and we're done

why cant we do this trade though
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Honestly I wasn't surprised at how the game was lost. A back to back, against the bulls, missing key players... I wasn't expecting much
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why cant we do this trade? 
Because it wouldn't be fair. We're giving them amare and we're just getting them two? They would need to add a least a 1st round Draft pick from their end. Pshhhhtt amare for just kyrie and verajao . You buggin
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:wow: I can't believe Novak said that :rofl: After a loss with a straight face.


why cant we do this trade?
Because it wouldn't be fair. We're giving them amare and we're just getting them two? They would need to add a least a 1st round Draft pick from their end. Pshhhhtt amare for just kyrie and verajao . You buggin
Yall OD with these trades.

Plus isn't Varajao out for the season? He's glass status just like Amar'e.
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He's joking :lol: son been doing crazy trades since lord knows when

Anyway its just a slump we're in. Injuries and so on got the squad in a lull. We need to learn how to handle physical squads sooner than later. We always make the last 5 min comeback, now these cats need to learn how to play the whole game like that against a team like the Bulls or Celtics :smh:
Nate Robinson ‏@nate_robinson
@stevenovak20 lol at ur comment ... I forgot u invented that move u must play for the packers and ur name is Aaron Rogers #FOH clown
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aaron rogers didn't invent that move either. and nobody was doing it in basketball before novak so it is what it is.
someone tweet that to nate.
lmao @ Novak :lol:

Didn't get to catch the game last night, but nba season is a long marathon there will be good stretches like we had early on and some bad ones, just a matter of regaining that depth we once had and having better PG play.

I'll gladly take a race for the best record in the East over what I had to deal with for a decade any day of the week....not even all star break yet
Well considering that Aaron Rogers made it popular for sports not named wrestling... Nate had a point.

bur I understand the need for silver linings.

sidenote I knew you guys would come back, never fails that we let teams back in the game after we build a huge lead.
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