why on EARTH would the league be better by keeping one of the most popular franchises AWAY from success. Don't you think ratings would be great if the Knicks made a deep playoff run? It would make zero sense from a financial standpoint to have the Knicks lose in the opening or second round when a potential Miami matchup is looming.

The likely answer? Reffing basketball is a hard job. Bang-bang plays, vague definition and interpretation of rules, and weak direction from the league office. So it's a hard job followed up by some terrible refs, those who aren't as objective as they should be, who think the game is about them, etc. Those two things alone will be responsible for a ton of issues and complaints. The whole ref and Stern conspiracy is like any conspiracy.. it only applies when it makes sense. The Heat get the benefit of the refs? CONSPIRACY. One of the most popular franchises in the NYK get screwed by the refs? CONSPIRACY... because they have it out for NY? :rofl: Stern is motivated by money, yet he likes to stick it to the Knicks for laughs? I don't buy that.
Gotta go to sleep until amare and Tyson off the books. At least we get to watch shumpert develop before we trade him for a broken down ex star in 2 years. I'm thinking shump and a first round pick for Tim Duncan.
ironically, as Knicks fans, some of yall kept saying that "the Knicks made 'this or that' mistake, so theyll learn not to do it again" but yall didnt realize that this team doesnt learn from mistakes. with the vets or not. :lol: dont know why, but they dont

as far as a roster change up can go, i would like to see us push for Nate Rob (once a Knick, always a Knick right :lol:) Metta World Peace, Deshawn Stevenson, and somehow get Josh Smith (would be a perfect fit for small ball IMO, and can switch with Melo at the 3-4 on defense)

but ideally seek out more 2 way players. 2 way players >>>> specialists.

as for current players, keep Amare (our only post presence, efficient) get JKidd back (play him LIMITED minutes) get Priggy back (replaces Kidds minutes) JR comes back (he missed a ton of shots this postseason, but he's the 6th Man of the Year. and there isnt anyone that can score like that and would want to play in NY)

Dwight in NY? did you watch him in the playoffs? Tyson > Dwight. yes, Tyson was useless vs Indiana. look at what he does, ONLY player setting screens on offense (meaning he runs to whoever has the ball when it gets swung back and forth) and the ONLY player in thr post playing defense. plus his energy ON the court when he gets lobs, tipback rebounds, dunks etc is irreplaceable.

but yea, i want to see the front office make moves for mor 2 way players. thats all
If the NBA were as rigged as some say, why would they keep down one of the most popular franchises in the biggest city in the country?

Because a ref has never been sent to federal prison for betting on games? You truly think he was a rogue ref? Stern just doesn't clean up. Or they are just terrible all time awful at their job. Neither one is that good

I wanna know why Woodson didn't mention it once

You seem to miss the point... say the refs do in fact take direction from Stern. Why on EARTH would the league be better by keeping one of the most popular franchises AWAY from success. Don't you think ratings would be great if the Knicks made a deep playoff run? It would make zero sense from a financial standpoint to have the Knicks lose in the opening or second round when a potential Miami matchup is looming.

The likely answer? Reffing basketball is a hard job. Bang-bang plays, vague definition and interpretation of rules, and weak direction from the league office. So it's a hard job followed up by some terrible refs, those who aren't as objective as they should be, who think the game is about them, etc. Those two things alone will be responsible for a ton of issues and complaints. The whole ref and Stern conspiracy is like any conspiracy.. it only applies when it makes sense. The Heat get the benefit of the refs? CONSPIRACY. One of the most popular franchises in the NYK get screwed by the refs? CONSPIRACY... because they have it out for NY? :rofl: Stern is motivated by money, yet he likes to stick it to the Knicks for laughs? I don't buy that.

i use to think like you but from what I've been seeing these past few years...I have to disagree with you Big J.

and i'm not talking about knick games but nba games in general.
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What I was saying is that it may have nothing to do with stern, the refs can just make bets and do as they please. we have seen it. Stern swept it under the rug. But it happened and I highly doubt it was one rogue ref

Is it more likely that they are just terrible at their job? Yes. But I've seen a high profile ref get busted and I saw the leagues reaction was not to investigate anyone else. so I don't rule anything out. Hockey is much more fast paced and even have penalties for flopping. Baseball most important part is the most subjective area in sports (strike zone). Its just out of control specifically in the NBA.

Being terrible and not fixing it is a little better than corrupt refs. But it's not something to be proud of. U prob aren't gonna overcome a 28 FT disparity. And key calls going against you in the final 2 minutes. But we almost did.

Blame goes


I just wanna see how they are officiated againt Miami. Because I think We will see a huge difference.

As for the why not make the Knicks win? The Knicks don't need to win. They will sell out regardless. Sell merchandise and corporate boxes regardless. They don't need nba help to be profitable

Both key franchises have worse turn out during down years in the lakers and celts
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What I was saying is that it may have nothing to do with stern, the refs can just make bets and do as they please. we have seen it. Stern swept it under the rug. But it happened and I highly doubt it was one rogue ref

Is it more likely that they are just terrible at their job? Yes. But I've seen a high profile ref get busted and I saw the leagues reaction was not to investigate anyone else. so I don't rule anything out. Hockey is much more fast paced and even have penalties for flopping. Baseball most important part is the most subjective area in sports (strike zone). Its just out of control specifically in the NBA.

Being terrible and not fixing it is a little better than corrupt refs. But it's not something to be proud of. U prob aren't gonna overcome a 28 FT disparity. And key calls going against you in the final 2 minutes. But we almost did.

Blame goes


I just wanna see how they are officiated againt Miami. Because I think We will see a huge difference.

Hibbert will foul out, get hit with flagrants, etc...those noncalls that he had in the series in NY will be calls in the series against I wouldnt be surprised
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Jesus...stop with the conspiracy talk and bad refs talk. Knicks were outhustled the loose balls and offensive rebounds the entire first half, and Woodson's awful 4th quarter rotations with bad turnovers led to the loss. They had the lead and messed it up themselves.

Always ref this ref that in this thread...yes the last two calls were bad but knicks were already losing at that point.
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I dig some 2 way players, right now as constructed, Shump is the closest 2 way player we have. Also, the youngest, he showed flashes so I'm confident in him. Now, Dwight can't hack it in LA, why would anyone even think for a second he'd make it in the Big Apple? He's soft and he cries too damb much. Also, at least Tyson makes free throws, Dwight would be a liability to have on the court in crunch time, ala Hack a Shaq, except Hack a Howard. Metta would be as significant as J Kidd now, it would hurt more than help. How come no one brought up Stephen Jackson, he'd be a good fit. We don't have an enforcer in our starting 5, we need a goon in the starting 5 and off the bench. I don't think we have the resources for CP3, plus why would he want to come here, so he could be the only one of the team with the cut throat and killer instinct. That was one of our problems, we'd get a lead and try to protect it, when we should have been going for the jugular. We're a nice team. And we cry too damb much. STAT isn't going anywhere, we owe him like a jillion dollars, no one is taking that contract, so with that said, he should be in Houston right now back in the lab with Hakeem. He was rusty, but he seemed more physical down low, wasn't as passive, but he needs more run and touches in the paint and around the basket, I hope K Mart comes back and we can afford to keep Cope. A.Vandelay.
Let's take a step back and really look at this season. Overall, this is a success and a step in the right direction. Granted I think we should have beaten Indiana, we were simply outworked by a hungrier TEAM. Indiana got almost every single 50/50 ball, and the amount of 2nd and 3rd chance opportunities they got made me want to throw up.

Moving forward, we need to get younger from top to bottom. We know we have the superstar which is required in Melo. He played his tail off last night and I was saying the whole game he needed to drop 50 for us to win, which was just about true. Tyson came up so small versus Hibbert which I was surprised about, but he isn't a spring chicken anymore and was banged up going into the playoff run.

Iman has established himself as a great up and coming role player from the Boston series and from last night. That knee will always be a question, but his energy and defense is truly amazing.

J.R. is what he is, a crazy talented guy with a few screws loose. I can't even be mad at him, because we should expect it from him. We cannot pay him the money he will get, and his void will be a big one to fill considering how well he carried the offense when Melo was off the court or just not playing well.

This is a building block for a team who has not had much of anything in the last 15 years so let's put it in perspective and be optimistic.

And regarding Woody, I'm not the biggest fan of his, but the team plays for him so can't really hate too hard.
Fouls dont only affect score but also pt and how a player plays. Dudes were too afraid to give their all on D due to foul trouble.

But Jr could have drove in more.

Man everybody needs to get off tyson, dude is hurt, woodson should of at least tried amare. maybe play both tyson and martin and move mello to the 3. Tyson also plays off passion. Refs, again, turned that **** to a snore fest.

Only exciting, legit moment in the game was shumparts 3s and mellos hot streak.

**** stephenson.
man jr isn't even that talented, dude's a chucker that could get hot and go on a tear.
please no metta world peace son is washed up and just no. no. no.
Jesus...stop with the conspiracy talk and bad refs talk. Knicks were outhustled the loose balls and offensive rebounds the entire first half, and Woodson's awful 4th quarter rotations with bad turnovers led to the loss. They had the lead and messed it up themselves.

Always ref this ref that in this thread...yes the last two calls were bad but knicks were already losing at that point.

***** cheap bruh. idk if you ever been cheated but **** can be emotionally draining takes a lot of head control and inner strength to turn around a situation like that. especially that late in the game and with the opposing team tugging and pushing all game long.

Players prolly dont wanna say **** so they don't sound like ******* or they are used to it.

Whatever tho. If i was a pacers fan id be happy, but im not. so **** that.
I stopped reading when you wrote "this is a success"

It was ecf or bust. The team was built for now, not for next year.

As much as it pains me to say it, nobody was beating the Heat this year. That team is too stacked.

Some people had too lofty of expectations for such an old team. And a team whose main success on offense is hitting threes. That is the least reliable offense you can really count on. Live by the three, die by the three.

Trying to look at this with a glass half full mentality. Otherwise, I'd be miserable.
I did say ECF or bust... Never said NBA finals

Losing in the semi finals is disappointing
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and whoever made the poll NEEDS to put Raymond Felton in there.

i thought he was going to continue his good play from Boston into the Indiana series. he did play good in games 1 and 2. but during that long break from games 2 to 3, i think he went into an eating binge. dude wasnt the same and for no reason.

my hate for Felton was at an all time high last night. dude single handedly killed our momentum. im going to break it down.

during the Melo/Shump run in the 3rd (after a foul on Hibbert from KMart, and after a timeout) Felton turns it over by dribbling the ball off his fat, at half court, trying to get over a screen. then smiles bc he thinks the refs missed a foul on Hill pushing him... like why the heck are you smiling dude? you just made an unforced turnover in the middle of the court! everyone saw you!

then the play right after that, David West sets a screen for Hill, KMart wasnt looking to switch, but Felton told him to. like he could guard West. that mismatch lead to 2 FTs bc Felton fouled him.

and Lance had a career night bc Felton didnt pick him up on defense. Felton only had to bring up the ball, and guard one person. he couldnt even do that.

any one notice that he was the ONLY player doubling the post?! why? on the 4 point play by Paul George, why was Melo late helping? bc Felton made an unnecessary double, help the helper, and bc Melo is guarding West, he had to run and contest George.

also, Felton makes horrible decisions in passing. on that 3 pt play by KMart in the 2nd half, Felton decided to pass to him instead of JR. lets see, shot clock at 4, should he pass to JR or KMart from 15 feet? granted it worked out, but Felton does this ALL the time. the reason KMart is open is bc the defense wants you to pass to him. hes such an idiot.

i feel like Felton used to be that kid growing up, where his parents say dont touch the electrical outlet. but he licks his fingers and sticks it in the outlet, just for fun. then smiles for no reason.
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